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Everything posted by shayward2003

  1. can you show me more code...
  2. what do you want the input field to be shown up as... do you want <input type="hidden".... changed to something like <input type="text".... ? Or do you want a non-visible <input type="text".... to become visable?
  3. my first thoughts were that i hated the overly black colors.... right after i thought that i read that i had the ability to change the colors... It was perfectly timed.... I like the simplicity and the color options
  4. I would suggest the w3school one...
  5. Are you wanting to make it search like the new google search (google instant)... so that it instantly searches as you type in your query? What are you going to be searching? (e.g., User names, keywords, etc.)
  6. I was just saying that all the main content pages on all the pages seemed a bit plain... to fix that will be just as you said you will be doing adding a good balance of picture/text/video.. The titles of each page is, in my opinion, plain and hard to see I photoshop a screen shot to show you what i mean and attached it I don't mean to have it look exactly like that at all but do something to separate the title of each page so that a user can easily see what page they are on This can be done easily with CSS and specifically the <h1> of the css code. [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. sorry for the late reply I created a bit of code that makes use of ajax and gets the job done quite nicely put both the files in same directory first file sendmessagephp.php <?php //grabs the text that was entered for all the fields $Name=$_GET['name']; $Email=$_GET['email']; $Phone=$_GET['phone']; $Subject=$_GET['subject']; $Addressline1=$_GET['address1']; $Addressline2=$_GET['address2']; $State=$_GET['state']; $City=$_GET['city']; $Country=$_GET['country']; //function that will see if the field is empty function is_empty($field, $section) { if (empty($field)) { $word=$section.'!'; return $word; } } //function that will see if the field is an email (checks for an @ function is_email($field, $section) { $test=strpos($field, '@'); if($test === false) { $word=$section.'!'; return $word; } } //running the is_empty function and creating an error message if any field is empty $error=$error.is_empty($Name, 'username'); $error=$error.is_empty($Email, 'email'); $error=$error.is_empty($Phone, 'phone'); $error=$error.is_empty($Subject, 'subject'); $error=$error.is_empty($Addressline1, 'addressline1'); $error=$error.is_empty($Addressline2, 'addressline2'); $error=$error.is_empty($State, 'state'); $error=$error.is_empty($City, 'city'); $error=$error.is_empty($Country, 'country'); //running the is_email function and adding to the error message $error=$error.is_email($Email, 'email'); //if theres an error msg it won't send the email if (!empty($error)) { die($error); } else { // no errors so message is created then sent $Message= "Form Message \n\n Name: $Name\n Email: $Email\n Phone: $Phone\n Address line1: $Addressline1\n Address line2: $Addressline2\n State: $State\n city: $City\n Country: $Country\n"; //To, Subject, Message, Header mail('[email protected]',"$Subject" ,"$Message",'From: '. $Name .'<' . $Email . '>'); echo'Message Sent'; } ?> html file sendmessage.html <script type="text/javascript"> //ajax function function sendmessage(str) { xmlhttp=GetXmlHttpObject(); if (xmlhttp==null) { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request"); return; } //url to the php script var url="sendmailphp.php"; //creating variables from the input fields name=document.getElementById('username').value; email=document.getElementById('email').value; phone=document.getElementById('phone').value; subject=document.getElementById('subject').value; address1=document.getElementById('addressline1').value; address2=document.getElementById('addressline2').value; state=document.getElementById('state').value; city=document.getElementById('city').value; country=document.getElementById('country').value; //adding the variables to the url url=url+"?name="+name+"&email="+email+"&phone="+phone+"&subject="+subject+"&address1="+address1+"&address2="+address2+"&state="+state+"&city="+city+"&country="+country; //function running the variables from the php xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged; //sending the variables xmlhttp.open("GET",url,true); xmlhttp.send(null); } function stateChanged() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { //turns the background of all invalid fields red emptysections=xmlhttp.responseText; test=emptysections.split('!'); for(var i in test) { if (test[i]!='') { document.getElementById(test[i]).style.background='#FC9090'; } } } } //function needed for ajax function GetXmlHttpObject() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari return new XMLHttpRequest(); } if (window.ActiveXObject) { // code for IE6, IE5 return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } return null; } </script> <table border="0" style="border-collapse:collapse;"> <tr><td>Name:</td><td> <input type="text" id="username" onfocus="this.style.background='';"></td></tr> <tr><td>Email:</td><td> <input type="text" id="email" onfocus="this.style.background='';"></td></tr> <tr><td>Phone: </td><td><input type="text" id="phone" onfocus="this.style.background='';"></td></tr> <tr><td>Subject:</td><td> <input type="text" id="subject" onfocus="this.style.background='';"></td></tr> <tr><td>Address Line 1:</td><td> <input type="text" id="addressline1" onfocus="this.style.background='';"></td></tr> <tr><td>Address Line 2:</td><td> <input type="text" id="addressline2" onfocus="this.style.background='';"></td></tr> <tr><td>State:</td><td> <input type="text" id="state" onfocus="this.style.background='';"></td></tr> <tr><td>City:</td><td> <input type="text" id="city" onfocus="this.style.background='';"></td></tr> <tr><td>Country:</td><td><input type="text" id="country" onfocus="this.style.background='';"></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="submit" value="Send" onclick="sendmessage();" onfocus="this.style.background='';"></td></tr> </table> i added comment sections throughout both scripts to help you understand demo of the code can be seen here http://bit.ly/elJcAY If you have any questions let me know Shawn
