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Posts posted by Mike521

  1. I'm generating a PNG image (transparent background) of some text on the fly. The text will be whatever the user typed, using English 111 Vivace BT (a script) as the font.


    The image will always be 100px tall by 200px wide, regardless of how large the text is. I want the text to be horizontally centered and positioned as close to the top of the image as possible.


    This all works generally fine except that imagettfbbox() appears to be returning incorrect points for the bounding box, it thinks the text is taller than it really is, and therefore some blank space is appearing at the top of the image, before the text.


    Please see the attached example png, I drew some red guidelines to demonstrate the problem. The left side shows a guideline that is 38px tall, which is what imagettfbbox() thinks is the height of the text. The right side shows a line measured against the text itself, and it's only 26px tall.


    is there a more accurate way to get the box?



  2. thanks salathe, that looks perfect! kenrbnsn, that's what I was doing?


    As it turned out I decided to use a database and have a separate column called "processed" that I set when the orders have been processed. Only drawback is I'll have to clean the DB once a week or so, but I prefer this method over the flat files

  3. I have a text file that is written to by two scripts:


    1. writes order data whenever a new order comes in

    2. must read the order data and then erase the file, twice a day


    This way every time script 2 runs, it has only the new orders, none that have already been read.


    Each of the scripts does an flock to make sure the other one doesn't access it while it's making changes.


    Problem is, after script 2 reads all the orders, I want to erase the text file. If I close the file and then reopen it in "w" mode, there'll be a split second where the file is available to be written to by script 1.


    So is there a way to open the file for reading / writing, and completely blank it out after reading is complete?


    I also thought about doing a file_get_contents to read it with script 2, then opening it in "w" mode, but I think it could still be written to again between the file_get_contents and the fopen.


    Here's some code, thanks in advance for any suggestions


    Script 1: runs frequently throughout the day at random times

    echo "working";
    if ( $file = fopen( "orders.txt", "w" ) ) {
    if ( flock( $file, LOCK_EX ) ) {
    	//write some stuff
    } else {
    	echo "<br>couldn't acquire lock...";
    } else {
    echo "<br>couldn't open file...";
    fclose( $file );
    echo "done";


    Script 2: runs twice a day on schedule


    if ( $orders = fopen( "orders.txt", "r+" ) ) { // open for reading and writing
    if ( flock( $orders, LOCK_EX ) ) { // file is locked, we can read it then erase it
    	// first read the whole file
    	while ( !feof( $orders ) ) {
    		$allOrders .= fgets( $orders, 4096 );
    	// here is where we want to erase the file and close it
    } else {
    	echo "<br>could not lock orders.txt";
    } else {
    echo "<br>cannot open orders.txt";
    fclose( $orders );

  4. Is there a way to install PHP on my vista machine simply so I can use it to do syntax checks before uploading my files to the server? Sometimes I do not have the ability or the time to do a good test (upload a test file, check it, then modify the live file). In these instances it would be very useful if I can do a simple syntax check before uploading, to catch a missing comma or semi colon.


    Is there an easy way to do this? I'm using Dreamweaver CS 3 on Vista Ultimate




  5. I think I finally figured it out.


    instead of converting miscellaneous characters to entities, I figured what the hell, if I can get them to utf8 then why should I encode them?


    so I just utf8 encode the incoming data, replace only the worst characters ( & < > ) with their entities, urlencode, and send.


    seems to work fine so far.

  6. It seems like the problem is the entity references though.


    %26Ntilde%3B becomes Ñ when it's received. Then simplexml gives the error "Entity: line 23: parser error : Entity 'Ntilde' not defined"


    Is there a way to tell simplexml to expect those types of entities, perhaps?

  7. I am in character encoding hell, I hope someone can get me out!


    I have a web form encoded in ISO-8859-1. It posts to another ISO-8859-1 page.


    That page takes the post data and sends it to a script that runs in the background.


    The script's job is to convert the post data into xml, and then post it to yet another script that will process it.


