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Posts posted by PureEvil

  1. Hi sKunkbad:


    There is a little known application supplied by Microsoft for FREE called Steadstate.


    Microsoft first developed it to allow businesses like internet cafe's an easy way to address shared access computer problems.




    I've used it at my business for a long, long time now. It's so good that I do not even run antivirus on the machines using it!


    Key benefits are:


    The ability to lock the hard drive. Meaning nothing can be changed (think deepfreeze).

    The ability to set account restrictions.

    The ability to lock system settings in windows xp, internet explorer and office!


    the list goes on and on, but keep in mind this is only for XP. It does not work for other operating systems...


    The greatest feature is that it is supplied free of charge for both business use and home use!


    Hope that helps...




    Sorry didnt see you already addressed Steadystate already...


  2. Howdy all:


    I've been reselling hosting for many years now, but I've always used someone else's servers running cPanel.


    My questions are many but I will limit them to a few for now.


    1) I'm looking to get away from paying someone else to possibly running my own server(s). I've "used" cPanel and now Plesk over the years, but I've never really had to setup them up and administrate them myself. How hard would it be to setup a server and manage it? Are there any good books / websites anyone could point me at that you may have used to get started? I have limited administration skills, as in I can do it, just haven't sat down and learned everything there is to know about LAMP yet.


    2) Is the above even a good idea? I have about 100 customers currently. All but ten are on cPanel driven web hosting while 10 (my newest customers) are on Plesk VPS being hosted by Network Solutions. I'm really starting to like Plesk over cPanel from a user stand point, but I'm not sure if administrating one is harder than the other. I would like to just move all my customers over to Plesk from the cPanel hosted side of things but the Network Solutions reseller accounts are all limited to 256mb of ram which makes them nearly useless for what I'm trying to do, resell hosting.


    3) Hardware, what should I look at for 100 customers? I have many duel 800/1000mhz HP Prolient DL360 G1/G2's with 1 gig of ram each at home that I could use. Also bringing a T line in to the house wouldn't be tough either.


    I will leave it with those simple questions instead of using up everyone's day =P


    If you believe you have some information that would be helpful to the above questions please let me know.


    I thank you for any and all of your help...

  3. Howdy:


    I downloaded and setup Fedora 6 last night (never tried anything like this before). The download, install and setup went really fast and smooth, however after I installed, and started httpd (apache) and mySQL, I couldn't get any of my old .php scripts to work. So after playing around for a bit and making some simple test scripts it appears that POST and GET do not work.


    Hard coded $vars work just fine, but anything like http://url/page.php?n=var does not work, nor does POSTed vars.


    Q: is there a way to turn on or off POST and GET, and if so how?


    Q: does this sound like the correct problem? Could it be something else?


    I figured something would come up with an issue simply because this install was just too easy. I'm pretty damn amazed with how easy Fedora/Apache/mySQL/PHP was to setup.


    Thanks in advance for any and all help.

  4. Howdy:


    I downloaded and setup Fedora 6 last night (never tried anything like this before). The download, install and setup went really fast and smooth, however after I installed, and started httpd (apache) and mySQL, I couldn't get any of my old .php scripts to work. So after playing around for a bit and making some simple test scripts it appears that POST and GET do not work.


    Hard coded $vars work just fine, but anything like http://url/page.php?n=var does not work, nor does POSTed vars.


    Q: is there a way to turn on or off POST and GET, and if so how?


    Q: does this sound like the correct problem? Could it be something else?


    I figured something would come up with an issue simply because this install was just too easy. I'm pretty damn amazed with how easy Fedora/Apache/mySQL/PHP was to setup.


    Thanks in advance for any and all help.

  5. Howdy:


    I downloaded and setup Fedora 6 last night (never tried anything like this before). The download, install and setup went really fast and smooth, however after I installed, and started httpd (apache) and mySQL, I couldn't get any of my old .php scripts to work. So after playing around for a bit and making some simple test scripts it appears that POST and GET do not work.


    Q: is there a way to turn on or off POST and GET, and if so how?


    Q: does this sound like the correct problem? Could it be something else?


    I figured something would come up with an issue simply because this install was just too easy. I pretty damn amazed with how easy Fedora/Apache/mySQL/PHP was to setup.


    Thanks in advance for any and all help.

