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Everything posted by may

  1. Hi, i cannot delete files using ftp_delete and the second problem i m facing is that i cannot view image files on unix server thru php code my code goes as follows: <form name="form1" enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""> <input name="image" type="image" src="/home/egreenon/public_html/cevent/main/adverts/1-Logo.jpg"/> </form> However i m able to view doc files, txt files and other files but not images!
  2. ok thanks!
  3. Hi, How can i delete files from hard disk by using php code? plz reply soon thanks
  4. the problem is that i dont know the syntax exactly, the one i m using is crap. thats why i want some` to help me out with the syntax
  5. Hello, I am having trouble in inserting data through text file. My first filed is auto_increment and the rest are string , int and int. Apparently the values are inserted all wrong and only one row is inserted. Also what settings i need to do [like set delimiter to :] etc when uploading a text file? help please!
  6. Thanks wildteen! This code worked :)
  7. may

    URL checking

    Thanks! will try this....but will it chk for .com, .net etc? see i m really bad at regexp thats why need a lot of help. :)
  8. I have this strange problem of saving file name. I want to save the path of the file just uploaded. The variable $uploadfile contains the whole path for the file as : $uploadfile='E:\mydata\pop.jpg'; The problem is that my query written below does not save the '\' , even if i use addslashes it completely ignores it. any idea how can i save slashes in mysql? $sql2="update adverts set login='$uploadfile'"; $rs2=mysql_query($sql2);
  9. may

    URL checking

    ok , but how to chk it thats the problem
  10. Thanks for the help :) problem is solved
  11. Hello, i have got this proble relating to PHP and javascript. I have a form in which there is a field "fee". After filling in the form , the user clicks he button to calculate fee and then this field populates thru javascript. the problem is that since i havent written any value for this explicitly but assigning it value thru javascript, i m getting an error while retrieving it thru the $_REQUEST function. Heres the code i m using: <input name="fee" type="text" id="fee" size="10" disabled="disabled" /></td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td colspan="4"><div align="center">           <input type="button" name="calculate" value="Calculate Total" onclick="return calcTotal()"/> and the javascript is: function calcTotal(){ var group=document.form1.group.options[document.form1.group.selectedIndex].value; var county=document.form1.county.options[document.form1.county.selectedIndex].value; var county_price=(document.form1.county_price.value); var total=0; var url=document.form1.url.value; var url_price=document.form1.url_price.value; if(url=="") url_price=0; if(county=="" && group==""){ alert("Please select a County or a Group to post events to"); document.form1.county.focus(); return false; } if(county!="" && group!=""){ alert("You can select only a County OR a Group to post events to"); document.form1.county.focus(); return false; } if(group!=""){ str=group.split("/"); total=parseInt(str[1])+ parseInt(url_price); document.form1.fee.value=total; return true; } if(county!=""){ total=parseInt(county_price)+parseInt(url_price); document.form1.fee.value=total; return true; } }   I have tried requesting other values for fee variable and it works fine , the problem is that when i retrieve the value of fee from the form  it gives an error , that my var is not defined. Help me solve this problem.
  12. Hello! I guess u need to get rid of the semi colon after the functions name. Try this: <select name="night" onChange="fill_subs(this.value)">
  13. Hello! I want to validate the input so that the user cannot enter a URL in the text bos provided. Any ideas on how to do it? I tried to use regexp but it did not work  :-[ Help Pleeaaasseee!!!
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