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Posts posted by jcpeden

  1. I'm trying to count the number of files in a directory on my local server. When I browse to the directory I can see this:




    Here is the code that I'm using:


    $category = get_the_category();
    $cat_slug = $category[0]->category_nicename;
    $dir = 'http://localhost/badsexsucks/wp-content/themes/AskIt/images/gay/';
    if (glob("$dir*.jpg") != false)
    $filecount = count(glob("" .$dir. "*.jpg"));
    echo $filecount;
    echo 0;


    For some reason, it always returns 0


    I've tried both:

    $dir = 'http://localhost/badsexsucks/wp-content/themes/AskIt/images/gay/';

    $dir = '../images/gay/'

  2. Here is what I've come up with. I've tested this code and the results are absolutely perfect for what I need. As I'm pretty much a beginner with PHP, please let me know if I've gone about it in an a$$ backward manner.


    // Get current category id and concatenate argument 'child_of=cat_id'

    function child_categories(&$current_cat_ID) {

    global $wp_query;

    $current_cat_ID .= get_query_var('cat');


    $child_of = 'child_of=';



    // Get child categories of current category



    Apologies if I've explained myself badly

  3. I'm working on a custom category page for a Wordpress theme and I need to pass (correct me if that is the wrong terminology) to an argument for the function get_categories:


    if (is_category('4,6,9')) {



    <?php $categories = get_categories("child_of=$cat-id");


    foreach ($categories as $cat) {



    I would like $cat-id to be either 4, 6 or 9 depending on which category page the user is looking at. How do I make this happen?

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