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Posts posted by FredFrothen

  1. Hey, guys.

    I'm a programmer and i've designed an application to assist in an online game. When users visit my website for whatever reason i want to display the amount of users currently using my application.

    As you may have guessed i'm not to crash hot at php or any web related languages at that :(.


    What i think will work, is when my application starts up, i can make it visit a webpage in the background and just idle there while they are using the program, when they close the program obviously it is no longer viewing that webpage. So if there some sort of php counter i can make for this?


    I was reading some sources to php counters and they count the amount of "sessions" and display that, i was just curious if my program navigates to a webpage upon opening and it doesn't do anything will this 'time it out'?


    Anyway, any help is appreciated.


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