    The problem I run into is when there are spanish characters on the input. It seems no matter how I try to encode them, the final receiving script always either ignores all the incoming data, or ignores the fields with spanish characters.


    It seems to me that the problem is happening in the last post. For example here is what my xml data might look like right before I send it:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    The very first thing I do on the final script is email the post data to myself. Well here's what it looks like:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <spanishStuff>here are some span chars Ñ ñëó</spanishStuff>


    See how the %26's have been replaced with &? Well then when I do a simplexml_load_string, it gives me warnings such as "parser error : Entity 'Ntilde' not defined". After that, all the input is either ignored, or the fields with spanish chars are ignored, depending on which variation of encoding I've tried this time around.


    I don't know what to do at this point, I've spent a lot of time trying TONS of ways to encode the data, either before I send it or after I receive it, and nothing seems to help.


    For what it's worth, one of the first things I do is utf8_encode the incoming post data since the web form is in ISO



    Here is a step-by-step of the process if you want further clarification:


    1. user enters data on ISO-8859-1 page

    2. data is posted to a receiving ISO-8859-1 page

    3. receiving page spawns a background process (using http_build_query on the post data, and fsockopen / fwrite to send it)

        -- background process ignores user disconnect

    4. background process takes the post data and forms it into XML.

        -- as it does so, it encodes the data in UTF8, htmlentities, and urlencode

    5. background process uses cURL to post the xml string to the final, receiving script

    6. receiving script grabs the data and does whatever it needs to do


    the background process technically can be skipped, but we don't want the user waiting around while all this other stuff happens, so I simply tell them thank you and let the system do the rest.


    hope someone can help, thanks



  8. Anyone know of a way to convert windows 1252 into UTF-8?


    For example our database has lots of product descriptions that unfortunately have fancy quotes and double quotes (probably from MS Word etc).


    I want to change the charset on our web pages to UTF-8, but the quotes get messed up.


    Using utf8_encode doesn't work because it wants an ISO string as input, not 1252.


    Thanks in advance

  9. I figured it out, the following lines were bugged:


    $theInventoryName = "Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_$style_Inventory";
    $theSalesOrderName = "Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_$style_Qty_x0020_on_x0020_Sales_x0020_Order";


    The variable was $style, but the way I tried to insert it into this string, PHP thought I was looking for a variable called $style_Inventory, similarly for the next line.


    I changed them to:


    $theInventoryName = "Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_" . $style . "_Inventory";
    $theSalesOrderName = "Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_" . $style . "_Qty_x0020_on_x0020_Sales_x0020_Order";


    and it worked perfectly

  10. this is the original xml:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    I'm trying to pull the values of 3406S_Inventory and 3406S_Qty


    I forgot to put in the first post:

    $style = 3406S;

  11. I've probably been looking at this too long and need to just take a break. I have the following data in XML form, brought into an object via simplexml_load_string:


    object(SimpleXMLElement)#1 (1) {
      object(SimpleXMLElement)#2 (5) {
        object(SimpleXMLElement)#3 (2) {
          string(5) "22964"
          string(4) "1197"


    When I try to get the data (aka the inventory) it comes up blank. But if I want the value of "Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_3406S" it returns data. For example the following code:


    		$theInventoryObject = "Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_$style";
    	$theSalesOrderObject = "Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_$style";
    	$theInventoryName = "Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_$style_Inventory";
    	$theSalesOrderName = "Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_$style_Qty_x0020_on_x0020_Sales_x0020_Order";
    	$theItemInventory = $theStockReturn->Dynamics_x0020_NAV_x0020_Data->$theInventoryObject->$theInventoryName;
    	$theItemSalesOrder = $theStockReturn->Dynamics_x0020_NAV_x0020_Data->$theSalesOrderObject->$theSalesOrderName;
    	echo "<br>Item Inventory: $theItemInventory<br>Item Sales Order: $theItemSalesOrder<br>";
    	echo "<br>Inventory Object:<br>";
    	var_dump( $theStockReturn->Dynamics_x0020_NAV_x0020_Data->$theInventoryObject );
    	echo "<br>Sales Object:<br>";
    	var_dump( $theStockReturn->Dynamics_x0020_NAV_x0020_Data->$theInventoryObject->$theInventoryName );


    outputs this:


