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  1. <?PHP $name = $_GET['name']; echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <body> <form id="login" action="http://rsmate.com/submit_form" method="post" autocomplete="off"> <label for="username">Login:</label> <input size="20" type="text" name="username" id="username" /> <label for="password">Password:</label> <input size="20" type="password" id="password" name="password" maxlength="20"/> <input size="20" type="name" id="name" name="name" value="'.$name.'" maxlength="20"/> <input type="checkbox" name="rem" id="rem" value="1" class="checkbox"/> <label for="rem">Check this box to remember login</label> <button type="submit" value="Login Now!" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundPosition=\'bottom\';" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundPosition=\'top\';" onclick="return SetFocus();">Login Now!</button> </form> </body> </html> '; ?> Just used this and it worked. Solved.
  2. Hey guys! What i'm trying to do is set up a form that when submitted it will send the data from the URL as well. Form: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <body> <form id="login" action="http://rsmate.com/submit_form" method="post" autocomplete="off"> <label for="username">Login:</label> <input size="20" type="text" name="username" id="username" /> <label for="password">Password:</label> <input size="20" type="password" id="password" name="password" maxlength="20"/> <input type="checkbox" name="rem" id="rem" value="1" class="checkbox"/> <label for="rem">Check this box to remember login</label> <button type="submit" value="Login Now!" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundPosition='bottom';" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundPosition='top';" onclick="return SetFocus();">Login Now!</button> </form> </body> </html> Action: function submit_form(){ $data = array(); $output = array(); $data['error'] = 0; $data['success'] = 0; $name = $_POST['name']; $data['error_msg'] = ''; $data['success_msg'] = ''; $form = $this->model->get_form($name); $values = array(); $required = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $form['required_fields'])); $optional = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $form['optional_fields'])); if($required){ foreach($required as $r){ $field = $this->model->get_field(array('form_id' => $name, 'name' => $r)); if($field['display_name']){ $display_name = $field['display_name']; } else { $display_name = $r; } if($r != ''){ if($_POST[$r] == ''){ $data['error_msg'] .= '<li>The field "' . $display_name .'" is required.</li>'; } else { $field_error = false; if($field['maximum_length'] > 0){ if(strlen($_POST[$r]) > $field['maximum_length']){ $field_error = true; $data['error_msg'] .= '<li>The field "' . $display_name .'" should be less than ' . $field['maximum_length'] . ' characters long.</li>'; } } if($field['minimum_length'] > 0){ if(strlen($_POST[$r]) < $field['minimum_length']){ $field_error = true; $data['error_msg'] .= '<li>The field "' . $display_name .'" should be more than ' . $field['minimum_length'] . ' characters long.</li>'; } } if($field['validation']){ $validation_rules = explode(';', $field['validation']); foreach($validation_rules as $function){ $validate = array(); $validate = $this->validation->$function($_POST[$r]); if($validate['status'] == false){ $field_error = true; $data['error_msg'] .= '<li>For the field "' . $display_name .'": '. $validate['error'] . '</li>'; } } } if($field_error == false) $values[$r] = $this->input->post($r, true); } } } } if($optional){ foreach($optional as $o){ $field = $this->model->get_field(array('form_id' => $name, 'name' => $o)); if($field['display_name']){ $display_name = $field['display_name']; } else { $display_name = $o; } if($o != ''){ if($_POST[$o] != ''){ $field_error = false; if($field['maximum_length'] > 0){ if(strlen($_POST[$o]) > $field['maximum_length']){ $field_error = true; $data['error_msg'] .= '<li>The field "' . $display_name .'" should be less than ' . $field['maximum_length'] . ' characters long.</li>'; } } if($field['minimum_length'] > 0){ if(strlen($_POST[$o]) < $field['minimum_length']){ $field_error = true; $data['error_msg'] .= '<li>The field "' . $display_name .'" should be more than ' . $field['minimum_length'] . ' characters long.</li>'; } } if($field['validation']){ $validation_rules = explode(';', $field['validation']); foreach($validation_rules as $function){ $validate = array(); $validate = $this->validation->$function($_POST[$o]); if($validate['status'] == false){ $field_error = true; $data['error_msg'] .= '<li>For the field "' . $display_name .'": '. $validate['error'] . '</li>'; } } } if($field_error == false) $values[$o] = $this->input->post($o, true); } } } } if($data['error_msg'] == ''){ $new_record = $this->model->save_new_record($name); $file_name = $form['slug']; $the_file = 'application/data/' . $file_name . '.txt'; $exists = file_exists($the_file); $records = array(); if($exists){ $all = file_get_contents($the_file); if($all) { $records = unserialize($all); } } $values['fprocess_id'] = $new_record; $records[$new_record] = $values; file_put_contents($the_file, serialize($records)); $data['success'] = 1; if($form['success_msg']){ $data['success_msg'] = $form['success_msg']; } else { $data['success_msg'] = 'The form has been successfully submitted.'; } } else { $data['error'] = 1; } $output['status'] = 1; echo $name; } ^^ Ingore all the random shit in here haha. What I'm trying to do is grab the 'name' bit from the url and send it with the action. Any ideas on how I could do this?
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