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  1. Hi everyone, Am having a batch file that is called from a php file,that pops up a new command prompt,it works when executed from the command prompt,when i execute the same file in browser,it doesn't pop up command window.Am using Windows 7 operating system.
  2. Am reading data from mysql database and saving it in an array,these data i need to display in a form in textboxes, the form management is taken care by the java script.In the form there is button, on clicking the button, i need to display the data in the textboxes. In the javascript i have taken care of displaying data,but am not able to pass array to the java script.
  3. Hi All, Am new to this forum and also to scripting,I have some arrays in php, onclick function of the button in html should pass the arrays to javascript function which is in a ".js" file.The php and html code is in a ".php" file. Please help me on this...
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