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Posts posted by suranyu

  1. Wow, am I glad I found this forum!  :D I spent the past few hours trying to modify a PHP/mySQL script in order to test it. What this script does is basically look up a mySQL database (based on ip2nation) to find out what country and currency the IP address belongs to. This is the code sample:


    $sql = 'SELECT  c.country, c.curr_code FROM  ip2nationcountries c, ip2nation i WHERE  i.ip < INET_ATON("") AND c.code = i.country ORDER BY  i.ip DESC LIMIT 0,1';
            $countryName = $db->get_sql_row($sql);


    I tested the code in PHPmyAdmin and it returns 2 rows:


    country ------- curr_code (row names)

    United States ------- USD (actual values)


    So basically 2 variables, United States and USD. Now comes the problem, in order to test the script for several countries, I need to be able to "override" the result in the PHP script


    I tried to do that by commenting out the part that returns the result from the mySQL query and modifying it with the following style, but I think I'm doing something wrong:


    ### $countryName = $db->get_sql_row($sql); ###
    $countryName = "United States USD";


    Is there any way that I can temporarily override the result returned by mySQL and "fake it" so to say? I understand the mySQL query returns 2 rows, so how would I go about overriding 2 rows?


    I hope this makes sense ...you're all my last hope.



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