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Everything posted by timtekk

  1. Wow PFMaBiSmAd, that was it. Unreal. I thought <? was allowed? Either way whatever, thank you so much for shedding light on that.
  2. It's just strange, as I have all my other code in c:\wamp\www\my stuff and those items work. My book examples are in c:\wamp\www\my stuff\ch2 and those items don't work. I even tried putting the ch2 items in c:\wamp\www\ and they still don't work.
  3. Jake, when I click the php page, it displays all of the code in the browser, basically as though the browser is not processing the code from the php file. I see all of the variables as if I was looking at the code itself. Here is exactly what I see in the browser: Three Plus Five Demonstrates use of numeric variables "; print "$x - $y = "; print $x - $y; print " "; print "$x * $y = "; print $x * $y; print " "; print "$x / $y = "; print $x / $y; print " "; ?> As far as htdocs, I was under the impression that will WAMP all of my pages should be in \wamp\www folder... ? Could I be wrong?
  4. Hey Jake, yes I did install these items using WAMP. Honestly all of the php files in the ch2 folder are not working, here is an example of one of them: <html> <head> <title>Three Plus Five</title> </head> <body> <h1>Three Plus Five</h1> <h3>Demonstrates use of numeric variables</h3> <? $x = 3; $y = 5; print "$x + $y = "; print $x + $y; print "<br><br>"; print "$x - $y = "; print $x - $y; print "<br><br>"; print "$x * $y = "; print $x * $y; print "<br><br>"; print "$x / $y = "; print $x / $y; print "<br><br>"; ?> </body> </html> Thanks.
  5. if its a recent purchase it still may be under a warranty...kid.
  6. Hello. I've been running php 5.3.3 and apache for a few weeks now and learning from a book I purchased. I've been writing code for a while now with no problems. Today I created a new directory in my www folder called CH2 (for chapter 2 in my book) and copied the sample code from the CD that came with the book, into this folder. When I execute php files from the browser from this new folder, they do not process. I see in my apache log this error: [Wed Jan 05 11:00:39 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/Dev, referer: http://localhost/ch2 I know 'file not found' sounds like a simple issue, but the thing is, I don't know what c:/Dev is... that folder does not exist on my C:\ drive at all. I don't know why it is looking there and what it is looking for. All of my other scripts that I have written in the past weeks work just fine, I have no problems with them. I would appreciate any help with this, thank you.
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