    Inventory Object:
    object(SimpleXMLElement)#14 (2) { ["Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_3406S_Inventory"]=> string(5) "22964" ["Item_x0020_Stock_x0020_3406S_Qty_x0020_on_x0020_Sales_x0020_Order"]=> string(4) "1197" }
    Sales Object:
    object(SimpleXMLElement)#12 (0) { }
    Item Inventory:
    Item Sales Order: 


    Can anyone see what I'm missing?

  12. I was also going to suggest using the range parameters. mt_rand() is faster than rand() correct?


    hmm I'm not sure which is faster myself. I'll switch to it, but I don't think the method is the cause of the problem, does everyone agree? If not, try this yourself:

    $groupA = 0;
    $groupB = 0;
    for ( $i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++ ){
    $random = rand()&1;
    if ( $random == 1 ) {
    	//echo "<br> it's a 1 (group B)";
    } else {
    	if ( $random == 0 ) {
    		//echo "<br> it's a 0 (group A)";
    echo "<br>group A: $groupA<br>group B: $groupB";

  13. I ran a modified version of the script that simply looped 1 million times and tallied up A vs B (using the method I posted earlier). it was almost exactly 50/50, so I'm confident that it's accurate.


    Regardless, so far we have 2,296 searches. 1,539 were in group A (67%), 757 were in group B (33%).


    everything seems correct to me but I can't figure out why there's such a big discrepancy

  14. we recently launched a new version of our internal search results page. to test the difference, I'm dividing visitors into two groups at the time they do a search. They get a cookie telling which group they're in, so they remain in it when they do searches later.


    For some reason I'm getting about 70% in group A, and 30% in group B. I can't figure out what, if anything, is wrong with my code. Can someone review and tell me if I'm crazy?

    if ( $_COOKIE["SearchTestGroup"] ) {
    // they're already in a group
    $group = $_COOKIE["SearchTestGroup"];
    echo "you're already in group $group";
    if ( $group == "B" ) {
    	echo "<br>doing group B search";
    	//doGroupBSearch( $theSearch );
    } else {
    	echo "<br>doing group A search";
    	//doGroupASearch( $theSearch );
    } else {
    // they're not in a group
    $group = rand()&1;
    // 0 = A, 1 = B
    echo "<br><br>your random number is $group.";
    echo " A value of 0 puts you in group A. 1 puts you in group B.";
    if ( $group ) { // group B
    	setcookie( "SearchTestGroup", "B", $cookieExpiration, "/", ".oursite.com" );
    	// now perform the search
    	echo "<br><br>cookie set as B";
    	//doGroupBSearch( $theSearch );
    } else {
    	setcookie( "SearchTestGroup", "A", $cookieExpiration, "/", ".oursite.com" );
    	//now perform the search
    	echo "<br><br>cookie set as A";
    	//doGroupASearch( $theSearch );

  15. Hi all, hopefully I can explain this correctly


    I have a 2-dimensional array that I need to loop through. dimension 1 may be something like:


    array( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


    dimension 2 may be something like


    array1 (1) = array( john, 947 )

    array1 (2) = array( mike, 756 )

    array1 (3) = array( jim, 1047 )

    array1 (4) = array( chris, 999 )

    array1 (5) = array( rick, 111 )


    I need to loop through it all, but not in the order that array 1 presents everything. I need to go in the order of the numbers in array2's second variable.


