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  1. This appears to be the forgotton part of the forum, been waiting nearly a week for somebody to reply to my post. Sucks eh
  2. Hey guys Thanks for viewing! My problem is I've tried searching both on here and Google for vanity URLs, but the problem with Google is that it comes up with crappy Facebook vanity URLs. I did however manage to find some posts regarding vanity URLs and I have tried copying it and modifying it to suit. As of right now my URL stands at http://www.xodiac.net/index.php?img=xxx I had a .htaccess file containing: RewriteRule ^/([0-9]+)-([a-z]+) index.php?img=$1 [nc] and about 10 other variations of it, however none seem to work. What could I be doing wrong? Thanks! Spock
  3. Hey guys, Basically what I wanted to do was have a few tables around the page, 1 main one on the left with an image, and a few others down the right hand side for other content. The ones on the right move as the one on the left does, for instance I've got recent images displayed in the first table on the right, however the two tables below it get pushed underneath the main table. How do I force all the right hand tables to stay on the right? I've tried using divs with inherit or right but neither work. Any help would be great Thanks PS Here's the link so you know what I mean (hosted on wamp before it goes live) If you look at a small image and look below it as aposed to a large image, you'll notice that the 2 tables move from right to center depending on the image size.
  4. Hey guys, Basically what I wanted to do was have a few tables around the page, 1 main one on the left with an image, and a few others down the right hand side for other content. The ones on the right move as the one on the left does, for instance I've got recent images displayed in the first table on the right, however the two tables below it get pushed underneath the main table. How do I force all the right hand tables to stay on the right? I've tried using divs with inherit or right but neither work. Any help would be great Thanks PS Here's the link so you know what I mean (hosted on wamp before it goes live)
  5. I agree with you completely. As I said I started it more of a learning curve to get me back into coding more than the actual traffic. motifake looks cluttered, mine is clean and simple, ad free and does what it's supposed to, display meme's and other crap. As of right now I'm looking to develop new features into it as well as a possible makeover to make it more visually appealing. Was just hoping for a push in the right direction Thanks for your comments!
  6. my guess is the backslashes, try changing the backslashes to forwardslashes!
  7. Hey, in a nutshell the only thing in admin.php is the ability to moderate unapproved images, however, once approved, the "Approve Delete" links are still on screen. How it works is a user uploads an image, the filename is added to mysql and the image is added to uploads/ once I Approve an image, the image is then moved to img/ to display on the index.php (to prevent porn and anything that doesn't belong to the general public). I know what's happening, because I've got while loops to display the image while looping through the mysql database, so once the image is moved, the links are still on screen, displaying an "Approve Delete" for every image in the database. Also another thing that happens is the images on index.php are blank until approved. How can I work around this? Here is the index.php when an image hasn't been approved: http://www.xodiac.net/1.png And here is the admin.php displaying Approve and Delete once an image has been approved: http://www.xodiac.net/2.png
  8. Haven't coded in years so to get back into it I started with a Funny Image hosting site. So far, It looks pretty bland so I'm looking for some constructive criticism! http://www.xodiac.net/ URL/Name is only temporary during development, need to think of something quirky for the final name. Thanks!
  9. That sort of works, it only displays the images with approved set to 1, however you can still navigate for the images it doesn't display...I think I might do it the way I originally thought and move the file to a different folder, it'll probably be simpler lol
  10. I've already set up pagination, at the moment it will display everything (one per page) that is in uploads/ however I only want it to display the images marked with a 1 in approved
  11. Ahhh, what I mean is I'm trying to get display 1 approved image per page so you can navigate with previous and next buttons, the other way displayed all the approved images on the one page.
  12. Nope, that pretty much does the same thing
  13. That just sets the variable though, how does it filter them out? Should I reuse the if statement around the whole statement?
  14. Thank you ever so much litebearer, you've been a great help. The final thing I'm struggling with now is displaying the images that have an approved value of 1 instead of 0 I thought I was being clever by using an if statement, but that just basically said if approved equals 1, then display everything So i need to rethink it //Display data $get = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images LIMIT $start, $per_page"); $approved = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images WHERE approved"); $fetchapproved = mysql_fetch_assoc($approved); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($get)) { // get data $filename = $row['filename']; echo "<div align='center'><img src='../uploads/".$filename."' / width='600px'></div>"; }
  15. Okay excellent, i've managed to get both the file and the mysql entry to delete, now for approving I was thinking of using UPDATE, but I'm wondering how I do so in such a way that a single image would have a value changed in mysql rather than them all. I've tried the following but it doesn't work, any ideas? $appfile=$_GET['filename']; $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE images WHERE filename='$appfile' SET approved='1'"); if ($sql) { echo "Approved!"; echo "<br />"; echo "<a href='mod.php'>Back</a>"; } else { echo "Error."; echo "<br />"; echo "<a href='mod.php'>Back</a>"; }
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