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Posts posted by sfxworks

  1. I've successfully decoded an NBT file. Now, I am trying to convert it to a bo2 file. I am...ofcourse...running into multible issues with this. So far, I have been able to print the entire nbt into text. I can convert this to a string relatively easy I assume. From there...how do I get certain values? I guess what im saying is, how would I get a string after another string?


    For instance, the Length, Width, and Height. I need those, and I need to be able to get the data values and put them into an array. Well, I don't really have to but it would make things a lot easier.


    In the types of NBT files I am working with, they are easy to find with my HANDY DANDY cntrl F.

    [3] => Array ( [type] => 2 [name] => Height [value] => 2 )
    [11] => Array ( [type] => 2 [name] => Length [value] => 3 )
    [12] => Array ( [type] => 2 [name] => Width [value] => 3 )
    [8] => Array ( [type] => 7 [name] => Data [value] => Array (
                    [0] => 0
                    [1] => 0
                    [2] => 0
                    [3] => 0
                    [4] => 0
                    [5] => 0
                    [6] => 0
                    [7] => 0
                    [8] => 0
                    [9] => 0
                    [10] => 0
                    [11] => 0
                    [12] => 0
                    [13] => 0
                    [14] => 5
                    [15] => 0
                    [16] => 0
    	[17] => 0 
    [13] => Array ( [type] => 7 [name] => Blocks [value] => Array ( 
                    [0] => 4
                    [1] => 4
                    [2] => 20
                    [3] => 4
                    [4] => 1
                    [5] => 57
                    [6] => 4
                    [7] => 4
                    [8] => 4
                    [9] => 0
                    [10] => 0
                    [11] => 0
                    [12] => 0
                    [13] => 0
                    [14] => 76
                    [15] => 48
                    [16] => 0
                    [17] => 0 

    As you can see, they are always marked as [3],[8],[11],[12],and [13]. So what I am trying to do is get those datavalues and...basically, re arrange the text while getting rid of the rest. 11 contains the length, 12 contains the width, 3 contains the height, 13 contains the block data, and 8 contains additional data for the block data (if any).

    For that example, a bo2 would look something like this.

    spawnInBiome=Forest,Plains,Rain Forest,Savanna,Seasonal Forest,Shrubland,Swampland,Taiga,Tundra
    //All of the variables above would be specified in an html form.
    //This is the important part. This is where the main data is stored. Format (X,Y,Z,:BlockData.AdditionalBlockData)

    Given the length, width, and height, I suppose setting up coordinates would be somewhat simple. Yet im still left with the issue on how to capture the data from the GIANT string. Any tips? Help? I am SO close to breaking this.


    I am using Php 5 with the GMP extension. Windows 7x64. Find what I have so far here http://mcserver1337.servegame.com/_usr/sfxworks/Sandbox/NBTDecodePHP/test.php.

  2. Let me explain.

    I host a game. When a player talks, creates, destroys, or does anything of the sorts, it gets logged into the mysql database. When I hosted this locally, everything was completely instant. Now, im having to constantly restart my server because the queue to the databse keeps getting overloaded (in the thousands). Is this a latency issue? I mean, I bought my server...

  3. $subject = "sfxworks minecraft server";
    $message = "Thank you for pre-registering. You have been automatically added to the whitelist and authentication database. When you login for the first time, use the command /redeem to recieve a full set of leather armor, iron tools, and 7 diamonds! Keep yourself posted at sfxworksmc.blogspot.com! \n  -sfxworks";
    $from = "donotreply@sfxworks.net";
    $headers = "From:" . $from;
    mail($_POST['email'],$subject,$message,$headers) or die("Failed." . mysql_error());
    echo $_POST['email'];


    ...Why in the world is this  not working? Does my web server have to have donotreply@sfxworks.net registered? I mean, I got it once, but it was from some other email address. ( sfxworks@p3nlhg656.shr.prod.phx3.secureserver.net) ...Help?

  4. So. Going to make my own forum from scratch.


    I mean...The way I see it...Each Schema is a board, each table is a topic, and each row is a new post?


    Or is that horribly, horribly wrong....

  5. Result


    Query: INSERT INTO accounts (playername, password, email, registerdate, lastlogindate, lastloginip, registerip, active) VALUES ('usernameTest', 'aef6502bca2e6d92d57a4e8eaf383983cec31863eabea778d2ae5637782813138a4e758beebd620202b3484df49a44ae584e13f36b73aa3ea28d50ce5aa15740fd9a895e3371', 'email@email.com', '2011-6-26 1:58:51', '', '2011-6-26 1:58:51', '', 0 )
    Failed with error: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'lastlogindate' at row 1



    Vars mismatched.


