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Posts posted by davef

  1. Thanks.  I am putting in the actual server, username and password in the code, just not on what I post here.  And after putting quotes around the database name the dot / . in it is now recognized properly, yielding the same error message in both attempts at coding.


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /hermes/web04/b1964/david/test000.php on line 6


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /hermes/web04/b1964/david/suma.php on line 6


    Although these coding attempts were provided by kind folks on these forums, you're right, I  was cutting and pasting (it was an effective way to learn html), but only after failing to get the tutorials-- I did go through the one you suggested-- to understand them or to get their examples to work.  Still, with what I've picked up in the forums, I will go back to the tutorials and/or get a book, especially since I can bring questions from them to here.


    Thanks again.

  2. here's another version with its error message

    and the error message taken from the screen when i "run"/view the file.I am sure that i am viewing the same file coded here.

    $db_host = 'david.hostsmysql.com';
    $db_user = 'username';
    $db_pwd = 'dddddddd';
    $database = 'mx';
    mysql_connect($david.hostsmysql.com,$usern,$dddddd) or die("Can't connect to database");
    mysql_select_db($mx) or die("Can't select database");
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM contact1") or die(mysql_error()); 
    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if($num_rows>0) {
    while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo "First name: " . $row['firstname1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Last name: " . $row['lastname1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Phone: " . $row['phonenumber1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Email: " . $row['email1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Website: " . $row['website1'] . "<br>";
    echo "<hr>";




    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /hermes/web04/b1964/david/test000.php on line 6

  3. Right, here's the code in its entirety, with just a bit of scrambling on the host, username, etc

    I was putting in the actual info and taking out the xxxxx.

    THANKS for your efforts. I don't feel so bad about my difficulties.  Why is it so hard?

    Php is a lot more complex than html.  Is there a good way to learn it?  book?


    $db_host = 'david.hostsmysql.com';
    $db_user = 'username';
    $db_pwd = 'ddddddddd';
    $database = 'mx';
    mysql_connect($db_david.hostsmysql.com,$db_username,$db_username) or die("Can't connect to database");
    mysql_select_db($mx) or die("Can't select database");
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM contact1") or die(mysql_error()); 
    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if($num_rows>0) {
    while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo "First name: " . $row['firstname1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Last name: " . $row['lastname1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Phone: " . $row['phonenumber1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Email: " . $row['email1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Website: " . $row['website1'] . "<br>";
    echo "<hr>";


    and here is the error message


    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'hostsmysqlcom' (1) in /hermes/web04/b1964/david/suma.php on line 6

    Can't connect to database[/code]

  4. thanks

    when i insert  db_ before  the host ,username and password, db_xxxxxx below, (that's what you recommended i think)

    i get:


    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'hostcom' (1) in /hermes/web04/b1964/david/suma.php on line 6

    Can't connect to database

  5. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /hermes/web04/b1964/violet/test000.php on line 6


    $db_host = 'xxxx';
    $db_user = 'xxx';
    $db_pwd = 'xxx';
    $database = 'mx';
    mysql_connect($xxxxx,$xxx,$xxxxxx) or die("Can't connect to database");
    mysql_select_db($mx) or die("Can't select database");
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM contact1") or die(mysql_error()); 
    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if($num_rows>0) {
    while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo "First name: " . $row['firstname1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Last name: " . $row['lastname1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Phone: " . $row['phonenumber1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Email: " . $row['email1'] . "<br>";
    echo "Website: " . $row['website1'] . "<br>";
    echo "<hr>";



  6. litebearer


    saving that code as .php I get:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /hermes/web04/b1964/violet/display2.php on line 11


    here's the code with the server, user name , password xxxxxxxxxed out



    $db_host = 'violet.bizlandmysql.com';

    $db_user = 'dravef';

    $db_pwd = '10801080';


    $database = 'mx';

    $table = 'contact1';



    if (!mysql_connect($violet.bizlandmysql.com,$dravef,$10801080))

        die("Can't connect to database");


    if (!mysql_select_db($mx))

        die("Can't select database");









    $db_host = 'xxx';

    $db_user = 'xxxx';

    $db_pwd = 'xxxxx';

    $database = 'mx';

    if (!mysql_connect($xxxx,$xx,$xxx))

        die("Can't connect to database");


    if (!mysql_select_db($mx)){

        die("Can't select database");



    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM contact1") or die(mysql_error()); 

    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

    if($num_rows>0) {




    while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {






    echo "First name: " . $row['firstname1'] . "<br>";






    echo "Last name: " . $row['lastname1'] . "<br>";






    echo "Phone: " . $row['phonenumber1'] . "<br>";






    echo "Email: " . $row['email1'] . "<br>";






    echo "Website: " . $row['website1'] . "<br>";






    echo "<hr>";








  7. the rest of the code i've been trying (the latest) is









    while ($i < $num) {








    echo "<b>$firstname1$lastname1</b><br>Phone: $phonenumber1<br>E-mail: $email1<br>Web: $website1<br><hr><br>";













  8. i'm trying to get a php database to output/display on a html webpage

    and have no results from cutting and pasting code from online tutorials

    i'm saving to a file with a htm extension

    i believe i have the connection data right:


    $db_host = 'server';

    $db_user = 'username';

    $db_pwd = 'password';


    $database = 'database';

    $table = 'table';


    if (!mysql_connect($server,$username,$password))

        die("Can't connect to database");


    if (!mysql_select_db($database))

        die("Can't select database");



    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table")

    or die(mysql_error()); 



    Can someone please help me?  send code? tell me what i'm doing wrong?  Thanks

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