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Posts posted by chainmatrix

  1. assign $value as a reference in your foreach and it should work

    . . .

    Notice how I put an ampersand in front of $value in the second foreach.  That will assign it by reference allowing you to change it on the fly.


    For some reason I could still not get it work, original values in the array remained unchanged. However, inspired by your first suggestion I was able to decode the offending characters already when creating the array from database search result. Looked like this:


    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {
    $rows[0] = html_entity_decode($row[0], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');   // just an example, actually looped through rows
    $result_array[] = $row;


    (The next step was to figure out how to sort the multidimensional array. Just in case someone googles this up, below is also an example of how to do it -- it may well be piece of cake to the brainiacs among us, but it took me quite a while to figure out. :) )


    foreach ($result_array as $key => $row) {
    $sort_by[$key]  = $row[0]; // replace [0] with the index to be used for sorting
    array_multisort($sort_by, SORT_ASC, $result_array);


    Thank you for your help Zanus, much appreciated!

  2. Situation is as follows: I have fetched data from database. This data has all special characters replaced with their ASCII value codes (ä is ä , ö is ö and so on). Due to the encoding, data is not in correct alphabetical order after fetching it; thus I'd need to decode all the characters back into normal UTF-8 characters and then sort the data. html_entity_decode seems to handle this. However, I am unable to figure out how to decode the data, as it is currently located in a multidimensional array?


    I started solving this by going through the arrays with loops; my current code is below, but my knowledge in arrays in not good enough to figure out how to replace the data within the array with the decoded values?


    foreach ($result_array as $row) {
    foreach ($row as $key => $value) {			
    	$new_value = html_entity_decode($value);
    	// I would now need to replace the original $value in $result_array with the $new_value, but can't figure out how to do it??

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