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Everything posted by searls03

  1. I don't want one that shows with a text box. I just want one that's there. How do I use.yours to do that if I want?
  2. just a normal calendar that will update the month automatically. just for display of the current month.
  3. what is just a self month changing calendar called? not an insert one.
  4. no, I want the if !empty back in there like it was before you changed it. this way I can specify ecent people are registered for in one row.
  5. ok, I see what you are saying, but a person can be registered for more than one event. I should actually change the query to a replace into though for this way to work with the drop down menu. that way it will update every time I were to register someone for like title1 then for title2 so that way each person can be registered for multiple events if available. how do I do this so that it updates multiples instead of one at a time.
  6. also I don't need the query to echo any more, could you take that off, I don't know what is what for I havn't ever seen this type of code. by the way, the events are $title(1-.
  7. ok, it is working properly, but how do I put in my drop down menu for the event, there could be a total of 8 events to choose from. You made it a text box, how do you make it a drop down menu.......I could try it myself, but with all the things you added, I don't really know whats what and I don't wanna mess it up.
  8. ok, sorry, where would I put something like that?
  9. second half: <?php $sql = ("SELECT * FROM Events WHERE eventid='$eventid' && userid='$userid'"); $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $event = $row['event']; $startdate = $row['startdate']; $enddate = $row['enddate']; $description = $row['description']; $location = $row['location']; $subevent1 = $row['subevent1']; $subevent2 = $row['subevent2']; $subevent3 = $row['subevent3']; $subevent4 = $row['subevent4']; $subevent5 = $row['subevent5']; $subevent6 = $row['subevent6']; $subevent7 = $row['subevent7']; $subevent8 = $row['subevent8']; } if (!empty($title1)) { $message .= "<br/>$title1"; } if (!empty($title2)) { $message .= "<hr><br/>$title2" ; } if (!empty($title3)) { $message .= "<hr><br/>$title3"; } if (!empty($title4)) { $message .= "<hr><br/>$title4"; } if (!empty($title5)) { $message .= "<hr><br/>$title5"; } if (!empty($title6)) { $message .= "<hr> <br/>$title6"; } if (!empty($title7)) { $message .= "<hr><br/>$title7"; } if (!empty($title8)) { $message .= "<hr><br/>$title8"; } echo "</div>"; ?> <?php $message .="</th> </tr> <tr> <th>Price:</th> <th>$ $total </th> </tr> <tr> <th>Registrant:</th> <th> $name</th> </tr> </table> </div></th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> </tr> <tr> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> </tr> <tr> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> </tr> <tr> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> </tr> <tr> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> </tr> <tr> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> <th scope='col'> </th> </tr> </table> </body> </html>"; // end of message $headers = "From: $from\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"; $to = "$to"; // Finally send the activation email to the member mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); echo mysql_error(); // close if post exit(); // Exit so the form and page does not display, just this success message }// Close else after database duplicate field value checks // Close else after missing vars check //Close if $_POST ?> </p> <p> </p> <br /><br /> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"}); </script> </body> </html>
  10. ok, so I have a message board type thing that submits a form that will set read1 to equal 1, which means it has been read which will set the sender to be not bold. I want the links to be links, not buttons that look like links for the alignment then gets all off. does this make sense. I want the page that has the message to have a form that submits this info on page load to read.php which is what sets read1 to equal 1
  11. what would this code look like?
  12. is there a way to do this without a submit button, like a hidden field that has id and name of submit?
  13. but how do I make it so that the page doesn't even load, cause the redirect is on the page which loads first isn't it? and that would make it so the first time it would also redirect wouldnt it?
  14. is there a way to make a mail function submit only once? so that if you go forward a page, then back, it won't resubmit?
  15. yeah, I know you said that, but I am not the best with loops, but I will try. thanks
  16. Will this go to another page? I need it on same page.
  17. don't have a code for this or anything.....but how do I make a form run on page load.............like a link goes to a form that runs on page load.......does this make sense?
  18. ok, the line didn't break, but it just cut it off.......is there a way to fix this?
  19. alright, I just realized that it underlines until the width has been reached........so there could be a word 2 px long but it will underline 100 px long.......how do I fix this?
  20. sorry, I post here so often, I forget that it isn't always php......sorry, also I put it here cause the form was in PHP tags. Anyways, thanks for the help
  21. ok, first off let me explain, I edited the button to be a link with css, but what I want to do, is make the value(what shows) limited to a certain number of letters/words then the rest moves to the next line.........does that make sense?
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