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Posts posted by EdwinPaul

  1. This code:

    $username_exist = mysql_num_rows($checkuser);
    if($username_exist > 0){
        echo "I'm sorry but the username you specified has already been taken.  Please pick another one.";
        include '../register.html';

    should be:

    if(mysql_num_rows($checkuser) > 0){
        echo "I'm sorry but the username you specified has already been taken.  Please pick another one.";
        header('Location: register.html');

  2. First of all, the sequence of all the actions in a program (or php-file) is important. For instance: you can't use a session-variable if you didn't fill it. And you can't use a variable in a SELECT if the contents isn't filled. Besides that, there are a few rules ordered by php and html. For instance: if you put something to the screen ( echo 'something') and after that you code your header of the html, you get an error-message: 'headers allready sent'.

    After you execute a query, the result comes in.. $result  in your example. With this result you can fill an array of table-values with mysql_fetch_array($result). If you code:

    $row=mysql_fetch_array($result) then the array with the name $row is filled with keys (the names of your database-fields) an values (from the corresponding fields). You can acces them with $row['fieldname'] and do with it whatever you want, including putting it in a session-variable.

  3. why does my query return 0 if i do have events for this month.


    // get the date from the URL or get the current date
    $month = isset($_GET['month']) ? sprintf('%02d',(int)$_GET['month']) : date('m');
    $year = isset($_GET['year']) ? (int)$_GET['year'] : date('Y');
    $date = "$year-$month";
    // determine previous/next month (valid from 1970 (or 1901, depending on php version and operating system) through  2038 only)
    $previous = explode('-',date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 -1 month')));
    $next = explode('-',date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 +1 month')));
    // produce previous/next link
    $query = (empty($_GET)) ? array() : $_GET; // get an empty array if no existing $_GET parameters or get the current $_GET parameters
    $query['month'] = $previous[1]; // set or replace the month parameter
    $query['year'] = $previous[0]; // set or replace the year parameter
    $prev_link = "<a href='?" . http_build_query($query, '', '&') . "'><img src='prev_month.png' alt=''>Prev</a>";
    $query['month'] = $next[1]; // set or replace the month parameter
    $query['year'] = $next[0]; // set or replace the year parameter
    $next_link = "<a href='?" . http_build_query($query, '', '&') . "'><img src='next_month.png' alt=''>Next</a>";
    // output the links
    echo $prev_link  . "" . $next_link;
    					if(!($db = @ mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', '98098089')))
    			echo 'Error: Could not connect to our database sorry for any inconvience.<br /> Please try at a later time.';
    		$actID= $_GET["actID"];
    		if(!isset($actID) && !isset($typeview))
    //					$today = date('l, F jS, Y');
    //					$today2 = date('Y-m-j');
    //			$query="SELECT actID, actTitle, actBody, date_format(actDate, '%W, %M, %Y') actDate, file FROM activities WHERE actDate='$today2'";
    			$query="SELECT actID, actTitle, actTime, actPlace, actBody, date_format(actDate, '%Y %m') FROM activities WHERE actDate = '$date'";
    			print $query;


    Why don't you echo some intermediate results?

    $date = "$year-$month";
    echo $date."<br/>";
    echo date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 -1 month'))."<br/>";
    echo date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 +1 month'))."<br/>";

  4. Okay, too bad for your time spent.  :-[

    I copied your script to my server, changed the to-address, and now I think I can see what's wrong. Attachments are added to you message, and separated by boundaries. Those boundaries should be unique for each attachment. Therefor you added a variable in your script, called $num, and you -correctly- integrated this in you boundary. But you don't use and/or increment this, so al your boundaries have the same name.  :P

    Furthermore: if you want to compose your own headers, each line you want to make should end with "\r\n" which means: 'go to the beginning of the next line'. http://php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php

    All-in-all I would strongly recommend to switch to using one of the mentioned EASY  :D mailing-packages.

  5. According to the documentation, the syntax should be:


    The AddAttachment function has four arguments:




    The PATH_TO_FILE is naturally the full path of the header you want to send. Application/octet-stream is default.


    What is the contents of your variables $file1 and $file2 ?

  6. Another thing: some browsers do not send the contents of the submit-button whent the user hits enter, so it might be dangerous to test for the contents of that button. Also: $_REQUEST is an array which consists of everything in the $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE -arrays. You'd better check:

    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST"){

    in stead of


    Also: try to find something on the internet about sql-injection. Your script is vulnerable!

    If I enter a user like  1' OR '1=1  with the same pasword, I can enter your site.


  7. hey i tried putting those two lines at the top of the register.php file and now when I click register on my index.php file in the browser (which links to my register page). The register page wont load with that at the top. Anything else? I seem to be the only person online who can't figure out a login/register system.

    Oh wait!

    I just looked where the url usually is in the browser and it says that there is an undefined variable.

    Here is the direct quote:


    notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_SERVER_VARS in /var/www/register.php on line 126


    Thanks guys for your help so far.


    Change the next line:

    <form action="<? echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">


    <form action="" method="post">


  8. Try this:

    $showroom_query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `showroom` ORDER BY `showroom` ASC;');
    if(mysql_num_rows($showroom_query) > 0)
        while($showroom = mysql_fetch_array($showroom_query))
            echo '<a href="advanced_search.php?showroom='.$showroom['showroom_id'].'"><img width="243" height="42" src="images/showrooms/showroom_'.$showroom['showroom_id']'._1.gif" alt="">'.$showroom['showroom'].'</a>';
    	echo '<br/>';
        echo 'No results.';
    include_once "includes/footer.php";

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