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  1. my output is this below: Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Course Mark: Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Course Mark: Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% Module: CHI2513 - Systems Strategy Module Mark: 31 Mark Percentage: 62 Grade: B Session: AAD Session Mark: 61 Session Weight Contribution 50% As it shows 2 different Modules, it shows the "Course" details twice, I only want the "Course" details appear once as you can see both course details are the same. How can I display the "Course" Details only once in the foreach loop. To display the "Course" details I use this code: echo `"<p><br><strong>Course:</strong> {$courseId} - {$courseName} <strong>Course Mark:</strong></p><br>\n"; ` Below is the code for the function and foreach loop: function outputModule($courseId, $courseName, $moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionData) { if(!count($sessionData)) { return false; } $markTotal = 0; $markGrade = 0; $weightSession = 0; $courseTotal = 0; $grade = ""; $sessionsHTML = ""; foreach($sessionData as $session) { $sessionsHTML .= "<p><strong>Session:</strong> {$session['SessionId']} <strong>Session Mark:</strong> {$session['Mark']}</strong> <strong>Session Weight Contribution</strong> {$session['SessionWeight']}%</p>\n"; $markTotal += round($session['Mark'] / 100 * $session['SessionWeight']); $weightSession += ($session['SessionWeight']); $markGrade = round($markTotal / $weightSession * 100); if ($markGrade >= 70) { $grade = "A"; } else if ($markGrade >= 60 && $markGrade <= 69) { $grade = "B"; } else if ($markGrade >= 50 && $markGrade <= 59) { $grade = "C"; } else if ($markGrade >= 40 && $markGrade <= 49) { $grade = "D"; } else if ($markGrade >= 30 && $markGrade <= 39) { $grade = "E"; } else if ($markGrade >= 0 && $markGrade <= 29) { $grade = "F"; } } echo "<p><br><strong>Course:</strong> {$courseId} - {$courseName} <strong>Course Mark:</strong></p><br>\n"; $moduleHTML = "<p><strong>Module:</strong> {$moduleId} - {$moduleName} <strong>Module Mark:</strong> {$markTotal} <strong>Mark Percentage:</strong> {$markGrade} <strong>Grade:</strong> {$grade} </p>\n"; return $moduleHTML . $sessionsHTML; }
  2. Hi, Sorry I managed to sort it out, I realise I didn't need the If(CourseId != $row['CourseId']) so it means I didn't need the code and output in between those brackets. Thank you for helping me Maniac Dan
  3. So for every output .= I have to include all variables? Because in that section I only want to it to output $CourseId and $CourseName? Plus it will come with notice that $moduleName and $moduleId is undefined if I include those variables in that particular ouptut as well as the $sessionData notice.
  4. It is the same line. It came with two notices with the same notice on the same line. I did what you told me to do and it got rid of one notice but not the other. Below is the latest output on the browser: Notice: Undefined variable: sessionData in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 69 Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Module: CHI2513 - Systems Strategy Module Mark: 31 Mark Percentage: 62 Grade: B Session: AAD Session Mark: 61 Session Weight Contribution 50% Below is the current code: (It is same as code in first post except I added $courseId and $courseName in the "output .=" near the bottom) function outputModule($courseId, $courseName, $moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionData) { if(!count($sessionData)) { return false; } $markTotal = 0; $markGrade = 0; $weightSession = 0; $grade = ""; $sessionsHTML = ""; foreach($sessionData as $session) { $sessionsHTML .= "<p><strong>Session:</strong> {$session['SessionId']} <strong>Session Mark:</strong> {$session['Mark']}</strong> <strong>Session Weight Contribution</strong> {$session['SessionWeight']}%</p>\n"; $markTotal += round($session['Mark'] / 100 * $session['SessionWeight']); $weightSession += ($session['SessionWeight']); $markGrade = round($markTotal / $weightSession * 100); if ($markGrade >= 70) { $grade = "A"; } else if ($markGrade >= 60 && $markGrade <= 69) { $grade = "B"; } else if ($markGrade >= 50 && $markGrade <= 59) { $grade = "C"; } else if ($markGrade >= 40 && $markGrade <= 49) { $grade = "D"; } else if ($markGrade >= 30 && $markGrade <= 39) { $grade = "E"; } else if ($markGrade >= 0 && $markGrade <= 29) { $grade = "F"; } } $courseHTML = "<p><br><strong>Course:</strong> {$courseId} - {$courseName}</p><br>\n"; $moduleHTML = "<p><strong>Module:</strong> {$moduleId} - {$moduleName} <strong>Module Mark:</strong> {$markTotal} <strong>Mark Percentage:</strong> {$markGrade} <strong>Grade:</strong> {$grade} </p>\n"; return $courseHTML . $moduleHTML . $sessionsHTML; } $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseName = $row['CourseName']; $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= outputModule($courseId, $courseName); } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($courseId, $courseName, $moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($courseId, $courseName, $moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output;
  5. I understand that, can't belive I missed that. For the whole output it needs all veraibles from the function. But the problem strangly enough is that it gets rid of one notice, I still get one notice which is the same notice. What do I need to look at to get rid of the last notice problem.
