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Posts posted by jimsanghvi@hotmail.com

  1. Dear All


    I am new to ckeditor . Please need some help . Say for example i have posted my web page on godaddy server and i want to make some change on text for eg : index.html page . So when i make some changes and click on save button of ckeditor tool . Will that web page posted on godaddy server will be automatically updated and when i reopen or refresh that page posted on godaddy will show that changes .


    Will i need to publish that page I am new to ckeditor . Please need some help . Say for example i have posted my web page on godaddy server and i want to make some change on text for eg : index.html page . So when i make some changes and click on save button of ckeditor tool . Will that web page posted on godaddy server will be automatically updated and when i reopen or refresh that page posted on godaddy will show that changes .


    Will i need to publish that page


    Tool Like wordpress and vignette . You make changes and click on publish and it automatically make changes to website . So in same way can it be done in ckeditor


    Please please help


    Please please help

  2. Dear All


    I am new to ckeditor . Please need some help . Say for example i have posted my web page on godaddy server and i want to make some change on text for eg : index.html page . So when i make some changes and click on save button of ckeditor tool . Will that web page posted on godaddy server will be automatically updated and when i reopen or refresh that page posted on godaddy will show that changes .


    Will i need to publish that page


    Please please help

  3. Say for eg i have hosted my website on godaddy . Now for eg there is a web page index.html . now i install the folder of ckeditor on godaddy . Now say i open the web page for eg www.marte.com/index.html in ckeditor and make the change and save it . Then when i refresh the index.html that is www.marte.com/index.html while the change reflect or do i need to publish or it will automatically save the changes and reflect it


    On button click the change should reflect will this be done through php or javascript



  4. Dear All : I install ckeditor and there is a folder _sample in that there is a file fullpage.html .  I made changes to text in text area and clicked on save button , but it did not save . Want i want to do is when save button is clicked the page open for editting say for example index.html . then on save button click it should make changes to index.html page on page refresh


    Dear All


    I am getting the value of element in the form through Ajax . Now my problem is xmlhttp.open("GET","simple2.php?q="+str,true); from simple2.php i want to return the value of $q to main page that is simple1.php


    So once i get the value of $q on simple1.php then i can do some if condition in php . ie



    if ($q =="a" )




    <div class = "abc" >

    <input type="text" name="abc" />









    Please have a look at the code below







    <script type="text/javascript">

    function showCD(str)


    if (str=="")





    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)

      {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari

      xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();



      {// code for IE6, IE5

      xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");




      if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
















    Select a CD:

    <select name="cds" onChange="showCD(this.value)">

    <option value="">Select a CD:</option>

    <option value="Bob Dylan">Bob Dylan</option>

    <option value="Bonnie Tyler">Bonnie Tyler</option>

    <option value="Dolly Parton">Dolly Parton</option>





    <div id="txtHint"><b>CD info will be listed here...</b></div>








    echo $q;




    Dear All


    I am getting the value of element in the form through Ajax . Now my problem is xmlhttp.open("GET","simple2.php?q="+str,true); from simple2.php i want to return the value of $q to main page that is simple1.php


    So once i get the value of $q on simple1.php then i can do some if condition in php . ie



    if ($q =="a" )




    <div class = "abc" >

    <input type="text" name="abc" />









    Please have a look at the code below







    <script type="text/javascript">

    function showCD(str)


    if (str=="")





    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)

      {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari

      xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();



      {// code for IE6, IE5

      xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");




      if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
















    Select a CD:

    <select name="cds" onChange="showCD(this.value)">

    <option value="">Select a CD:</option>

    <option value="Bob Dylan">Bob Dylan</option>

    <option value="Bonnie Tyler">Bonnie Tyler</option>

    <option value="Dolly Parton">Dolly Parton</option>





    <div id="txtHint"><b>CD info will be listed here...</b></div>








    echo $q;





    [attachment deleted by admin]


    Dear All


    I have a form say i have selected Volva from drop down box . So without clicking on submit button  when i move to next field that is `<input>` the value that is volva should get store in php variable





    <form action="">

    <select name="cars">

    <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>

    <option value="saab">Saab</option>

    <option value="fiat">Fiat</option>

    <option value="audi">Audi</option>



    <input type="text" name="abc" />









  8. Thanks Richard for fast reply , but what i want to do is


    when submit button is clicked it get redirected to abc.php page . On this page i am storing it in a variable and then it get stored in database . So when a person click on bb click or cc click the drop down box wil change , but should store in same variable on next page .


