I am using the open source class TCPDF to generate a pdf file, I have to output the list of items in my database, each item has a code like : 01BAA , 01BAB , A17B ...
//Some code before
foreach($sites_direction_ids as $sites_direction_id)
$html .= '
<tr class="tr_site">
<td>'.$_format->_number($discount).' %</td>
<td align="center">$'.$_format->_number($after_discount).'</td>
<td align="center">$'.$_format->_number($direction_total).'</td>
//Some code after
The following $site["site_direction_code"] contains the code, when the code is from 4 digits, it's displayed normally, but if it's 5 digits like 01EAA, the tcpdf class transform it to a break line and make a big space between rows, so how i want to tell the class to display the code as it's without execute it to some special meaning?