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  1. Think I got it. Found a MySQL book from a training class that answered it. A trigger is just an object within the database. Created by giving it a name an event and then a statement. Displayed by... show triggers
  2. Where is the trigger stored? Not really understanding the syntax http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/trigger-syntax.html
  3. I want a trigger because currently I have it running in a cron, so every night at mid night I populate the old fields with the new fields using these lines. Update TABLE_NAME_HERE SET Lat_DD = (substr(EXIF_lat,1, locate('° ', EXIF_lat) - 1) + substr(EXIF_lat,locate('° ', EXIF_lat) + 7, locate('\'', EXIF_lat) - 1)/60 + substr(EXIF_lat,locate('\'', EXIF_lat) + 2,locate('\"', EXIF_lat) - 1)/3600) Was just wondering if there is a way to make the above happen on its own whenever a record is say added to the database.
  4. I have this query to convert file paths to image directory paths and Degree's minutes seconds to Decimal Degrees. "select *, concat('mywebsitehere',path) as URL, (substr(EXIF_lat,1, locate('° ', EXIF_lat) - 1) + substr(EXIF_lat,locate('° ', EXIF_lat) + 7, locate('\'', EXIF_lat) - 1)/60 + substr(EXIF_lat,locate('\'', EXIF_lat) + 2,locate('\"', EXIF_lat) - 1)/3600) as Latitude, concat('-',(substr(EXIF_long,1,locate('° ', EXIF_long) - 1) + substr(EXIF_long, locate('° ',EXIF_long) + 7, locate('\'', EXIF_long) - 1)/60 + substr(EXIF_long, locate('\'', EXIF_long) + 2, locate('\"', EXIF_long) - 1)/3600)) as Longitude from plogger_pictures where EXIF_lat is not null and EXIF_long is not null;" I want it to automatically do it whenever a record is added to the table. So basically Latitude, Longitude, URL, would be autocreated and populated when a record is added. How do I make this code, either all together or in pieces work to achieve my goal? Thanks
  5. I manage and program photodatabases and for all that the open source products do its worth your while to take another look. Whats your site and why do you feel its design is too complex to integrate?
  6. Have you considered going with an open source gallery like plogger or zenphoto? They do everything you want to do and you don't need to code anything yourself unless you want features that do not exist out of the install.
  7. fixed it. Just changed all instances of the variable search terms with str_replace and all is well. Thanks for the help, sorry for my near sighted problem solving ability
  8. htmlentities doesn't work as it breaks the search as it passes the qoutes properly, which I need to drop in order for the string to exist in the database. Because I do not have "Big Bend". I have Big Bend in a field. So the Query before passed %'big bend'% with the htmlentities it passes %"big bend"%
  9. The above does not break only when I switch the * to a double qoute ". I can not str_replace because searchterms is not a global variable so when the pagination goes to get it it uses a get and does not look at what has been done to the searchterms in the search function. Kinda not smart coding but it works for the time being. Htmlenties may work but I am not sure how to use it within the get of the pagination builder. Working on that now.
  10. So I have a search function (part posted below). I have it set up that a user passes asterisk in the way that quotes would work in a normal search function. Due to the scope of the search function a pagination function can not handle quotes because it breaks the html. So what I need to do is transform the quotes a user would type into the search box into asterisks so the function will handle everything. I am assuming this is done with preg_match, but I am not familiar with preg_match at all other then what is written in manuals. <?php $arr['searchterms'] = trim($arr['searchterms']); if (strstr($arr['searchterms'],'*+')) { $terms = explode('*+*',substr($arr['searchterms'],1,-1)); $case = "AND"; } else if (strstr($arr['searchterms'],'*')) { $terms = explode('* *',substr($arr['searchterms'],1,-1)); $case = " OR"; } else { $terms = explode(" ",$arr['searchterms']); $case = " OR"; } ?>
  11. That is a form drop down with options. <html> <body> <form action=""> <select name="cars"> <option value="1">Field1</option> <option value="2">Field2</option> <option value="3">Field3</option> <option value="4">Field4</option> </select> </form> </body> </html> Set the values to match up with your database and then pass a search. Here is a tutorial on these forms for a search http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/simple-sql-search
  12. Anything not Javascript based? Was looking for something PHP with a Database backend, these seem mostly to cater to individuals who want streaming video, but not necessarily a gallery of there media.
  13. Why in the below could I not add the ability to also have the code look for areas with qoutes and an addition sign? This would add that last bit that I need without really changing the overall scheme. I do realize I need to clean this up but for demoing purposes isn't there a quick and dirty fix? $arr['searchterms'] = trim($arr['searchterms']); if (strstr($arr['searchterms'],'"')) $terms = explode('" "',substr($arr['searchterms'],1,-1)); else $terms = explode(" ",$arr['searchterms']);
  14. I have looked over that link previous to posting here and was considering it if I needed to do a complete rewrite of the expression, but really my expression works in all cases that I need it based on user feedback and in house testing. The only case it failed is where a user wanted to look for photos along a specific lat and long. When they looked for say "33.2" and "78.2" they were getting images at "33.2" or 78.2" because I am not EXACT MATCH totally 33.2 could be 33.23432 which I wanted. This allows them to naturally wildcard without thinking about it.
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