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About jnvnsn

  • Birthday 11/02/1988

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  1. $(document).ready(function(){ //var cname = $(this).attr('class'); //var iname = $(this).attr('id'); $("li").click(function(){ var cname = $(this).attr('class'); var iname = $(this).attr('id'); var cname2 = "." + cname; alert(iname); $(".red").toggleClass("highlightyellow"); }); $("#rob .highlightyellow").click(function(){ $(".highlightyellow").toggleClass("red"); }); }); how can i pass cname to this line $(".red").toggleClass("highlightyellow"); ?
  2. print number_format (" Cost : $$Cost<br><br> Tax: $$Tax<br><br> Shipping: $$Ship<br><br> Total: $$Total<br><br>",2); you passed invalid variables to the number_format function. remove those.
  3. The loop is only intended for the first array: array("ACTION", "First Person Shooter"). The rest are not being traversed. Try this in your code: $count = count($genre_list); for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { echo $genre_list[$i][0]; echo $genre_list[$i][1]; }
  4. still no luck, xyph.having this error: Warning: fopen(C:/some/path/excelreport.xls) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/test-1/File/export.php on line 54
  5. I am actually studying it right now. Anyway, thanks for the help!
  6. i got it actually. using this: $filename ='C:\some\path\excelreport.xls'; $path = 'C:\some\path\excelreport.xls'; if(file_exists($path)): $fh = fopen($filename, "a") or die("can't open file"); $contents = "name \t companyName \t address \t num \t email \t url \t \n"; fwrite($fh, $contents); fclose($fh); echo 'file exist'; else: echo 'does not exist'; endif; but i'm having trouble on this one: $filename ="excelreport.xls"; $path = 'C:\some\path\excelreport.xls'; if(file_exists($path)) { $filepath = 'C:\some\path\excelreport.xls'; $fh = fopen($filepath, "a") or die("can't open file"); $write = "$name \t $companyName \t $address \t $num \t $email \t $url \t \n"; fwrite($fh, $write); fclose($fh); exit; } else { $contents = "NAME \t COMPANY NAME \t ADDRESS \t PHONE NUMBER \t EMAIL \t URL \t \n"; $contents .= "$name \t $companyName \t $address \t $num \t $email \t $url \t \n"; header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); header('Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=".$filename); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary "); echo $contents; } it executes the else statement even though the file exist. any ideas?
  7. My boss wanted it in an excel file. I've tried that one, i think it's more on customizing the cells.
  8. yep XLS format. what do you mean by this?
  9. I tried it but no luck. here is the code if it can help: $filename ="excelreport.xls"; $path = 'C:\some\path\here\excelreport.xls'; if(file_exists($path)): $fh = fopen($filename, 'a') or die("can't open file"); $contents = "name \t companyName \t address \t num \t email \t url \t \n"; fwrite($fh, $contents); fclose($fh); echo 'file exist'; else: echo 'does not exist'; endif;
  10. how to append to an excel file? any idea?hehe please help!
  11. Thank You wildteen88!
  12. I'm not trying to convert anything. I'm just trying to know if there is a way to determine the name through it's company name with this format: John Doe John Doe Home Services 4748 National Rd E, Richmond, IN 47374 (765) 962-3908 [email protected] www.johndoe.com What im trying to do here is store this in a database through this field: Name Company Name Address Tel. No. Email Url
  13. Any ideas on how to determine the name and company name in this format: John Doe John Doe Home Services 4748 National Rd E, Richmond, IN 47374 (765) 962-3908 [email protected] www.johndoe.com Name: John Doe Company Name: John Doe Home Services Address: 4748 National Rd E, Richmond, IN 47374 Tel. No.: (765) 962-3908 Email: [email protected] Url: www.johndoe.com I have a way in determining the tel. no., email url. Ideas anyone?
  14. I actually found this software: http://download.cnet.com/ContactCopy/3000-2652_4-10632162.html
  15. jnvnsn


    $pattern = '~^([\w\d\s,]+)(\(\d{3}\)\s*\d{3}-\d{4})~'; can you disect this one for me? i'm not good at regex.
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