  6. Below is my code: function outputModule($courseId, $courseName, $moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionData) { if(!count($sessionData)) { return false; } $markTotal = 0; $markGrade = 0; $weightSession = 0; $grade = ""; $sessionsHTML = ""; foreach($sessionData as $session) { $sessionsHTML .= "<p><strong>Session:</strong> {$session['SessionId']} <strong>Session Mark:</strong> {$session['Mark']}</strong> <strong>Session Weight Contribution</strong> {$session['SessionWeight']}%</p>\n"; $markTotal += round($session['Mark'] / 100 * $session['SessionWeight']); $weightSession += ($session['SessionWeight']); $markGrade = round($markTotal / $weightSession * 100); if ($markGrade >= 70) { $grade = "A"; } else if ($markGrade >= 60 && $markGrade <= 69) { $grade = "B"; } else if ($markGrade >= 50 && $markGrade <= 59) { $grade = "C"; } else if ($markGrade >= 40 && $markGrade <= 49) { $grade = "D"; } else if ($markGrade >= 30 && $markGrade <= 39) { $grade = "E"; } else if ($markGrade >= 0 && $markGrade <= 29) { $grade = "F"; } } $courseHTML = "<p><br><strong>Course:</strong> {$courseId} - {$courseName}</p><br>\n"; $moduleHTML = "<p><strong>Module:</strong> {$moduleId} - {$moduleName} <strong>Module Mark:</strong> {$markTotal} <strong>Mark Percentage:</strong> {$markGrade} <strong>Grade:</strong> {$grade} </p>\n"; return $courseHTML . $moduleHTML . $sessionsHTML; } $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseName = $row['CourseName']; $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= outputModule($courseId, $courseName); } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($courseId, $courseName, $moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; Below is the output: Notice: Undefined variable: sessionData in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 69 Notice: Undefined variable: sessionData in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 69 Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% There is suppose to be another module with its own sessions below this but it does not show it. Also it is giving me notices that $SessionData is undefined. Why can it not find the variable $SessionData? Below is what it should of outputted: Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Course Mark Grade Year: 3 Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% Module: CHI2513 - Systems Strategy Module Mark: 31 Mark Percentage: 62 Grade: B Session: AAD Session Mark: 61 Session Weight Contribution 50%
  7. Sorry this is a slight dulicate of a previous question I asked yesterday because I think I messed up when trying to ask this question and I think I made iu unclear for everbody Below is my output on the browser: Student: Kevin Smith (u0867587) Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Course Mark 72 Grade Year: 3 Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% Module: CHI2513 - Systems Strategy Module Mark: 31 Mark Percentage: 62 Grade: B Session: AAD Session Mark: 61 Session Weight Contribution 50% 65 Now where it says course mark above it says 72. This is incorrect as it should be 65 (The average between the module marks percentage should be 65 in the example above) but for some stange reason I can get the answer 65 (as it is displayed below the example). I have a variable called $courseMark and that does the calculation. Now if the $courseMark is echo outside the where loop, then it will equal 65 but if it is put in while loop where I want the variable to be displayed, then it adds up to 72. Why does it do this and how can I get the answer 65 in the while loop. Below is the relevant code (I havn't include all code as this could confuse you so I included code that is relevant for this question): $sessionMark = 0; $sessionWeight = 0; $courseMark = 0; $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sessionMark += ($row['Mark'] / 100 * $row['SessionWeight']); $sessionWeight += ($row['SessionWeight']); $courseMark = round($sessionMark / $sessionWeight * 100); if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= "<br><strong>Course:</strong> {$row['CourseId']} - {$row['CourseName']} <strong>Course Mark</strong> $courseMark <strong>Grade</strong> <br><strong>Year:</strong> {$row['Year']}</p>\n"; } //Display the output echo $output; echo $courseMark;
  8. Below is my output on the browser: Student: Kevin Smith (u0867587) Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Course Mark 70 Grade Year: 3 Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% Module: CHI2513 - Systems Strategy Module Mark: 31 Mark Percentage: 62 Grade: B Session: AAD Session Mark: 61 Session Weight Contribution 50% Now where it says course mark above it says 70. This is incorrect as it should be 65 (The average between the module marks percentage should be 65 in the example above) but for some stange reason I can get the answer 65. I have a variable called $courseMark and that does the calculation. Now if the $courseMark is echo outside the where loop, then it will equal 65 but if it is put in while loop where I want the variable to be displayed, then it adds up to 70. Why does it do this. Below is the code: $sessionMark = 0; $sessionWeight = 0; $courseMark = 0; $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sessionMark += round($row['Mark'] / 100 * $row['SessionWeight']); $sessionWeight += ($row['SessionWeight']); $courseMark = ($sessionMark / $sessionWeight * 100); if($studentId != $row['StudentUsername']) { //Student has changed $studentId = $row['StudentUsername']; $output .