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Everything posted by Yourmusicmuse

  1. We just got that and have no idea why that happened. I am sure Kyle can get on here and go into more detail about it. Weirdly it happened soon after we started a free adwords campaign. Not sure if that was just a coincidence or not.
  2. Sorry about my last post if i sounded like a dick...Just excited about the site and want feedback.
  3. Come on people! Seriously no reviews yet? We busted our asses on this thing and want to know if there are any problems with it before we launch.
  4. http://bit.ly/tETwto Let er rip! Need all the help we can get. My brother-in-law and me are running this out of my basement with no funding and we have never created a website before. As a secondary critique please let me know if the cleavage on the spokes-model is too distracting. Thanks! Aaron
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