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  1. can abybody tell where to write php code & sql statements in Xampp
  2. i have installed xampp but now where to write php script & how to give mysql commands plz guide me
  3. thanks for the help I have installed Xampp
  4. I think now am using complete words so can anybody plz solve my problem?
  5. no coz i am curious to know the solution
  6. ya but just want to know how to get this problem solve
  7. i m gettin this error after installation of easyphp : "windows cant access specified device, path or file.you may not hav appropriate permission to access them" actuall i installed n uninstalled many time this s/w & mysql so m getting this error how to get rid of it thanx
  8. well actually yes what happened exactly is first i downloaded mysql 5.5 with pwd was working successfully den i wanted 2 learn php so downloaded easyphp after that i was trying to access phpmyadmin bt was not able to access it as pwd of phpmyadmin was blank so i had to change mysql pwd to blank & i tried many time bt it didnt work the next day it started workingbut again the next day it stopped working both mysql & easyphp then i uninstalled both & again tried to install mysql & easyphp separately bt nw its showing error today i removed mysql completely dowloaded the setup & ran on my pc bt nw its showing error so nw nt at all able to install plz help me
  9. the error is : "unable to execute file : "Location" create process failed; code 5 access is denied"
  10. hello friends, I want to install mysql 5.5 when I was surfing the net i came across mysql community server shall i download that one i am just a biginner & i want to learn because later i will have to do database testing so plz guide me
  11. well this is normal eng wat grown up words r u talking abt moreover this forum is for helping
  12. hey thank u 4 d reply bt d prob is : in my system 1st der was mysql den i wanted 2 learn php so installed php after dat phpmyadmin was not working as pwd of mysql was not blank so i reinstalled mysql n i dnt knw hw bt i set blank pwd while installing mysql then phpmyadmin worked 4 one day the next day nothing was working mysql & easyphp both so what to do now
  13. does dat means i have to install only easyphp & not mysql & apche?
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