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Posts posted by gsdcypher

  1. I didn't know if this should go in the dumb newbie section or the DW section but since I'm using DW MX, here goes....


    I just installed MX Studio and I want to put an IP Logger on my website. I downloaded a nice PHP logger script saved into a file in DW with the extension .php and uploaded it to my server. It is supposed to write the info to a file, but nothing happens. There were no instructions on how to make any of this work so I am looking for help.


    The page I want to log information from is in a subfolder on my main site so I guess that may also have something to do with. Here is the script as I found it:




    # IP-LOGGER by Michael McSky


    # www.debilsoft.de






    $version = '1.59b';


    $name = 'daten.txt'; // file for datastoring


    $reloadlock = 1; // ReloadLoggingLock

    $useronlinetime = 1000; // Set the range in seconds while a user is regarded as online




    $showcounter = 1; // Show visits,

    $showdayvisits = 1; // Show visits per day

    $showlastvisit = 0; // Show last visit

    $showyestvisit = 1; // Show visits of yesterday

    $showbrowsertyp = 0; // Show browsertyp of the user

    $showip = 0; // Show IP addresse of the user

    $showdnsn = 0; // Show DNS name of the user

    $showuseronline = 1; // Show useronline

    $hidecounter = 0; // Makes the counter invisible





    // MAKE FILE


    if ( file_exists( $name) == FALSE)



    $file = fopen($name, "w");

    if($file) {


    fputs($file, "0#########");

    fputs($file, "\r\n");

    fputs($file, "\r\n");








    // Reload protection and daycounting




    $useronline = 1;

    $visitsyester = 0;

    $visitsaday = 1;

    $ipok = 1;

    $datum = date("d.m.Y");

    $datumyester = $last_week = date("d.m.Y", mktime(0,0,0, date(m), date(d)-1,date(Y)));



    if(getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP")) {

    $ipad = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");

    } elseif(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")) {

    $ipad = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");

    } else {

    $ipad = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");


    $ipad = substr($ipad, 0,14);




    $file = fopen ($name, "r");

    while (!feof($file)) {

    $buffer = fgets($file, 4096);






    if (strpos($buffer, 'T') == 15 ) {


    $dayof = substr($buffer, 21,2);

    $monthof = substr($buffer, 24,2);

    $yearof = substr($buffer, 27,4);


    $hourof = substr($buffer, 34,2);

    $minof = substr($buffer, 37,2);

    $secof = substr($buffer, 40,2);



    $timerec = mktime($hourof, $minof, $secof , $monthof, $dayof, $yearof);

    $realtime = time();




    if (($realtime-$timerec) <= $useronlinetime) { if (strpos($buffer, $ipad) == false) {$useronline++;}} // refresh-counting protection








    if ($buffer <> '' ) {$lastline = $buffer;}

    if (strpos($buffer, $datum) <> false)


    if (strpos($buffer, $ipad) <> false) {$ipok = 0;}

    if (strpos($buffer, $ipad) == false) {$visitsaday++;}



    if (strpos($buffer, $datumyester) <> false)

    {$visitsyester++; }




    fclose ($file);



    // end

    // end





    // HTML IP-LOGGER visitors data output



    if ($showhtml == '' ) {$showhtml = '0';}




    if ($showhtml == 1 )



    $bgs = 0;


    echo '<html>


    <title>debilsoft IP-LOGGER visitors data</title>


    <style type="text/css">


    td { font-family : verdana, arial; font-size : 11px; color : #000000; }





    debilsoft IP-LOGGER visitors data. (please wait while loading...)<br><br>

    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" style="border-collapse: collapse" borderColor="#000000" width="1800">


    <td width="75"><b>Visitor</b></td>

    <td width="129"><b>Time</b></td>

    <td width="100"><b>IP</b></td>

    <td width="300"><b>DNS-NAME</b></td>

    <td width="590"><b>Browser</b></td>

    <td width="400"><b>Referer</b></td>



    $file = fopen ($name, "r");


    $buffer = fgets($file, 4096);


    while (!feof($file)) {



    if ($bgs == 0 ) {$BGC = '#eaeaea'; $BGC2 = '#d4d4d4'; $bgs = 1; } else { $BGC = '#ffffff'; $BGC2 = '#e9e9e9'; $bgs = 0; }