= "<p><strong>Student:</strong> {$row['StudentForename']} {$row['StudentSurname']} ({$row['StudentUsername']})\n"; } if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= "<br><strong>Course:</strong> {$row['CourseId']} - {$row['CourseName']} <strong>Course Mark</strong>" round($courseMark) "<strong>Grade</strong> <br><strong>Year:</strong> {$row['Year']}</p>\n"; } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; I think the problem is that it is outputting the answer of the calculation only for the first session mark. How in the while loop can I do it so it doesn't display it for the first mark only but for all the session marks so that it ends up showing the correct answer 65 and not 72?
  9. I am sorry for this but I am a database specialist, I have to do php because there is no one else. I have only done php once and that was two years ago following a bacic workbook. But I do appreciate the help you have given me. To be very honest this is the very last thing I need to do and then this document is done and the document is finished. What I wanted to do is add all of the module marks ($markGrade) and then divide it by the number of modules ($totalLoops) so that I get the Student's course mark. Because I need to use the calculation in foreach loop, I have to move the course details from the while loop and put it in the for each loop so I tried to do it as the same as how you did the module details where you managed to get all sessions per module. I wanted to get all modules per course. It works in the while loop when you gave me the code but because I need to move the course details into the foreach loop, I tried to do this below but it ends up coming up with notice saying undefined variable $SessionData (I know its a brace in wrong place) but even if I sort this out it will not display anything. Below is what I tried but it didn't work: <?php if($num ==0){ echo "<p>Sorry, No Records were found from this Search</p>";} else{ function outputModule($courseID, $courseName, $moduleID, $moduleName, $sessionData) { if(!count($sessionData)) { return false; } $markTotal = 0; $markGrade = 0; $markGradeSum = 0; $totalLoops = 0; $weightSession = 0; $courseTotal = 0; $grade = ""; $sessionsHTML = ""; $courseHTML = ""; foreach($sessionData as $session) { $courseHTML = "<p><br><strong>Course:</strong> {$courseID} - {$courseName} Mark: {$courseTotal}</p>/n"; $sessionsHTML .= "<p><strong>Session:</strong> {$session['SessionId']} <strong>Session Mark:</strong> {$session['Mark']}</strong> <strong>Session Weight Contribution</strong> {$session['SessionWeight']}%</p>\n"; $markTotal += round($session['Mark'] / 100 * $session['SessionWeight']); $weightSession += ($session['SessionWeight']); $markGrade = round($markTotal / $weightSession * 100); $totalLoops++; $markGradeSum += $markGrade; $courseTotal = ($markGradeSum / $totalLoops); if ($markGrade >= 70){ $grade = "A";} else if ($markGrade >= 60 && $markGrade <= 69){ $grade = "B";} else if ($markGrade >= 50 && $markGrade <= 59){ $grade = "C";} else if ($markGrade >= 40 && $markGrade <= 49){ $grade = "D";} else if ($markGrade >= 30 && $markGrade <= 39){ $grade = "E";} else if ($markGrade >= 0 && $markGrade <= 29){ $grade = "F";} } $moduleHTML = "<p><br><strong>Module:</strong> {$moduleID} - {$moduleName} <strong>Module Mark:</strong> {$markTotal} <strong>Mark Percentage:</strong> {$markGrade} <strong>Grade:</strong> {$grade} </p>\n"; return $sessionHTML . $moduleHTML . $sessionsHTML; } $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($studentId != $row['StudentUsername']) { //Student has changed $studentId = $row['StudentUsername']; $output .= "<p><strong>Student:</strong> {$row['StudentForename']} {$row['StudentSurname']} ({$row['StudentUsername']})\n"; } if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { if(isset($modulessAry)) { $output .= outputModule($courseId, $courseName, $modulesAry); } $modulesAry = array(); $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $courseName = $row['CourseName']; } $modulesAry[] = array('CourseId'=>$row['CourseId'], 'CourseName'=>$row['CourseName']); if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; } } ?> Below is what I want for the result output: Student Username: 'u0867587' Student: Mayur Patel (u0867587) Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Course Mark 65 Year: 3 Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% Module: CHI2513 - Systems Strategy Module Mark: 31 Mark Percentage: 62 Grade: B Session: AAD Session Mark: 61 Session Weight Contribution 50% Thank you and sorry for all the answers I have asked from you and others.
