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  1. How to showPop Up when form is refreshed and on the back nothing will work hwo can do that .?? when form is refreshed form is working . how can do that plz send me the code if u have ...........
  2. hello friends i want to convert mpg or other files in flv . and first i enable the ffmpeg . the phpinfo shows me ffmpeg is enable. then i write a code for convert its generate the file in .flv but they are 0butes means there is no data in a file. u check my code if anyone can help me urgent i use ffmpeg_movie.php (class file) phpvideotoolkit.php5.php (class file) and index.php where i run the code require_once('ffmpeg_movie.php'); $srcFile = "robot.avi"; $destFile = "robot.flv"; $ffmpegPath = "ffmpeg"; $flvtool2Path = "flvtool2"; // Create our FFMPEG-PHP class $ffmpegObj = new ffmpeg($srcFile); // Save our needed variables $srcWidth = makeMultipleTwo($ffmpegObj->getFrameWidth()); $srcHeight = makeMultipleTwo($ffmpegObj->getFrameHeight()); $srcFPS = $ffmpegObj->getFrameRate(); $srcAB = intval($ffmpegObj->getAudioBitRate()/1000); $srcAR = $ffmpegObj->getAudioSampleRate(); // Call our convert using exec() exec($ffmpegPath . " -i " . $srcFile . " -ar " . $srcAR . " -ab " . $srcAB . " -f flv -s " . $srcWidth . "x" . $srcHeight . " " . $destFile . " | " . $flvtool2Path . " -U stdin " . $destFile); // Make multiples function function makeMultipleTwo ($value) { $sType = gettype($value/2); if($sType == "integer") { return $value; } else { return ($value-1); } } i also gave attachment of my work . plz urgent
  3. i m late to tell of u ...............but yur idea help me in next issues
  4. how to pass data on other domain in PHp or curl ?? and also how to get data on other domain ?? if anyone knows how to do it plz attach code
  5. thanks to all. friends . but i done before yur replys . anyways thanks both of u . if im in another issue i remember u ............
  6. hi friends im new in this forum . i have a question my question is that in gogole map api we can click on a map and place a marker on that postion . how can i do that in a simple image when i was click on image and place marker on that postion ??? is that possible in javascript ??
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