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About michaelburt

  • Birthday 06/08/1993

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  1. Actually in response to the last post that's exactly what I did! Just used the letter-spacing attribute (before I used text-spacing, which isn't actually valid, and I didn't know there was an alternative). As for the text in the banner not being centered; I already discussed this, I lost the original .xcf (gimp) image file so I can't modify that image. I would have to create another banner from scratch.
  2. Try resetting your cache, I uploaded a new graphic.
  3. The updates are in place, are there any issues?
  4. At the moment I am trying to make these suggestions happen! I'm trying to center everything and get the banner fixed. I'll update here when it's done.
  5. To be honest, I would love to center all the content, but I can't right now because I would have to modify the banner (to center it too). And I lost the original gimp file for my banner, meaning I would have to do it all over. And what to you mean by a color to the divs? The divs have images as their background. Sorry if I misunderstood your post, but I don't really understand what you mean by that.
  6. I don't think you really understand the layout of my website, because the main content area panel has a different background than the news panel area. You can't change the parent container width or the child width (what's the point, the child width is 100%?), because like I said, it would distort the images.
  7. Can't use percentages because that would distort the background images. That being said, I do understand how accessible percentages are, but they won't really conform to the graphics I've made.
  8. I just fixed the main panel/news stacking issue. I'm thinking now that having the whole portion of the webpage almost 1100px wide is too much. Maybe 900px would be a bit more standard. What do you guys think?
  9. The news thing I actually do have to fix. It happens because the main panel and news panel are at fixed width values and aren't in a parent container of a fixed width value. When I get time to fix this I certainly will. Speaking of restyling... I have been thinking about it for about a week now but I haven't really had the time to seriously making a go at doing it. But I will post an update here if I do.
  10. Working fine here too, looks great!
  11. Also when I said "6 years" I meant what I said- I'm only 18 years old and I started when I was 12. From the ages of around 12-16 I did little to nothing in the way of actually designing other people's websites, and I only started "michaelburtdesigns.com" in the last 2 months. I've had many inquiries, and a total of 5 clients (2 underway). So I can understand that saying I've been doing this for 6 years looks bad, but it's really not.
  12. 1) For me the doctype is an obscurity- I used a text-spacing attribute for a special look for my font, which a transitional Doctype dis-renders 2) Declaring the encoding type is redundant if I'm not declaring the doctype. It's default for browsers nowadays I appreciate your critique, but I have thought about the points you mentioned. I understand the point of a doctype for validity purposes, but it is merely an abstraction for me, because personally, I like the spacing of the text. But like I said, thanks, I appreciate your insight!
  13. Hi there guys. I joined the forum a little while ago and I was wondering if you could check my site out! I'm a website designer (been designing for 6+ years now) and a full time university student. So it's really not my day job, but more of a hobby. http://www.michaelburtdesigns.com Please critique! Thanks
  14. I went to this competition a few years ago! I never placed but I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Congratulations!
  15. Or you could do this: <?php for ($a = "", $i = 2; $i < count(explode("/", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])); $i++) { $a .= "../"; } //and append $a to any include include $a."the-pod.php"; ?>
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