    Uploading file again


    [attachment deleted by admin]

  9. Dear All


    what i am trying to do is when i click on the submit button and try to get the value it is not displaying it properly . I am writting the code of 2 file down 1) enable.php 2) abc.php



    File Name : enable.php








    <script type="text/javascript">


    function showdetail(boxid){

    document.getElementById(boxid).style.display = "block";



    function hidedetail(boxid){

    document.getElementById(boxid).style.display = "none";









    <form name="abc" method="post" action="abc.php">




                        <li><a id="r" href="#" title="" alt="" onclick="showdetail('res'); hidedetail('comm');">bb</a></li>

                        <li style="width: 1px;">|</li>

                        <li style="width:85px;"><a id="r" href="#" title="" alt="" onclick="showdetail('comm'); hidedetail('res');">Cc</a></li>

                        <li style="width: 2px;">|</li>





    <div id="res" style="display:none;">


    <select id="pr" name="pr" class="textarial12 textcolorgrey flot_left">

    <option value="Hello">Hello</option>






    <div id="comm" style="display:none;">


    <select id="pr" name="pr" class="textarial12 textcolorgrey flot_left">

    <option value="Hi">Hi</option>





    <input type="submit" value="submit" />








    File Name :  abc.php







    echo $PropertyType;








    [attachment deleted by admin]




    Please help . What i want to do is . Say for example : There is a URL




    when some one directly try to open or type this URL in browser . It should ask user to login in or redirect him to login page and once he is successfully login in then only this page should be visible to him


    That is if he is not a member then




    should not be visible to him or her




    I want to display message on same customised popup window . Say for eg when i click on signin link a popup window comes and when i click on submit button , it get redirected to loginpage.php where php code for connection is written and other code of php is wriiten for database fetching . and if login credential match it get redirected to main page


    So what i want to do is when some one click on signin link and popup window open up and when clicked on submit button , if the credential dont match it should throw error on same popup window before it closes


  12. Dear All


    I want to display message on same customised popup window . Say for eg when i click on signin link a popup window comes and when i click on submit button , it get redirected to loginpage.php where php code for connection is written and other code of php is wriiten for database fetching . and if login credential match it get redirected to main page


    So what i want to do is when some one click on signin link and popup window open up and when clicked on submit button , if the credential dont match it should throw error on same popup window before it closes

  13. I have a link on Home Page say for eg


    <a href="count.php?id=<?php echo $row['ID']; ?>&desc=<?php echo $row['PRO']; ?>" name="abc<?php $i; ?>">**Home**</a></li>


    Once click on Home Link provided above it goes to next page that is




    Now i want to read value from URL


    id=4 and

    desc=it is available


    and i want to store it in variable


    $idenity = id ( store the id from url to varible )



    I use a SQL database and a WHILE LOOP to display the contents of the database on the main page and am currently trying to incorporate a Facebook "like" button for each and every item on the page.


    Currently every item listed in the database is displayed on Shopping.php I need the server to be able to create a page with a unique address for each item in the database so that the "like" buttons don't all link back to the Shopping.php page.


    What I am imagining is something like "/Shopping.php?item=0001" that will link to a page dedicated to that one single item.


    Thanks for your time.


    Please if you could give a code how to do it , it would be great help



    I have a dynamic page , which fetch data from database . Say for eg there are 2 record which is generated depending on query . So what i want to do is when some one click the Home link on 1st record , it should go to next page and over there php code is there which will increment the counter that is how many times the page is visted


    Similarly when 2nd record Home link is clicked it should go to some page and then again again counter for that page is incremented


    so say eg


    Home Page - 1st Record - Page : http://www.abc.com/Wakad-T4248349


    Home Page - 2nd Record - Page : http://www.abc.com/Himn-T3333333


    Or another way of doing this , please help


    <div id="menubar">
        <li class="current_page_item">
          <a href="count.php" name="abc<?php $i; ?>">Home</a>
          <?php $_SESSION['Home']=$row['ID']; echo $_SESSION['Home'];?>
    <div id="menubar">
        <li class="current_page_item">
          <a href="count.php" name="abc<?php $i; ?>">Home</a>
          <?php $_SESSION['Home']=$row['ID']; echo $_SESSION['Home'];?>



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