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About betterphp

  • Birthday 09/26/1990

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  1. what php version is your host using ?
  2. Are we ever going to get an answer ? I'm curious now .
  3. That is assuming the ISP provides open SMTP server access.
  4. you would run php -r "echo 'test';" at a terminal prompt. Sorry for not getting back to you for so long
  5. do you defiantly have error_reporting set to a high enough level and display_errors set to On ? It's very strange for php to fail and not tell you why.
  6. what do you mean exactly. encrypting data between mysql and php or php and the browser ? or just things like password in the database ?
  7. you can increase the performance of your script by tidying up the code and removing necessary bits and by using built in functions where possible instead of your own code. Concentrating on the loops will get you the most gain. You could also have the script run every hour say and generate a static file, which would allow quicker downloads of the file at the cost of a bit of dynamic-ness. And for the download time, get a faster connection or make the file smaller.
  8. keyboard-interactive ... doe that just mean typed in the shell ? If so you probably want the third one in that list. I may have completely misunderstood :-\
  9. Well if you are a beginner you have jumped in with somethign is a bit of a pain really. what you need to do is create an image resource form the file using somethign like imagecreatefrompng() then write on that image using either imagestring() or imagettftext(). Finally you need to output the image to either the screen or a file using somethign like imagejpeg() there are examples of all of those functions on their php.net pages.
  10. what about trying php from the shell ? That is most likely to tell you why the module cannot be loaded.
  11. $_POST = array_map('strip_tags', $_POST); no need for this line as your filter function does it anyway. and its in that filter function that you want to do the preg_replace. The problem is http://www.spam.com can also be just spam.com which looks a lot like words. But if you google "url matching regex" you will get loads of expressions that match urls then you just use preg_replace $data = preg_replace(EXPR, '', $data); after the trim line in the filter() function.
  12. I think it should be extension = "memcached.so" but if you are not getting start-up errors that its obviously fine the way you have it. Everything looks right as you say, does the -k you pass to apache2ctl mean graceful reload ? if so you need to not do that. I usually call the init.d script directly to restart /etc/init.d/apache2 restart although if you are restarting the server then it should be fine. If you try somethign from the command line like php phpinfo.php where phpinfo.php is just a file that does phpinfo() you might get an explanation as to why its not loading.
  13. I'm not sure about WampServer but I know XAMPP comes with Mercury for email, do you have anything similar ?
  14. the unread posts link actually shows unread topics :-\
  15. Are you using some kind of Microsoft FTP server, according to this http://www.net2ftp.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=3759 that could be the problem.
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