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  1. Thank you it is all working now, very much appreciated. Excellent feedback
  2. ok, so does that mean rewriting the code itself ?
  3. I replaced $fls = split(" ",$sysinf["comments"]); with $fls = preg_split(" ",$sysinf["comments"]); also $flcom = ereg_replace($fsize,"", $sysinf["comments"]); with $flcom = preg_replace($fsize,"", $sysinf["comments"]); im getting new error messages for those lines Warning: preg_split() [function.preg-split]: Empty regular expression on line 1100 Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Empty regular expression on line 1103 do I need to replace all these same commands in the code ? I think it all started when code was updated, so I am told anyway.
  4. Thank you that works as well, there are 2 more error lines given in another part of the search function which was there before if you could explain where the code is going wrong - Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated on line 1100 $fls = split(" ",$sysinf["comments"]); Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated on line 1103 $flcom = ereg_replace($fsize,"", $sysinf["comments"]); thanks
  5. thanks, that seemed to do the trick much appreaciated
  6. I wouldn't know were to begin editing it or replacing code, I was hoping it was a simple typo mistake the code use to work fine up to a week ago, unfortunately the guy who wrote it has died and I'm trying to get rid of these error messages. Its a database and it is set to back itself up daily but has begun to throw up these 3 errors last cpl of days. so these 3 lines can be omitted and changed to that single line - $is_sera = preg_replace('%\?%', '', $is_sera); ?? as I say I'm out of my depth
  7. Hi New to php code, been trown in at the deep end. Keep getting error message Warning: preg_replace(): No ending delimiter it is to do with these 3 lines only $is_sera = preg_replace("'","\"", $is_sera); $is_sera = preg_replace("%","", $is_sera); $is_sera = preg_replace("\?","", $is_sera); can any one tell me what the ending delimiter error means/is thanks in advance
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