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Everything posted by HDFilmMaker2112
Need Some Help On Index Redirecting
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to astonishin's topic in PHP Coding Help
Is the code you posted contained in the page "http://mucove.com/?os=changepass"? Just as an example (you do NOT have to change the code to what I have, just checking I'm understanding you correctly), here's the way I have a site set-up. if($_GET['page']=="aboutus"){ include 'aboutus.php'; $section="- About Us"; } elseif($_GET['page']=="contactus"){ include 'contactus.php'; $section="- Contact Us"; } In my contactus.php page I have: if($_GET['do']=="showform"){ include 'contactform.php'; $section="- Contact Form"; } ect... else{ } Now I can get an URL of www.domainname.ext/index.php?page=contactus&do=showform -
Find date of last modified file on website?
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
works perfectly like that... just removed the echos and now it's absolutely perfect. Thanks. -
Find date of last modified file on website?
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
It displays this: /home/zyquo/public_html/ghosthuntersportal.com -
Find date of last modified file on website?
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
Still no luck. Any other ways to accomplish this without glob()? -
Need Some Help On Index Redirecting
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to astonishin's topic in PHP Coding Help
correct... I just copied what was there and altered it slightly. Didn't look to see if everything was correct. -
Need Some Help On Index Redirecting
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to astonishin's topic in PHP Coding Help
$home = ""; $how = ""; $signup = ""; $offers = ""; $friends = ""; $login = ""; $register = ""; if ($_GET['page'] == "home") { include "page_name.ext"; } else if ($_GET['page'] == "how") { include "page_name.ext"; } ect. -
Find date of last modified file on website?
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
my full path to the folder is public_html/ghosthuntersportal.com/sub-folders the code is contained in func.php which is in the includes sub-folder. If I do: glob("*.php"); Wouldn't it assume I'm looking for php files in the sub-folder the script is contained in? and not the main folder. -
Find date of last modified file on website?
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
$files1[] = glob("./ghosthuntersportal.com/*.php"); $files2[] = glob("./ghosthuntersportal.com/includes/*.php"); $files3[] = glob("./ghosthuntersportal.com/images/*"); $files[]=array_merge($files1, $files2, $files3); if(is_array($files) && count($files) > 0) { foreach($files as $file) { $filetime[]=filemtime($file); } } $filetime=max($filetime); $lastupdated="Last Updated: ".date ("F j, Y", $filetime); This returns the below: Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for Array in /home/zyquo/public_html/ghosthuntersportal.com/includes/func.php on line 27 -
Find date of last modified file on website?
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
Added the [] results in this: Warning: max() [function.max]: Array must contain at least one element in /home/zyquo/public_html/ghosthuntersportal.com/includes/func.php on line 33 The $files Array seems to be blank. -
Find date of last modified file on website?
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
I tried this just to check, error: Warning: shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/zyquo/public_html/ghosthuntersportal.com/includes/func.php on line 34 -
Find date of last modified file on website?
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
I came up with this: $files1 = glob("./ghosthuntersportal.com/*.php"); $files2 = glob("./ghosthuntersportal.com/includes/*.php"); $files3 = glob("./ghosthuntersportal.com/images/*"); $files=array_merge($files1, $files2, $files3); if(is_array($files) && count($files) > 0) { foreach($files as $file) { $filetime=filemtime($file); } } $filetime=max($filetime); $lastupdated="Last Updated: ".date ("F j, Y", filemtime($filetime)); But I get this error: Warning: Wrong parameter count for max() in /home/zyquo/public_html/ghosthuntersportal.com/includes/func.php on line 32 It returns a date of Last Updated: December 31, 1969. -
Find date of last modified file on website?
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
Find the glob() function, but don't know if it's what I'm looking for... -
Is there anyway to write a script that will find the file with the most recent file modified/uploaded date and return it? I know I can use filemtime() to return the time from the specific file, but I need a way to find the last modified file.
