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Posts posted by simboski19

  1. Hi there,


    I am working with a web api that has specific requirements for the way it's passwords are formatted. I have used regex very rarely and therefore am very unfamiliar with how to structure them.


    Basically one of the requirements is that the password entered should:


    Be - not-repeating such as 'aaaa'




    Be - not-incremental such as '1234' or 'abcd'


    My current code looks like this:


    // Password requirements:


    // Length: Minimal 4 chars, maximum 39 chars

    if (strlen($password) >= 4 && strlen($password) < 40) {

    // the password has at least 4 chars and is less than 40 chars in length

    // Move on...

    } else {

    array_push($errors,'Your <strong>Password</strong> must be between <strong>4 and 39</strong> characters in length. Please try again.');



    // Allowed chars: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, minus, underscore, at-sign and dot



    // Additional: not-repeating and not-incremental like 'aaaa' or '1234' or 'abcd'




    Could someone help me with the formatting please. I did look at the various links on first post in the forum but it was still way over my head!!!?


    Any help would be much appreciated.

  2. Hi there,


    I am in the process of building a penny auction website using php / javascript. I am at the stage of developing the bidding process by which someone clicks to bid on an item, this resets a time counter and this runs over and over until someone wins when the clock strikes 00:00. My understanding is that I would be updating various database tables with the bidder information, updating the time remaining and doing this every second which would require a cronjob to be run on the server every second.


    I wondered if anyone had real experience of working with / building one of these websites as this is slightly new to me? What I am unsure about is how complicated this constant requesting and serving information is? What are the best things to use to get / set the information.


    I was planning on using php to update a table with the new bidder information and the date/time.

    This would also update the product with the time remaining.

    If a new user bids this overwrites this information and the process starts again.


    Any information would be a massive help and much appreciated.




  3. Hi there,


    I am having some issues with a page failing security tests because of a form. The form's text input files is getting sanitized when posted but the only thing I can think is that the form action="" is $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] and this then includes anything that is within the URL.


    <form name="zipcode" id="zipcode" action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); ?>" method="post">

      <label for="zip" class="smalllbl">Zipcode: </label>

      <input type="text" class="smallzip" name="zip" id="zip" value="" />



    Has anyone else experienced this when running PCI Compliance style security tests? And if you have, why would this happen as the same form action is used elsewhere with no issues.


    Many thanks in advance


  4. Hi,


    As the title suggests I am unsure on how to first run a query which stores values into an array. I then need to run a function multiple times but use the array within the function. How is this possible? I have had no luck figuring it out yet.


    1. RUN QUERY





    Many thanks



  5. Is there a way/function to not only remove <script>, <embed> tags etc but also remove the content within the tags so this:



    some text




    some more text



    to this:


    some text

    some more text



    In effect remove the whole tag and content within the tags? Havent been able to find anything online that works


    Many thanks in advance.



  6. Hi there,


    Just tried the base href tag and it didnt work unfortunately. To give some more information here:


    - In my .htaccess i have a RewriteBase /admin <- i need this to actually get to the correct files as my structure is:


    / -> root files for front-facing website

    /admin/ -> the admin is found within this folder and within here this is where i need to tweak/change the DOC ROOT


    - In my header i need to somehow redirect any files from root to /admin/(root now here)


    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/screen.css" media="screen" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/orange/orange.css" media="screen" />


    So they would become:


    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/admin/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/admin/css/screen.css" media="screen" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/admin/css/orange/orange.css" media="screen" />




  7. Hi there,


    I do apologise I may have explained it poorly. I have actuall got that installed already and that sorts out anywhere I have DOC_ROOT.


    My issue is actually anywhere I have a path to a file e.g. /website.css or /website.js it will not reference correctly because it is going back a folder (hope that makes sense).


    So I guess my question is can you change the .htaccess or apache to rewrite / to become /admin/???


