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  1. That's a good looking site. Nice little animation on top that completely relates to the subject, and you have bullet points that are quick and to the point, and then even more text for elaboration. I think it was just the government services page that needed a little bit more text to balance it out, but who knows, maybe that's all you needed. For the contact page the map didn't load and I just had a grey square showing. And perhaps have a small and simpel email form? Other than that, I love it.
  2. I've made some adjustments to the site, changed the typography piece and adjusted the logo to make it stand out more. Also the content on the residential and commercial services page has been adjusted to make it more condensed, as asked for by the client. poey I don't completely follow your ideas, but you have some good suggestions, however it is a site for a client and in some cases they decide the content, not me. Also white on black does look good, I do not follow your reasoning, or are you just using a bad display?
  3. I'm just looking for a simple design critique of this very simple website I just finished. There are some things about it that bother me.. like the grey background on a part of the landing page. Please tell me what you think, and if you have any suggestions. Check it out: http://mrfixit.basicintent.com
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