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Posts posted by wazza91

  1. hi im trying to do a  insert query but i keep getting the error messeage ? mysql_error() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given in /Users/garykane/Sites/update2.php on line 6

    success in database entry.-1 row inserted?


    here is my code


    $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die ("No connection"); /*connect to server*/ mysqli_select_db($con ,"Declan") or die ("db will not open"); /*connect to database*/ $dno = $_POST["dno"];

    $dname = $_POST["dname"];

    $location = $_POST["location"];

    $query="Update INTO AccountNumber VALUES (" .$dno . ", '" . $dname . "','" . $location . "')"; if(!mysqli_query($con, $query)) echo mysql_error($con);

    echo "success in database entry.";

    $numrows = mysqli_affected_rows($con);

    echo $numrows . " row inserted<br>";





    here is the front end texbox code



    <title>Question 2, Accounts</title>


    <h1>Enter Details</h1>



    <form action="update2.php" method="post">

    Account Number : <input type="text" name="dno" /><br />

    Balance : <input type="text" name="dname" /><br />

    Customer Name : <input type="text" name="location" /><br />

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />




    $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die ("No connection"); /*connect to server*/

    mysqli_select_db($con ,"Declan") or die ("db will not open"); /*connect to database*/







  2. hi i have this code here and i was wondering how i could make it print out the values from my database using a drop down menu.

    i no this is probably very basic but im a real novice at php and sql.




    mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');


    $result = mysql_query('select * from donations');


    <select name="selectname">


    $i = 0;

    while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result)){

      $fieldname = mysql_field_name($result, $i);

      echo '<option value="'.$fieldname.'">'.$fieldname.'</option>';












  3. okay this is what i got someone plz help


    $output = "";

    $total = 0;


    for($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {



    $people = array(array(21, "John"), array(25, "Bill"), array(23, "Anna"),

                    array(29, "Aine"),  array(19, "Pat"), array(30 , "Leanne") );




    print "<table border=1>";

    print "<tr><th>Age</th><th>Name</th></tr>";


    for($x=0;$x<6;$x=$x+1) {   


    print "<tr><td>" . $people[$x][0]  . "</td>";

    print "<td>" . $people[$x][1]  . "</td></tr>";








  4. this is what i got at the minute am i on the right lines?

    $output = "";
    $total = 0;
    for($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
    $employee = array(array(21, "1employee"), array(25, "2employee"), array(23, "3employee"), 
                     array(29, "4employee"),  array(19, "5employee"), array(30 , "6employee") 
                     array(32 ,"7employee")  );
    print "Whole Table<br>";


    how would i go about the task?


    Create a php script to


    - receive the chosen option  from the select box & textbox in the html file & check it is within range and is a number (using  the is_numeric( ) function)

    - Assign 7 employee records (Employee Number, Employee Name, Age, Department Name) into a 2 dimensional sequential array (using employee numbers 1 to 7) and your own made up values for the other record details – remember that text values are enclosed within inverted commas whereas numeric values are not:

    - See PHP worksheet 3 for how a 2D array is created in a program

    - If the chosen select option is to print the whole table

    o – then print all 7 records in an html table with a header row

    • You will need a for loop to print a record

    • You will need to manipulate array values

    (You should use a variable for the row number to

      generalise row printing a row using the for loop)

    - If the chosen option is to print a selected record, use the record number from the textbox to

    o Print that particular record including the header details row

    • E.g. for employee number 1 by transposing it to the array row index number

    • This row number should be generalised using a variable for the row index number

    • Sample record


  6. sorry if the seems a bit confusing heres a more detail description of the task.



    a. Create an html file with a textbox to enter numbers 0 to 6  to be posted to a php file. The number represents a guess for how many times a particular sequence of letters (ABC)  will be randomly created


    b. Create a php file to generate a random 3 letter word whose letters are made up of A, B or C 50 times and check if the guess received from the html file is correct

    1. receive the guess value and check that

      - The value lies between 0 & 6 and is a number –(using the is_numeric( ) function)

    2.  create 3 random numbers (each either 1, 2 or 3) using a for loop and rand function

    - check the value of each number as they are created (using an if statement) to assign the

      letter A for  1, B for 2, C for 3 to  a letterstring variable

    - add the letter to a wordstring variable each time (using string concatenation with .                     

        [e.g.  $wholename = $firstname . “ “ . $surname]    - analagous to the way of

        creating a running total of numbers within a for loop using $total = $total + $number; )

        ending up with a  wordstring  variable made up  of 3 letters in random order


    c. Now create 50 different word strings using a for loop around the code for b2.

    - check the wordstring to see if “ABC” has been generated

      [ since it is random there are 27 different combinations of 3 letters that

    can be created:  AAA, AAB, AAC,ABA, ABB, ABC, BAC,BBA,BBB,BBC,BCA,BCB,


      - if “ABC” is created print “Found ABC string” & increment a count for ABC strings

    - print the guess value and the number of times the “ABC” sequence occurs

                  - compare the guess with the actual number of times the “ABC” sequence occurs

                  - print either “You have guessed correctly” or “Incorrect guess – try again!”

                                    depending on whether the guess matches the  ABC count or not



  7. thanks very much Nightslyr, there a second part you couldn't help me with.


    Now generate 50 words


    For loop (50)

        For loop (3)

      Generate a number between 1 & 3

      If 1 then assign A, If 2 then assign B, If 3 then assign


        Add to a wordstring

        End loop

        Check if word is ABC

    If so increment ABC count

    End Loop


    Print ABC Count


  8. i have been given this task in in uni. i was wondering it some one would be so kind to help me with it. all i have so far is this


    for($x=1; $x<=3; $x=$x+1) {

    print  "$x <br>";


    if ($x== "A") {








    the task is below




    Generate a number between 1 & 3

    If 1 then assign A, If 2 then assign B, If 3 then assign C

    Add to a wordstring (using string concatenation with .)


    We need 3 letters generated to give a 3 letter word


    For loop (3)

    Generate a number between 1 & 3

    If 1 then assign A, If 2 then assign B, If 3 then assign


    Add to a wordstring (string concatenation with .)

    End loop

    Print 3 letter word


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