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  1. Hello, i have mysql DB and there is one time column in each row. What query I should use to get all rows marked eg. 12th aug? the time is marked in php time() format
  2. yes but I want to have auto increment feature since i need it. but thank you for helping (and I found feature to change the auto increment starting number it´s available in phpmyadmin )
  3. ok,thanks for helping I think i´ll not need mysql_real_escape_string but btw when I remove many rows from table and i have AUTO INCREMENT in ID field why the ID is not next to existing ones , it´s next to previous ones ? i think you may not understand but ids: 1,2,3,4,5 then remove 4,5 then create new and it gots id 6 how can i make it to got id 4 ?
  4. ok thank you for help could you say whats wrong with this $query = "UPDATE tolkit SET (lyhenne, nimi, kpl, ostopaikka, valmistaja, lisatty, paivitetty) VALUES ('".$lyhenne."', '".$nimi."', '".$kpl."', '".$ostopaikka."', '".$valmistaja."', '".$lisatty."', '".$paivitetty."') WHERE id='".$id."'";
  5. How could I add last updated and created dates in mysql table row?
  6. there was ' missing, i fixed it now
  7. I have this code $id = $_GET['esitysid']; $esitysnimi = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM varasto WHERE id = '".$id."", $yhteys); print "esitysnimi $esitysnimi"; $esitysnim = mysql_result($esitysnimi, "0", "nimi"); varasto: nimi hinta maara id lippuja Esitys Nimi 1 10 14 0 5 Esitys Nimi 2 120 5 1 0 Esitys Nimi 3 950 5 2 0 and it says Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given How can I fix it? Thank you for help
  8. Hello, do you know any network drive with USB 3.0 port? So I could choose will I use network feature or do I use usb3.0 port? size should be 1tb-2tb thanks Olli
  9. Hello, Thank you for help, I will look up your ideas! Thank you very much!!
  10. I want that size goes smaller between 10 (so 0-10 biggst, 10-20 smaller, 20-30 more smaller etc) How should I do this? And,is there some other method to do this?
  11. now I tried it, but it seems only change first 3 styles. But,I want it to be like this: http://coa.inducks.org/podium.php
  12. @kickstart thank you for help! Could you comment also this one:
  13. yes,but I´m currently using number based system. so I would like to continue using them. So, could someone help with it?
  14. and,if I want to save vote to file, I need url something like vote.php?id=COUNTRY-ID And COUNTRY-ID should be same than country is in the file. So it should not be same id in the table that has been ordered in number order. How could I get it?
  15. and what method you would recommend to have country list doing like this: So country with lot of votes would have bigger font size,and if small count of votes, it would have small font size.
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