    Thanks (and sorry for the confusion)



  8. Hi there,


    I am working on a website which has a sub-domain set as a folder and not an actual sub-domain (as my client does not want to do this which is another story). Anyway, all of my links which relate to the DOCUMENT_ROOT are not working. Example below:




    www.website.com/admin - my sub-domain in a folder


    I can access a page within www.website.com/admin however all links to files, css files etc will not work because the DOCUMENT_ROOT does not inlcude the /admin/.


    My question is therefore is there some way of adding in this /admin/ step or fooling php/apache to include this in all files within the /admin/ folder.


    Many thanks


  9. Hi there,


    I have the theory sorted and the query 95% complete, however I can't seem to select the currency from the same sub-query. This is what I have:




    from (


    m.product_id AS product_id,

    m.product_name AS product_name,

    m.product_description AS product_description,

    m.product_image AS product_image,

    m.product_brand AS product_brand,

    m.product_active AS product_active,

    cj.masterid AS masterid,

    cj.catid AS catid,

    cj.subcatid AS subcatid,

    mr.merchantname AS mername,

    mr.currency AS currency,


    when f.product_sale_price != '0'

    then f.product_sale_price

    else f.product_price

    end feedprice,

                                  (select feedprice/conversionrate from tblcurrencies where conversiontype = currency".$_COOKIE['currency'].") AS converted_price



    The conversion works well and I have successfully retrieved the correctly converted price when manually entering the 'curreny' in the new select i.e. USDGBP which means the currency of the product is in USD and the currently selected currency (which is stored in a cookie) is GBP. This is then placed into my currency table like this:


    conversiontype        conversionrate

    USDGBP                    1.54838


    When I run the query it returns something like this:


    (select feedprice/conversionrate from tblcurrencies where conversiontype = currencyGBP) AS converted_price


    Any ideas how I first retrieve the currency which isnt working at the moment and also how I write the code to do this. Currently I cant think how to write this php/mysql into the select.


    Many thanks


  10. Hi Dan,


    This is the structure of my query:














    min(feedprice) feedprice

    from (


    m.product_id AS product_id,

    m.product_name AS product_name,

    m.product_description AS product_description,

    m.product_image AS product_image,

    m.product_brand AS product_brand,

    m.product_active AS product_active,

    cj.masterid AS masterid,

    cj.catid AS catid,

    cj.subcatid AS subcatid,

    mr.merchantname AS mername,

    mr.currency AS currency,


    when f.product_sale_price != '0'

    then f.product_sale_price

    else f.product_price

    end feedprice

    from tblmpr m

    JOIN tblmpr_mpc_junction j ON (m.product_id = j.mprid)

    JOIN tblfeeds f ON (j.product_xmlid = f.product_xmlid)

    JOIN tbl_mpr_cat_junction cj ON (cj.mprid = m.product_id)

    JOIN tblmerchants mr ON (f.supplier_id = mr.merchantid)

    JOIN tblaffiliates af ON (m.product_affiliate = af.affiliateid)


    masterid = $masterid


    catid = $categoryid


    subcatid = $subcategoryid


    m.product_active = 1


    f.product_active = 1


    mr.active = 1


    af.active = 1



    ORDER BY feedprice

    ) as x

    GROUP BY product_id



    I have made the main price BOLD. This is the price I would need to convert before then ordering in the outer query. You will see a table named: tblmerchants (mr) - this is where the currency is stored. It is only stored as a string i.e. GBP, USD or EUR. Would I need to store the actual exchange rate here?




  11. Hi all,


    I have a mysql query which pulls out products to display. In my database each product has a price associated with it. These prices are mixed so I have products from the US, UK or Europe and obviously these prices will be in these different currencies:


    Product X - 1.99 (GBP)

    Product Y - 3.99 (US Dollars)

    Product Z - 2.99 (Euros)


    My query pulls out products into a list format which can then be sorted by price. My query uses ORDER BY price. I then convert the price retrieved into the default currency (using php). So you can imagine the prices that are sorted can sometimes look incorrect when displayed as they will be sorted and then converted.


    My question is can you convert an integer within a mysql query???



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