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  1. Thanks Btherl ! for you reply.... but plz coud you explain it a little more i m new to php and dont know so much plz help me out guyzzzzzzz!
  2. Hello Friends.... I m in a trouble again..... the problem is that i am developing a student management system. every thing was going well bu now at this very moment i am stuck at point and can not find a way out... plz help me out! i am making a module which will keep the record of students test results and will be fetched as per need. the main problem is that i have three fields in the table where one have the total mark, second have the obtained marks and the third one is blank i want to take the percentage and place it in the third (Blank one) field..... My head is blowing out ...... friends PLZZZZZZZZZ help me out! :'(
  3. Solved: Thank you Guyz... Thanks alot ... finally i was able to figure it out. Thakyou!
  4. Thankyou for the reply! Can you plz guide me a little more.............. Please!
  5. Hello Friends!.... here is the big idea. I am trying to make a form in which there will be 2 drop down lists which will be populating directly from MySQL DB .... Actually i am developing a student management system as my first PHP project... here i want to have 2 drop down lists first is roll number and second is student name. i want that when some one select the roll number in the first drop down the student name against it is automatically populated in the next drop down. Plz help me friends i am new to php and dont know soo much.! any help PLZZZZZZZZZZ
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