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Posts posted by ramkarthik

  1. Haha dam what a bugger! I'm not sleeping till i figure this one out!


    Anyone have any ideas?


    I can only think that \t is an escape char of it's own... Could that be the cause?


    I have given some other name also like "mailbackup", still i am getting the same error.

  2. May I ask why you're wanting to dynamically generate files? Usually when this question is asked, it's being attempted for all the wrong reasons . . .


    I have PHP form, after entering all the details in that form, have a submit button. when clicking the submit button it will create a html file..


  3. Hi,


    I want to create a .html file dynamically on the server. Below is the code for that but i was not able to create the file. I have given all the read, write and execute permission on  the folder.


    $filerand = rand();

    $fileName = "test.html";

    $filepath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "\\testfolder\\" . $fileName . ".html";

    echo $filepath;


    $bodytxt = "Welcome to my webpage";

    $ourFileHandle = fopen($filepath, 'w') or die("can't open file");

    fwrite($ourFileHandle, $bodytxt);




    Thanks in advance


  4. Obviously your clinet picked the wrong person to ask then.


    Without understanding your clients exacting requirements, every option would just be opinion.


    I suggest you let this one go to someone with a little more experience.


    Obviously you picked the wrong post to reply


    Without understanding my requirements, every opinion of yours would be irrelevant.


    /* I suggest you let this one go to someone with a little more experience */

  5. Hi,


    I am  new to the forum as well as PHP, one of my client is asking that, he wants a rental site not built from scratch but using an existing CMS to work with rentjuice.com API and he wants a CRM with it.


    Thanks in advance



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