Thank you ale8oneboy,
The min() function returns the min value of the column but not the unique min value.
My interpretation of unique here is: "there is only one of that value in the result set and it is the lowest value". Back to the golf game... this would be a skin.
The min() query is returning the lowest value whether it is, or is not, unique.
The other problem I have is that when I add the min syntax, the query only returns one row with the first player info and all the minimum hole values. I'm sure the query can be changed to include all rows with player info but if it doesn't return the unique min value, it doesn't matter.
$sql = "
SELECT stats_h_h.*, MIN(DISTINCT stats_h_h.hh1) as hole1skin,
MIN(DISTINCT stats_h_h.hh2) as hole2skin,
MIN(DISTINCT stats_h_h.hh3) as hole3skin,
MIN(DISTINCT stats_h_h.hh4) as hole4skin,
MIN(DISTINCT stats_h_h.hh5) as hole5skin,
MIN(DISTINCT stats_h_h.hh6) as hole6skin,
MIN(DISTINCT stats_h_h.hh7) as hole7skin,
MIN(DISTINCT stats_h_h.hh8) as hole8skin,
MIN(DISTINCT stats_h_h.hh9) as hole9skin,
member.memNum, member.firstName, member.lastName,
stats.playDate, stats.score, stats.adjScr,
course.courseName, course.holes, course.track,
FROM stats_h_h
LEFT JOIN stats ON stats.statNum = stats_h_h.statNum
LEFT JOIN member ON member.memNum = stats.memNum
LEFT JOIN course ON course.courseNum = stats_h_h.courseNum
LEFT JOIN course_hcp ON course_hcp.courseNum = stats_h_h.courseNum
LEFT JOIN course_par ON course_par.courseNum = stats_h_h.courseNum
WHERE stats.memNum in(SELECT memNum FROM member WHERE leagueName = 'Putt Boys')
AND stats.playDate = '2011-02-08'
AND stats_h_h.courseNum = '26';";
Unless someone has a better idea, I'm just going to use PHP after the query to get the results I need.
Thanks again for your input.