select category with fewest products
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
I basically need something like this: mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(product_id) AS num FROM products WHERE product_cat=(SELECT product_cat FROM products WITH LEAST SUM(product_id))")); -
I'm looking to know how to tweak this query so it finds the one category with the fewest products in it. mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(product_id) AS num FROM products"));
Problem adding paypal link to database
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
function_exists is looking for a string so it needs to be this: function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') -
Problem adding paypal link to database
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
Narrowed down the issue to this: function_exists(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) it returns false... any ideas why? When I use get_magic_quotes_gpc() by itself it returns true. -
Problem adding paypal link to database
HDFilmMaker2112 replied to HDFilmMaker2112's topic in PHP Coding Help
I just checked to see when the slashes are added and they're placed in there prior to mysql_real_escape_string, which makes no sense.... the function is not called prior to that at all. This is the form: <form action="./product_process.php?do=add" method="post"> <p><label>Product Name:</label> <input type="text" name="product_name" size="30" /> <label>Product Price:</label> <input type="text" name="product_price" size="5" /> </p> <p><label>Product Code:</label> <input type="text" name="product_code" size="30" /></p> <p><label>Product Category:</label> <input type="text" name="product_category" size="30" /></p> <p><label>Product Link:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_link" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Image:</label> <input type="text" name="product_image" size="30" /></p> <p><label>Product Tag:</label> <input type="text" name="product_tag" size="30" /></p> <p><label>Product Keywords:</label> <input type="text" name="keyword" size="30" /></p> <p><label>Product Hightlights:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_highlights" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Features:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_features" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Pros:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_pros" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Cons:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_cons" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Description:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_description" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Notes:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_notes" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Specifications:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_specifications" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea> </p> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" /></p> </form> -
When I submit a product using my admin panel, the PayPal button has slashes added to escape the double quotes in the paypal button. It's also adding slashes to my apostrophes. I didn't think it was suppose to add slashes, or they should atleast be pulled out on insert into the database? function sanitize($formValue){ if(function_exists(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $formValue = stripslashes($formValue); } $formValue = mysql_real_escape_string($formValue); return $formValue; } $product_link=sanitize($_POST['product_link']); http://ghosthuntersportal.com/store.php?product=13#overview
hmm... I made some changes to the code when I posted the thread, didn't think I changed anything to make it work; but most of. Solved.
I'm having an issue with this function: function copyyear($setyear){ $year = date('Y'); $copyrightdate="© ".$setyear; if($year!=$setyear){ $copyrightdate.=" - ".$year.""; } return $copyrightdate; } I'm echoing out the function here: <?php echo copyyear("2011"); ?> Ghost Hunter's Portal, L.L.C. This is resulting in: "Ghost Hunter's Portal, L.L.C." with no date in front of it.
I'm looking for some good MySQL/MySQLi and PHP5.3 and PHP6 books to really delve into MySQL and the newer versions of PHP. Any suggestions?
Alright, come to this result: SELECT $tbl_name.product_id , AVG($tbl_name3.review_product_rating) AS avg_rating FROM $tbl_name LEFT OUTER JOIN $tbl_name3 ON $tbl_name3.product_id = $tbl_name.product_id WHERE $tbl_name.product_category = '$cat' GROUP BY $tbl_name.product_id ORDER BY avg_rating The above works perfectly for the basic product_category view. But when it comes to my search page it shows no results. Here's the search mysql query: $likeValues = "$tbl_name2.keyword LIKE '%" . implode("%' OR $tbl_name2.keyword LIKE '%", $keywords) . "%'"; $sql10000= "SELECT * FROM $tbl_name JOIN $tbl_name2 USING(product_id) WHERE $likeValues GROUP BY product_id ORDER BY $sort_by_selected2 LIMIT $start, $limit";
Would there be a way to simplify the following, so it's not got the while loop in it? $sql_average_rating="SELECT product_id, (SUM(review_product_rating)/(COUNT(review_product_rating)-1)) AS review_product_rating FROM $tbl_name3 GROUP BY product_id"; $results_average_rating=mysql_query($sql_average_rating); while($row_average_rating=mysql_fetch_array($results_average_rating)){ extract($row_average_rating); $sql_insert_rating="UPDATE $tbl_name product_rating_average='$review_product_rating' WHERE product_id='$product_id'"; mysql_query($sql_insert_rating); }
I may need a sub-query. Basically I have a reviews table ($tbl_name3) which has product_id and review_product_rating. So there maybe 5 reviews for product_id "1", and 3 reviews for product_id "2"... I need to Average together the 5 reviews for product_id "1" and average together the 3 reviews for product_id "2" but not average together product_id "1" and product_id "2". So I need to average together the product's reviews independently of each other, and then ORDER the main query be those average values.