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Posts posted by immortalfirefly

  1. Hi Group,


    I looked through the internet and couldn't find an answer, but I was wondering on the appropriate syntax on inserting PHP code into an input element. See below.


    <input type="text" name="id" value="<?php echo $main['id']; ?>"  size="10" />


    Now this is purely an example (and I'm aware of php short tags, just don't want to use them). I only ask cause I've used CodeLobster and Eclipse and they don't really know what to do with the added php syntax. CodeLobster and Eclipse wouldn't finish marking up the rest of the line in the appropriate colors (all the text was black after the < in <?php like how I showed it above), however Eclipse's built in debug system thinks this is a syntax error.


    It runs just fine in the browser and does what I want it to, but I'd like the appropriate systax to get rid of this "error".


    Thanks in advance,



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