  10. Hi, Look at this code below: <?php function outputModule($moduleID, $moduleName, $sessionData) { if(!count($sessionData)) { return false; } $markTotal = 0; $markGrade = 0; $weightSession = 0; $grade = ""; $sessionsHTML = ""; foreach($sessionData as $session) { $sessionsHTML .= "<p><strong>Session:</strong> {$session['SessionId']} <strong>Session Mark:</strong> {$session['Mark']}</strong> <strong>Session Weight Contribution</strong> {$session['SessionWeight']}%</p>\n"; $markTotal += round($session['Mark'] / 100 * $session['SessionWeight']); $weightSession += ($session['SessionWeight']); $markGrade = round($markTotal / $weightSession * 100); if ($markGrade >= 70) { $grade = "A"; } else if ($markGrade >= 60 && $markGrade <= 69) { $grade = "B"; } else if ($markGrade >= 50 && $markGrade <= 59) { $grade = "C"; } else if ($markGrade >= 40 && $markGrade <= 49) { $grade = "D"; } else if ($markGrade >= 30 && $markGrade <= 39) { $grade = "E"; } else if ($markGrade >= 0 && $markGrade <= 29) { $grade = "F"; } $moduleHTML = "<p><br><strong>Module:</strong> {$moduleID} - {$moduleName} <strong>Module Mark:</strong> {$markTotal} <strong>Mark Percentage:</strong> {$markGrade} <strong>Grade:</strong> {$grade} </p>\n"; return $moduleHTML . $sessionsHTML; } $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($studentId != $row['StudentUsername']) { //Student has changed $studentId = $row['StudentUsername']; $output .= "<p><strong>Student:</strong> {$row['StudentForename']} {$row['StudentSurname']} ({$row['StudentUsername']})\n"; } if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= "<br><strong>Course:</strong> {$row['CourseId']} - {$row['CourseName']} <strong>Course Mark</strong> <strong>Grade</strong> <br><strong>Year:</strong> {$row['Year']} </p>\n"; } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; } } } ?> This code allallows me to make calculations and display a student's course and linked with it the course the modules in the course and linked with modules are all the sessions. It is able to display what marks each student have got for each module and session. Now look at code below, it is able to display modules and in those modules the sessions that link to those modules: <?php if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } What I want to know is how can I do something similar for course so that it picks out the right modules depending on the course it displays. There maybe some code that needs to be added in the function.