    $buffer = fgets($file, 4096);


    $buffer= eregi_replace("<", " ", $buffer);

    $buffer= eregi_replace(">", " ", $buffer);


    echo '<tr>';


    $f1 = substr($buffer, 2,10);

    echo '<td bgcolor='.$BGC.'>'.$f1.'</td>';


    $f2 = substr($buffer, 21,21);

    echo '<td bgcolor='.$BGC2.'>'.$f2.'</td>';


    $f3 = trim(substr($buffer, 48,17));

    echo '<td bgcolor='.$BGC.'>'.$f3.'</td>';


    $f4 = trim(substr($buffer, 76,48));

    echo '<td bgcolor='.$BGC2.'>'.$f4.'</td>';


    $f5 = substr($buffer, 124,92);

    echo '<td bgcolor='.$BGC.'>'.$f5.'</td>';


    $f6 = substr($buffer, 222,strlen($buffer));



    if (strlen($f6) >= 5 ) {

    $f6b = $f6;

    if (strlen($f6) >= 70 ) { $f6 = substr($f6, 0, 70); $f6 = $f6.'<b>...</b>'; }

    echo '<td bgcolor='.$BGC2.'><a href="'.$f6b.'" target="_new">'.$f6.'</a></td>';

    } else { echo '<td bgcolor='.$BGC2.'></td>';}




    echo '</tr>';







    fclose ($file);




    echo '</table><br>Users: ';




    // end







    $file = fopen($name, "r+");

    $count = fgets($file, 4096);

    $count = trim($count);



    if ($ipok == 1) { $count = $count+1; }

    $count = $count+0;




    if ($showhtml == 0 ) { fputs($file, $count); }






    if ($showhtml == 0 ) {




    // LOGGING



    if ($reloadlock == 0) { $ipok = 1;}


    if ($ipok == 1) {



    $datum =date("d.m.Y - H:i:s ");;

    $agent = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");

    $from = $HTTP_REFERER;

    $dns = @gethostbyaddr($ipad);


    if ($from == '') {$from = '';}


    $lange = strlen($ipad);


    for ($i = 1; $i <= (16-$lange); $i++) {

    $leer= $leer." ";



    $lange = strlen($agent);

    if (strlen($agent) > 90 ) { $agent = substr($agent, 1,90); }


    if ($lange < 91) {

    for ($i = 1; $i <= (90-$lange); $i++) {

    $leer2= $leer2." ";





    $lange = strlen($dns);

    if (strlen($dns) > 46 ) { $dns = substr($dns, 1,46); }


    if ($lange < 47) {

    for ($i = 1; $i <= (46-$lange); $i++) {

    $leer3= $leer3." ";





    // make zeros

    for ($i = 1; $i <= 10-strlen($count); $i++) {

    $null = $null.'0';





    $zeile= "# $null$count - TIME: $datum IP: $ipad $leer DNS-Name: $dns $leer3 $agent $leer2 FROM: $from";



    $file = fopen($name, "a");

    if($file) {


    fputs($file, $zeile);

    fputs($file, "\r\n");






    // end




    if ($showhtml == 1 ) {$hidecounter = 0;}


    if ($hidecounter == 0 ) {



    if ($showcounter == 1) { echo $count;}

    if ($showdayvisits == 1) { echo ' - '.$visitsaday.' today';}

    if ($showyestvisit == 1) { echo ' - '.$visitsyester.' yesterday';}

    if ($showlastvisit == 1) { echo ' - last visit '.substr($lastline,33,6);}

    if ($showbrowsertyp == 1) { echo ' - Your DNS: '.@gethostbyaddr(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"));}

    if ($showip == 1) { echo ' - Your IP: '.$ipad;}

    if ($showbrowsertyp == 1) { echo ' - Your Browsertyp: '.getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");}

    if ($showuseronline == 1) { echo ' - '.$useronline.' user online';}



    if ($showhtml == 1) {echo '<br><br>debilsoft IP-LOGGER Version '.$version;}


    if ($showhtml == 1 ) { echo '</body></html>';}








    Do I add this to a page in my site? Or do I upload it as a separate file? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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