  8. Delete
  9. Im liking what I see.... but their is still more:) The blue and reds are a good color combo... I don't think the rounded corners on header and content looks bad feel free to keep... I feel that you have a good color scheme with the exception of the content section... black on white... it seems a bit plain... I agree with colmustard about maybe adding some imagery to help take that plain feeling away and give the content a bit of PIZAH Also doing something a bit more for page titles.... I noticed that its hard to see what page you are on, just a small header, maybe make the header stand out a bit more and maybe even change the color of the current page on the nav bar... Keep up the good work, looking good Shawn
  10. I took a look at your website and my thoughts.... I feel like you are lacking a theme or style, the whole site is just white rounded box with text in it... I would suggest creating at the least a color scheme with a few colors that will help with just the look and also connected the pages together (theme and style wise) Another thing is I would consider changing your drop down menu looks, right now its a weird delayed disappearing when you hover off of one, I would suggest at the least take the delay off, also with what ever your color scheme is the nav menu will be a place to showcase off your color scheme. finally your header is square and your body is rounded which leaves a weird triangle at the meeting point of the two.... Sorry for all the critiques but, im assuming your not wanting people just to blow smoke, these are just my opinions Shawn
  11. can you post the html code for the form..... in order to validate it you will need to use javascript you can either have it check the fields when the submit button is pressed, or on the fly, I prefer on the fly personally it lets the user know as they go ..... it will be easiest to help you though after i see the html for the form fields....
  12. //To, Subject, Message, Header mail('[email protected]',"$subject" ,"$text",'From: '. $name .'<' . $email . '>'); header('location: step3.html') ?> you need to change the message part of the mail() function from $text to $message.... that should do it... and happy new years to you as well...
  13. opps sorry you dont need the quotes around $subject in the mail() function mail('[email protected]',$subject, $message,'From: '. $name .'<' . $email . '>');
  14. add an input field to the form <input type="text" name=="Subject"> then on the receiving side add $subject=$_POST['Subject']; then in the mail() function add it to the subject portion mail('[email protected]','$subject',"$message",'From: '. $name .'<' . $email . '>');
  15. in this code you are only grabbing 3 of the 6 input fields from your form (username, email, inquiry) to get the other ones you need to create the variables $state = $_POST['state']; $country = $_POST['country']; $findus = $_POST['findus']; then i would create a $message variable $message= "Form Message \n\n Name: $name\n Email: $email\n Inquiry: $text\n State: $state\n Country: $country\n How did you find us: $findus\n"; Then for the mail() mail('[email protected]','basic inquiry',"$message",'From: '. $name .'<' . $email . '>');
  16. I was looking for a tutorial, but i can't find one, sadly, so i guess i will just try to walk you through it.... how i would make the example you provided is first create a mysql database filled with the info (that is what the baby carers is a large database of carers in Canada) after that create a php file that displays all the information however you want it to be displayed..... when first creating this just "SELECT * FROM Table" this will display the whole database for you ( you can add the queries in later). after you have that file you can begin the creating the front end.... basically there will be a couple parts to this - javascript/ajax script connecting you to the .php file - javascript code that checks the checkboxes if they are checked, and then creates a variable to be passed onto the .php file - html code displaying the checkbox options - <div> container where the .php results will be shown.. - and finally javascript/ajax code displaying the results from the .php in the <div> container.... it can be a bit complicated to try to explain.... so what you should dofirst... is create a database with info in it, and a .php file that displays all that info in a table (or list),and an .html file with your query options (checkboxes) and a container looking like this <div id="results"></div> after that let me know where i can find it online and i will walk you through connecting it all together...
  17. Can you post the code please ?
  18. I have a comment on the functionality of the site, when I viewed it I was interested in viewing more then just one random problem... My thoughts are you should make it so that when someone clicks on a "a random one", it generates a new random one, so that a visitor can cycle through multiple problems..
  19. Hi all my name is Shawn Hayward, I have been a professional web designer/developer for 3 years. I have a steady 8-5 web gig, and also freelance on the side, web design/developing is my passion, I love what can be done on the internet these days. I am joining php freaks because I want to be plugged in with a group of people who share my passions and we can sharpen each others skills and also the realization of an ever changing industry, being plugged in to a community helps me stay ahead of the curve on changes associated with PHP and web development in general. I look forward to meeting some of you
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