  6. Howdy all...


    We currently use phone and an email address called helpdesk@ where I work to handle the helpdesk calls. We however want to move the email part to the back burner replacing it with an app we are working on in house to be used on our intranet. I wrote the app in php using mySQL for the database. Now however my boss wants to know if we can have this app make calls to the helpdesk@ email account and down load those emails and make tickets out of them. I have no idea how to do this, I'm sure it can be done as I've found little to nothing php can't do =P


    So here is what I'm asking for the app to do:

        1. Connect to our external pop server and download the emails (this server is also in house but on a different physical box)

        2. Take those emails and compare them to user email addresses in the helpdesk database

        3. If the email address matches a user, add a ticket under that user’s name

        4. If the email address does NOT exist then put that email in a general box

        5. Flag all general box emails to be added as helpdesk users by an admin


    I'm NOT asking for anyone to do this for me, I'm simply asking for a push in the right direction to find the details I need to make this happen. IE tutorials, docs, faqs etc on how to make an app connect to an external mail source, download and read emails. (if even possible) of course if you have a snippet of code you want to post to help me out, feel free =)


    Thanks in advance for any and all help.


  7. [quote author=ChaosXero link=topic=101251.msg400574#msg400574 date=1153414234]
    I'm not sure really.  I'm at work, so I cant try, but if someone could try/confirm this, I'd be interested to know.

    Seems to work... That is awesome and will come in extra handy. Honest to god I have four php books I pretty much live in while I'm trying to write my scripts, and not one of them said anything about this. Very handy...
  8. [quote author=ChaosXero link=topic=101251.msg400473#msg400473 date=1153408568]
    It's an if/else statement I believe.

    (if) ? true : false (but I might be wrong on the order.)

    Ok I think I'm getting it maybe.

    Basically in a nutshell your saying that if something is true or false do whats true or false.

    $Var1 = "i is 1";
    $Var2 = "i is not 1";
    $Var3 = ( $i == 1 ) ? $Var1 : $Var2;
    echo("$Var3"); // should produce "i is 1"

    Is that correct?
  9. I've pretty much learned all of my PHP from a few books I'ver purchased and of course this kick ass web site.

    The question is this. I keep seeing code like the following
    [code]$row_color = ($Rcount % 2) ? $Talt_color1 : $Talt_color2;[/code]

    What does the ? and the : mean in that string? I've been unable to find these in my books.

    Thanks in advance.
  10. Playaz:

    This is what I found to work after playing around for a bit.

    Now seeings how I've never used java before I assume it can be written better. But here goes.

    [code]<script type=\"text/javascript\">
    function ShowMenu(num, id){
    var id2 = id + 1;
    if ( num == 1 ){
    document.getElementById(id2).style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById(id2).style.display = 'none';

    Place the above in your header. Then add the following to your <select> tag.

    [code] id=\"Type\"
    onChange=\"javascript: ShowMenu(document.getElementById('Type').value,'CID');\"[/code]

    Then just like in the other example add a <div> tag with [code]id="CID1"[/code]

    Hope that helps. I know it works for my current project.
  11. I did this and it appears to work almost 100% after adding onload="showHide('roomHide', 'hide');" to the body tag.

    The problem I'm now running in to, being a nOOb to java is that I wanted to use this kind of script from an <option> tag. Can you do this? It does not appear to work.

    <option onfocus="showHide('roomHide', 'show');">2</option>

    Also is there a way to make this work on more than just text? I was hoping to make an <input> box appear as well.

    Thanks for any and all help in advance =)
  12. Good Morning all. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    I'm pretty new to Java, so I'm not sure if I can do this or not. I'm looking to have a drop down option box in one of my forms. One of the items in the drop down box requires more information from the user. I would like to have a text input box magically appear in this form when this option has been selected. I would also like text to appear that states "add data here". Can this be done with Java? and if so, how? If someone could point me at an example or maybe just post some code I could look over that would rock.

    Thanks in advance for your time.
  13. Is the field defined as a character (varchar, text, char) or a number? If it is a character that is the correct ascii sort, to get what you want, make the field a number (int).






    I thought of that but I need it to be alphanumbaric.


    because it might end up being A1, A7, A2 someday


  14. Trying to pull a ton of data from a database that I would like ordered by a number that has been assigned to that data by the end user. IE 1,2,3,4,5,6


    I'm using mysql_query("SELECT * FROM BLEH WHERE BLEH='BLEH' ORDER BY NUM ASC");


    now when it prints out I get 0,1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,2,20


    I need to have it read as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc etc...




    Thanks in advance...



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