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  1. I am using the open source class TCPDF to generate a pdf file, I have to output the list of items in my database, each item has a code like : 01BAA , 01BAB , A17B ... //Some code before foreach($sites_direction_ids as $sites_direction_id) { $html .= ' <tr class="tr_site"> <td>'.$site["site_direction_code"].'</td> <td>'.$site["full_site_loc"].'</td> <td>'.$site["site_direction"].'</td> <td>'.$_format->size($site["width"],$site["height"]).'</td> <td>'.$duration.'</td> <td>$'.$_format->_number($rate_card).'</td> <td>'.$_format->_number($discount).' %</td> <td align="center">$'.$_format->_number($after_discount).'</td> <td align="center">$'.$_format->_number($direction_total).'</td> </tr> ; } //Some code after The following $site["site_direction_code"] contains the code, when the code is from 4 digits, it's displayed normally, but if it's 5 digits like 01EAA, the tcpdf class transform it to a break line and make a big space between rows, so how i want to tell the class to display the code as it's without execute it to some special meaning?
  2. this is the jQuery used for the animation in the top banner : <script src="scripts/jqFancyTransitions.1.8.min.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>. for the advertisement, this is the jQuery: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.cycle.all.2.72.js"></script> but it's not only on my website this error appear, wherever this libraries used, IE9 display them in a wrong way!
  3. Hey guys, i have this site http://www.corpplus.net, if you open it using IE7, IE8, firefox, safari or google chrome, you will see that everything is ok, but if you open it with IE9, you will be surprised!! the header banner (created by jquery animation) is very bad, also the bottom advertisement section is also broken, so why IE9 do that?? any one can help please.
  4. Yes i see your message and i confirmed it, thank you so much for your assistant, it's highly appreciated.
  5. yesssssssssssssssssss it works now!! finally please may you test it for me pleassssseeeee?
  6. there are something not clear! in this page : http://code.google.com/apis/recaptcha/docs/verify.html, they said i have to send the private key POST to the URL "http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/verify", so i have to make an input hidden and set his value to the private key given when i created the recaptcha, but when i create it, they give me : " Private Key: ****************************************** Use this when communicating between your server and our server. Be sure to keep it a secret. " so how i will fix this? please any one can help me in full steps?
  7. i am trying now to use recaptcha, but i am facing some hard issues, thank you so much
  8. hey all, i have this website www.corpplus.net, i created a wall page where the visitors can write something on site (see http://www.corpplus.net/corpplus-wall), i am putting a Captcha image in the form, but i receive also a spam and some messages which are not a real user like this message : "side effects of oral typhoid vaccine emsam uk humulin n pen device .... " from "[email protected]", and it's clearly that's not a real user, so how they can do this? Doesn't Captha deny this cases?? please help
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