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Posts posted by Jogga

  1. Hi, sorry if this has been covered elsewhere but I'm stuck. I'm trying to output individual headers when converted from json into an array. The array contains 6 headers eg. description, url etc but my result looks like the json_decode isn't working. The raw data looks fine when I output from print_r on the page.


    The code looks like this:



    $json_array = json_decode($json,true);


    //print_r ($json_array);


    foreach ($json_array as $row) {

    echo $row["description"]." = ".$row["url"]."<br />";



    the result is:



    C = C

    h = h


    0 = 0

    c = c

    C = C



    Can anyone help or point me to a tutorial I can work though. Thanks







  2. Hi, I'm a newbie to php after building websites in flash over the years. Time to get serious :) looking forward to getting to know everyone and maybe helping out too in the future.



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