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    New York

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  1. yeah, you're right. I found this helpful. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=58799.0 Thanks though. -Fitz
  2. hmmm... i suggest doing an echo on the $_SESSION['SESS_ID'] and $id, just to ensure they contain values that are strings and nothing more. I hope this helps you. -Fitz
  3. thanks dougjohnson, 10 years experience though is excellent.. Wish I had that.. In due time though. But anyway, any books and/or websites, other communities besides phpfreak that you would recommend?? And to everyone else here, again all advice is helpful. I'd really appreciate it -Fitz
  4. Hi all, I'd like to make a transition in my career in App Support to PHP Development.. I have interest in the language but don't know exactly where to start to get my feet wet. Could you guys please give advice? I look to someday be the same guy giving advice to newcomers as well. I'm currently in process of making my own site using OOP, which is cool (so yeah that's my project to keep myself busy in PHP). So any recommendations? Key Pointers? Suggestions?? Anything? I know it's a broad question but all advice is helpful. Thanks, -Fitz
  5. Hey guys, Simple advice on this one. I'd like to convert a float value to percentage... See the example below: printf("%.2f",2/3); So obviously 0.67 is expected, but I'd like to assume without reinventing the wheel, that PHP has a nice function that prints 67% instead. Anyone? Thanks in advance -Fitz.
  6. Hey all, My name is Benefitz, but you can call me Fitz! I'm interested in PHP, been playing around with the language for a couple months now, and I love it! I look to advance my knowledge in this language and click with cool people like you guys! Thanks, -Fitz!
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