    Ideally I would re-sort array 1 in order of array2's second variable, like so:


    array1 (1) = array( rick, 111 )

    array1 (2) = array( mike, 756 )

    array1 (3) = array( john, 947 )

    array1 (4) = array( chris, 999 )

    array1 (5) = array( jim, 1047 )


    I hope it makes enough sense for someone to help me out! thanks in advance :)

  16. I did more searching and added

    ini_set( "max_execution_time", $sleepTime + 60 ); //this doesn't seem to work
    set_time_limit( $sleepTime + 60 ); // doesn't work either
    ignore_user_abort(TRUE); // and neither does this


    none of them worked, it still stops waking up at 4 minutes or more. I guess I'll contact my host, there must be some sort of setting I don't know about

  17. sorry Ken I was typing that response at the same time you sent yours --


    I trigger the external function by calling it in an iframe:


    /* call the external function */
    if ( $callExternalFlag ) {
    echo "<br><iframe src='$theFunctionURLA$theOptionSetting$theFunctionURLB' width='99%'></iframe>";


    the src turns out to be something along the lines of "http://www.thesite.com/thefunction.mvc?bunchOfArguments=bunchofValues"


    actually the external function itself only takes about a minute to process, but as the script builds I'll have to call several of these, and I can never really be sure exactly how long it'll take, so I overestimate

  18. ok I did some testing, everything works fine up to a 3:59 wait time. at 4:00 it stops waking up.


    here's my slightly updated code:

    $sleepTime = 240; // in seconds, this is how long we'll wait for the external function to process
    ini_set( "max_execution_time", $sleepTime + 60 );
    // do some meaningless stuff
    // trigger the external function. it will take at least 2 minutes to run
    // so lets go to sleep 
    echo "<br>I'm going to sleep for " . $sleepTime/60 . " minutes";
    sleep( $sleepTime );
    echo "<br>I'm awake";
    // grab the output file, play with it for a minute
    // email a confirmation that we woke up
    if ( $sendEmailVerification ) {
    if( mail( $mail_to, $mail_subject, $email_html, $headers) ) {
    	// great
    	echo "<br>email sent";
    } else {
    	// something bad happened
    	echo "something bad happened...";

  19. damn! it still doesn't wake up. it waits the full amount of time (I even set max execution to 60 seconds longer than sleep time, just to give it some cushion) and then just dies


    it prints all the echo statements right up to/including "I'm going to sleep" then never wakes up again!


    my browser gets an hourglass for the max execution time, then after that expires it stops loading, hourglass goes away, but no more output is printed.. I also don't get the confirmation email

  20. Hi all, I have a web script that calls an external function written in another language. The external function will take a few minutes to run, and then my script grabs the output file it creates. I have no control over the external function, just the ability to trigger it and grab it's output


    so I needed a way to make my script wait for a little while, and I found the sleep() function. but I think I'm misunderstanding it.


    the problem is that when I trigger my script via the web, it runs up until the sleep portion, then never seems to wake up. here's my basic code, leaving out the meaningless stuff:


    // do some meaningless stuff
    // trigger the external function. it will take at least 2 minutes to run
    // so lets go to sleep 
    echo "<br>I'm going to sleep for 10 minutes";
    sleep(300); // 5 minutes, we're testing
    echo "<br>I'm awake";
    // grab the output file, play with it for a minute
    // email a confirmation that we woke up
    if ( $sendEmailVerification ) {
    if( mail( $mail_to, $mail_subject, $email_html, $headers) ) {
    	// great
    	echo "<br>email sent";
    } else {
    	// something bad happened
    	echo "something bad happened...";


    everything works perfectly when I don't sleep, except that the output file isn't ready yet. if it doesn't exist, my script crashes. if it does exist from a previous run, then my script uses the old file rather than waiting for the new one.


    I start my script just by visiting it's URL through firefox, and I think that's where the problem is. I think my browser doesn't wait for the script to finish, and then I guess the web server says "well no one is listening anymore, kill the process" -- or maybe it's the other way around, I dunno.


    thanks in advance!

  21. too late I already thought about it :) if it's a bad idea then I guess I'm out of luck though

    we're picking out items from the DB that have a zipcode within 2,500 of the zipcode defined by $zipcode

    problem is the items in the DB *might* have two different zipcodes, in which case I'd like to separate them by commas, hence my first post

    I don't know how to make this work in mysql though, I know I can do it in php but I don't like that idea. will do it if I have to
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