    Modified $query

    $query = "INSERT INTO accounts (playername, password, email, registerdate, lastlogindate, lastloginip, registerip, active) VALUES ('usernameTest', '$encpass', 'email@email.com', '$dateFormat', '$dateFormat', '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', 0 )";
    mysql_query( $query ) or die ( "<br>Query: $query<br>Failed with error: " . mysql_error() );


    No Errors traced.

    Static data successful added to database.


    Thank you.

  6. My apologies for double posting.


    Added line

    $encpass = encryptPassword('passwordTest');

    Modified query

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO accounts (playername, password, email, registerdate, lastlogindate, lastloginip, registerip, active)
    VALUES ('usernameTest','$encpass','email@email.com','$dateFormat','$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]','$dateFormat','$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]',0)");


    No traced errors.

    No new data in table.


  7. Problem: Trying to insert static data into columns on a table in MySQL using PHP.


    Mysql Version  5.1.57-community

    PHP Version 5.2.*


    Checked http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_insert.asp and other sources that dwarf w3schools.


    Ran into 101 problems involving remote access.

    Ran into over 9000 problems involving re-installation of mysql.

    Successfully communicated between remote server and localhost.

    Successfully created a table on the localserver with a php script on a remote server.

    Successfully added data to a column.

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES ('ThisIsAName')");

    Added function for encrypting password.

    Added function for getting date.

    Failed to add static data to a pre-created table.


    Table information:

    • id---INT(10) Primary Key, Not Null, Unsigned Datatype, Auto Increment
    • playername---VarChar(255) Not Null
    • password---VarChar(100)
    • regiserdate---DateTime
    • regiserip---Char(15)
    • lastlogindate---DateTime
    • lastloginip---Char(15)
    • active---TinyInt(1)




    Code for query:

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO accounts (playername, password, email, registerdate, lastlogindate, lastloginip, registerip, active)
    VALUES ('usernameTest',encryptPassword('passwordTest'),'email@email.com',$dateFormat,'$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]',$dateFormat,'$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]',0)");



    function encryptPassword($password) {
    $salt = substr(hash('whirlpool', uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 12);
    $hash = hash('whirlpool', $salt . $password);
    $saltPos = (strlen($password) >= strlen($hash) ? strlen($hash) : strlen($password));
    return substr($hash, 0, $saltPos) . $salt . substr($hash, $saltPos);
    $dateFormat = "$today[year]-$today[mon]-$today[mday] $today[hours]:$today[minutes]:$today[seconds]";
    //$encPass = encryptPassword($_POST['password']); Disabled until static data is successfully tested.
    $con = mysql_connect("[s]localmachineaddress[/s]","[s]localmachineusername[/s]","[s]localmachinepassword[/s]");
    if (!$con)
      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db("[s]schemaName[/s]", $con);
    //mysql_query("INSERT INTO [s]tableName [/s](playername, password, email, registerdate, registerip)  Disabled until static data is successfully tested.
    //VALUES ('$_POST[playername]',$encPass,'$_POST[email]',$dateFormat,'$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]'"); Disabled until static data is successfully tested.
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO accounts (playername, password, email, registerdate, lastlogindate, lastloginip, registerip, active)
    VALUES ('usernameTest',encryptPassword('passwordTest'),'email@email.com',$dateFormat,'$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]',$dateFormat,'$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]',0)");
    echo "Posted the following values... <br />  Your encrypted password = " . encryptPassword('passwordTest') . "<br /> The date sumbited = " . $dateFormat . "<br /> Your ip address = " . $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR];
    echo "<br />Closing..";


    Traced static data:

    Posted the following values...

    Your encrypted password = 52fa46eac9d07bfcf4764a35b2c4132a70332c8885bc780abcf748f991198fbc8a0b0075cc0223050c8cc4c835ff09b32518b32308aa1b73de8a4d74ec09a74a4c1cb592bd5d

    The date sumbited = 2011-6-26 0:51:10

    Your ip address = MyIpAddress




    Argument types must match column types in

    VALUES ('usernameTest',encryptPassword('passwordTest'),'email@email.com',$dateFormat,'$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]',$dateFormat,'$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]',0)");

    If this is the case, method of doing so?


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