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Frank P

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Everything posted by Frank P

  1. Then you shouldn't write: "I dont know how/where to add CSS on there to affect the Google Logo". Another question that makes clear that you should do a proper course in HTML/CSS, but the CSS should be applied to a to the logo newly assigned ID. (My Firebug doesn't show any inline CSS, Haku?)
  2. You have to post the HTML, too. Please post the whole -- relevant -- code, in one code block, from <doctype> to </html>.
  3. You shouldn't use crazy codes like that, because there are much more semantic solutions. For all types of fixed and sticky footers, with simpler codes than cssstickyfooter.com offers, even if I say so myself, see Create a Fixed ('Sticky') Footer with CSS.
  4. You said you didn't know where to add CSS to affect the Google Logo, as it was having its own CSS properties set by itself already. Well, the link I gave is the external CSS file where the Google log gets its CSS properties from.
  5. Do you mean that 'Login' is under 'Home', rather than at the end of the menu? That is just a matter of the container(s) not offering enough space. How come a web developer doesn't see that?
  6. This is were it is derived from: http://www.rising-dead.com/forums/style.php?id=1&lang=en&sid=ed5cb110a039f2837fb35fa2edbacbf7.
  7. No, just give it border:none. But your questions make me advise you to do the HTML and CSS courses on http://www.w3schools.com/default.asp. You will have much more fun creating websites after that.
  8. Here you go: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_iframe.asp.
  9. Flash files are notorious for the z-index problems they create. The remedy, if all else fails, is to put them in an iframe, which is what YouTube now advises as a matter of standard. Is that possible in your case?
  10. This question suggests that you had the forum installed by (a function of) your host (account) but know next to nothing of CSS:
  11. Mono sodium glutaminate? Michael Schenker Group? Meteosat Second Generation?
  12. Hoho. Your rebuttal questions make clear that you should really read up on CSS, because they concern beginners stuff, even though the matter of the Google element seems a mysterious one. I would advise you to read this tutorial: How to Position in CSS. If you wanna be a webmaster, you'll have to invest time and effort.
  13. If folks don't respond, it's usually a question of them not knowing an answer. Same here. The Land of the Dead image has a declared width, but the Google div does not, and neither do any of its content elements. Still, it behaves as if it has a declared width. The only reason I can think of is that it keeps its originally computed width because it is nested in a table cell. There are many problems with table rendering, so I wouldn't be surprised if divs won't shrink if the table (cell) shrinks. What does work here is giving the Google div a width, small enough to be accommodated on a 1024 or 980 computer.
  14. Just out of curiosity: why would you want a link to your website removed? What damage does it do if it remains? @Thorpe: In case you missed it (I posted it in a thread that actually was about another suggestion), but I'd think people would be happy with being able to edit their message until the next message in that thread is posted. In stead of being able to edit it for just a few minutes. Better result, happier people, I'd think.
  15. Obviously, your images don't show up when we copy, paste & render your code. And your images seem to play a vital role. Can you put it online?
  16. To remove the border, the CSS should be: table { border: none;} And for your information: CSS overrules HTML attributes.
  17. That's weird, because I came up with that through experimenting in Firefox (i.e. Firefox's plug-in Firebug). If you could put it online, things would be a lot easier for us. Just call the page index2 or something like that, while uploading an empty normal index page - otherwise no page can be reached.
  18. Next time, just put the whole lot online, because the background images don't show if I have my browser render your code. And they play an important role here. Try giving the last <a href> (Donate Now) a padding-right:47px (inline it has another value now).
  19. I could have emphasized relevant as well, but here's what I asked: "post the whole relevant code, in one code block, from <!doctype...> to </html>."
  20. See the last tutorial on my signature page.
  21. Frank P

    selectors issue

    Although, this is better because you will probably have more than one input: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xHTML"> <head> <title>Demo</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function setColor(identification) { document.getElementById(identification).style.background="yellow" } function resetColor(identification) { document.getElementById(identification).style.background="white" } </script> </head> <body> <form action=""> <div id="inputDiv_1" style="padding:10px;"> <input type="" onfocus="setColor('inputDiv_1')" onblur="resetColor('inputDiv_1')" /> </div> </form> </body> </html>
  22. Frank P

    selectors issue

    Actually, it is a question for the Javascript forum, but it is done like this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xHTML"> <head> <title>Demo</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function setColor() { document.getElementById('inputDiv').style.background="yellow" } function resetColor() { document.getElementById('inputDiv').style.background="white" } </script> </head> <body> <form action=""> <div id="inputDiv" style="padding:10px;"> <input onfocus="setColor()" onblur="resetColor()" /> </div> </form> </body> </html>
  23. Where's the CSS in that code? Put it in a style block.
  24. Different question, same solution. See your other thread, http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=346370.0.
  25. Cute, but it would have been nice if you would have told us what exactly it is that you want to achieve? But you're lucky, because all objectives and methods to achieve them are described in this tutorial: Create a Fixed ('Sticky') Footer with CSS.
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