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Posts posted by PPowerHouseK

  1. I have just tried to use this, and it seems it sends me to the login page even if I have logged in. 

    Here is what I have:

    if (!isset($_SESSION['logged_in']))
    	header("Location: fail.html");
    rest of page...

    And on the login page it sets the login with:

    $_SESSION['logged_in'] = true;

    But wheter I use the login, correctly, or just go straight to that page, I still get sent to the failed.html  I would appreciate any help.



    @OP: Perhaps you could just give the admins the right password, or a different login page than the other users.



  2. Hello all,


    I am extremely new with php, I just started learning it this week. I am tryin to make a secure login page that uses cookies for authentication. The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to get it to detect or read the set cookie properly. I want it to detect if its the correct username in the cookie and if so, allow to see the page, and if now, then return to the login screen.


    The login screen is login.html, which directs the person to the php script login.php. That should in turn show them a message page and some short info, as well as a link to their control panel (index.php) . The problem is that even if i skip the login I can still reach the control panel (index.php) with or without the cookie.


    Here is my code (please be gentle this is my first week with php):



    <Title>Admin Login</Title>
    <img src="pk.png">
    <form action="login.php" method="post">
    Username: <input type="text" name="username" /><br>
    Password:  <input type="text" name="password" /><br>
    <input type="submit" value="Login" />



    // Print a cookie
    //echo $_COOKIE["auth"];
    // A way to view all cookies
    //global $verified;
    global $cookie;
    if($_COOKIE["auth"] = "Verified_Power" )
    echo "You have been verified as PowerHouse. <br><br>";
    else if($_COOKIE["auth"] = "Verified_Thor")
    echo "it's actually thor!<br><br>";
    echo "Bad Chookie";
    <Title>Login Info</Title>
    <img src="pk.png">
    Hello <?php echo($username); ?>!<br />
    <?php //header("Cache-Control:no-cache");
    $msgfile = "messages.txt";
    $msgf = fopen( $msgfile, "r");
    $msgsize = filesize( $msgfile );
    if( $msgsize <= 0)
    $msg = fread( $msgf, $msgsize);
    If( $username == "PowerHouse" )
    If( $password == "test")
    	//read logon file
    	$logfile = fopen( $powerlogfile, "r");
    	$logfilesize = filesize ( $powerlogfile );
    	$logcountpower = fread( $logfile, $logfilesize );
    	//open file for writing
    	$logfile = fopen($powerlogfile, "w");
    	fwrite( $logfile, $logcountpower);
    	echo("You are logged in. <br><br>");
    	echo("It is you master! <br><br>");
    	if( $msg == NULL )
    			echo("No New Messages<br><br><br>");
    			echo("You have a message: <br>");
    			echo "$msg <br><br><br>";
    	echo "Click <a href='" . "/Admin_Checkin/14795" . "'>Here</a> To access your control panel.<br><br><br>";  
    	echo "You have logged in $logcountpower times.";
    	//open logfile to write to 
    			$logfile=fopen("Admin_Checkin/logs/powerlog.html", "a");
    			//write the time of access
    			$time=date("H:i:s: dS F");
    			fwrite($logfile, "<b>Time of access:</b> $time<br>");
    			//write users ip
    			if( $REMOTE_ADDR != NULL )
    				fwrite($logfile, "<b>IP Address:</b> $REMOTE_ADDR <br>");
    			//write users forwarding url
    			if( $HTTP_REFERER != NULL)
    				fwrite($logfile, "<b>Referer:</b> $HTTP_REFERER <br>");
    			//write users browser info
    			fwrite($logfile, "<b>Browser Info:</b> $HTTP_USER_AGENT <hr><br>");
    			setcookie("auth","Verified_Power", time()+3600);
    			//header("Location:login.php"); exit();
    			//setcookie('login', $_REQUEST['username'].','.md5($_REQUEST['username'].$secret_word));
    else if( $password != "test" )
    	echo("<hr>You have entered the wrong password, PowerHouse. <br>");
    else if($username == "ThorSummoner")
    		If( $password == "test")
    			//read logon file
    			$logfile = fopen( $thorlogfile, "r");
    			$logfilesize = filesize ( $thorlogfile );
    			$logcountthor = fread( $logfile, $logfilesize );
    			//open file for writing
    			$logfile = fopen($thorlogfile, "w");
    			fwrite( $logfile, $logcountthor);
    			echo("You are logged in. <br><br>");
    			echo("This is the Admin Portal Welcome Screen. <br><br>");
    			if( $logcountthor == 1)
    					echo "This is your first visit, yay! <br><br>";
    			//echo "$msg <br> <br>";
    			if( $msg == NULL )
    					echo("No New Messages<br><br><br>");
    					echo("You have a message: <br>");
    					echo "$msg <br><br><br>";
    			echo "Click <a href='" . "/Admin_Checkin/atfg4gc" . "'>Here</a> To access your control panel.<br><br><br>";  
    			echo "You have logged in $logcountthor times.";
    			//open logfile to write to 
    			$logfile=fopen("Admin_Checkin/logs/thorlog.html", "a");
    			//write the time of access
    			$time=date("H:i:s: dS F");
    			fwrite($logfile, "<b>Time of access:</b> $time<br>");
    			//write users ip
    			if( $REMOTE_ADDR != NULL )
    				fwrite($logfile, "<b>IP Address:</b> $REMOTE_ADDR <br>");
    			//write users forwarding url
    			if( $HTTP_REFERER != NULL)
    				fwrite($logfile, "<b>Referer:</b> $HTTP_REFERER <br>");
    			//write users browser info
    			fwrite($logfile, "<b>Browser Info:</b> $HTTP_USER_AGENT <hr><br>");
    			setcookie("auth","Verified_Thor", time()+3600);
    		else if( $password != "test" )
    			echo("You have entered the wrong password, ThorSummoner. <br>");
    	else if($username !== "PowerHouse" && $username !=="ThorSummoner")
    	echo("Who are you?");



    global $verified;
    echo ($verified);
    If( $verified == "TRUE" )
    echo "You are verified";
    else if( $verified != "TRUE" )
    echo "You should not be here";
    else if( $verified = NULL )
    echo "Nulled out";
    If( $cookie != "Verified_Power")
    echo "No Cookie, or not correct cookie";
    // A way to view all cookies
    <Title>Power's Control Panel
    This is my control panel <BR>


    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Remember I am new so I am sure my code is poorly written. Please be polite.



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