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Everything posted by k_t_d

  1. This is basically a glorified audit trail. What I plan on doing is analyzing the data to design my team to function on/at a more productive time scale. Being as this specific audit is for a patient collections module, I can see who (employee), when (date) and what time the call is made; and whether or not the call was scored. This way, I know what days and what times are best to call to follow up on payments/balances; not to mention the geographical analysis by payment (tied to the patient's zip code).
  2. I'm picking up what you are putting down, it's just the madness behind the logic that was making this simple problem have such a complex solution; though my balance is calculated by the SUM(Expected), I also added in a $forwardbalance and added it to the the next pending balance. With a bit of manipulation, this worked out great! I ended up adding another column 'Paid' so I can monitor the incoming as well. Thanks a lot guys; I really appreciate it!
  3. I am building program to manage payment/monthly payments. I've ran into an issue that I haven't been able to overcome and need some help. I've been lurking for a while and decided it was time to ask you guys...Here's the issue: I have a table 'payments' that contains scheduled payments that looks like: id clientid paymentduedate balance expected pending 367 112233 4/16/2011 1030.00 257.50 Y 368 112233 5/16/2011 1030.00 257.50 Y 369 112233 6/16/2011 1030.00 257.50 Y 370 112233 7/16/2011 1030.00 257.50 Y What I need to do that I haven't figured out is to adjust the expected amount according to the payment, update the status to N (not pending) without affecting the later expected payments. For example: they make a payment of $257.50, applies that to row 367, sets the status to N, but leaves the other status' to Y (for obvious reasons). the make a payment of $250.00, leaving the balance at $7.50, so lets add $7.50 to row 368, mark 367 status to N the make a payment of $300.00, leaving the expected balance at $0.00 for row 367, but adjust the balance for row 368 to $215.00 Any ideas? Thanks
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