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Posts posted by kcmakwana

  1. I have one mysql table with data and accessing this data through one php script. This works fine in REDHAT 8 linux. I have shifted mysql database and the php script to new server with REDHAT RHEL4.4. now when I execute the script from website, it displays junk character (reading form mysql database through php script). There is no error in mysql database/table and script is working fine in redhat 8. I have checked php.ini for default characterset as well as set the encoding in mysql as latin1. Where else should I look/change? any idea?

  2. I have a form with dynamic text boxes that have dynamic names (i.e., TextBox1, TextBox2, etc.).  How do I get those variables passed into php?  I have tried and tried...even googled it, with no solid luck.  Any help, immediately, would be so much appreciated.

    it is possible with the help of ajax xml or jquery. send me sample code I will tell you how to get result
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