  11. Hi, I am not very good with php but this code was kindly given to me by mdjamato, except I added a variable $markGradeSum to add all the $markGrade. Problem is that I will get notice saying undefined variable $markGradeSum because the $markGradeSum is in the foreach loop which it needs to be in for the right calculation but where I want to output the variable is in the while loop in this line: $output .= "<br><strong>Course:</strong> {$row['CourseId']} - {$row['CourseName']} <strong>Course Mark</strong> <strong>Grade</strong> <br><strong>Year:</strong> {$row['Year'] $markGradeSum}</p>\n"; Below is whole code: <?php if($num ==0){ echo "<p>Sorry, No Records were found from this Search</p>";} else{ function outputModule($moduleID, $moduleName, $sessionData) { if(!count($sessionData)) { return false; } $markTotal = 0; $markGrade = 0; $weightSession = 0; $markGradeSum = 0; $grade = ""; $sessionsHTML = ""; $courseHTML = ""; foreach($sessionData as $session) { $sessionsHTML .= "<p><strong>Session:</strong> {$session['SessionId']} <strong>Session Mark:</strong> {$session['Mark']}</strong> <strong>Session Weight Contribution</strong> {$session['SessionWeight']}%</p>\n"; $markTotal += round($session['Mark'] / 100 * $session['SessionWeight']); $weightSession += ($session['SessionWeight']); $markGrade = round($markTotal / $weightSession * 100); $markGradeSum = round($markGrade); if ($markGrade >= 70){ $grade = "A";} else if ($markGrade >= 60 && $markGrade <= 69){ $grade = "B";} else if ($markGrade >= 50 && $markGrade <= 59){ $grade = "C";} else if ($markGrade >= 40 && $markGrade <= 49){ $grade = "D";} else if ($markGrade >= 30 && $markGrade <= 39){ $grade = "E";} else if ($markGrade >= 0 && $markGrade <= 29){ $grade = "F";} } $moduleHTML = "<p><br><strong>Module:</strong> {$moduleID} - {$moduleName} <strong>Module Mark:</strong> {$markTotal} <strong>Mark Percentage:</strong> {$markGrade} <strong>Grade:</strong> {$grade} </p>\n"; return $moduleHTML . $sessionsHTML; } $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($studentId != $row['StudentUsername']) { //Student has changed $studentId = $row['StudentUsername']; $output .= "<p><strong>Student:</strong> {$row['StudentForename']} {$row['StudentSurname']} ({$row['StudentUsername']})\n"; } if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= "<br><strong>Course:</strong> {$row['CourseId']} - {$row['CourseName']} <strong>Course Mark</strong> <strong>Grade</strong> <br><strong>Year:</strong> {$row['Year'] $markGradeSum}</p>\n"; } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; } } ?> How can I retrieve the variable so it doesn't come up with the notice but be able to display $markGradeSum to the places I want them in (one in foreach loop for calculation and other in while loop for output). Thank You
  12. This code was given to me by mjdamato to help display a student and the course that student has take and within that the modules in the course and the sessions in course including module mark and grade and student's session marks and grades. I am very weak on php code as I have only done it once and that was following a php workbook 2 years ago. I am more of a database specialist. Below is the code given to me and you can also download the code from the attachment: <?php function outputModule($moduleID, $moduleName, $sessionData) { if(!count($sessionData)) { return false; } $markTotal = 0; $markGrade = 0; $weightSession = 0; $grade = ""; $sessionsHTML = ""; foreach($sessionData as $session) { $sessionsHTML .= "<p><strong>Session:</strong> {$session['SessionId']} <br><strong>Session Mark:</strong> {$session['Mark']}</strong> <br><strong>Session Weight Contribution</strong> {$session['SessionWeight']}%</p>\n"; $markTotal += round($session['Mark'] / 100 * $session['SessionWeight']); $weightSession += ($session['SessionWeight']); $markGrade = round($markTotal / $weightSession * 100); if ($markGrade >= 70){ $grade = "A";} else if ($markGrade >= 60 && $markGrade <= 69){ $grade = "B";} else if ($markGrade >= 50 && $markGrade <= 59){ $grade = "C";} else if ($markGrade >= 40 && $markGrade <= 49){ $grade = "D";} else if ($markGrade >= 30 && $markGrade <= 39){ $grade = "E";} else if ($markGrade >= 0 && $markGrade <= 29){ $grade = "F";} } $moduleHTML = "<p><br><strong>Module:</strong> {$moduleID} - {$moduleName} <br><strong>Module Mark:</strong> {$markTotal} <br><strong>Mark Percentage:</strong> {$markGrade} <br><strong>Grade:</strong> {$grade} </p>\n"; return $moduleHTML . $sessionsHTML; } $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($studentId != $row['StudentUsername']) { //Student has changed $studentId = $row['StudentUsername']; $output .= "<p><strong>Student:</strong> {$row['StudentForename']} {$row['StudentSurname']} ({$row['StudentUsername']})\n"; } if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= "<br><strong>Course:</strong> {$row['CourseId']} - {$row['CourseName']} <strong>Course Mark</strong> <strong>Grade</strong> <br><strong>Year:</strong> {$row['Year']}</p>\n"; } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; } } ?> Below the what this code outputs: Student: Mayur Patel (u0867587) Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Course Mark Year: 3 Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% Module: CHI2513 - Systems Strategy Module Mark: 31 Mark Percentage: 62 Grade: B Session: AAD Session Mark: 61 Session Weight Contribution 50% If you look above it shows that there is nothing in the Course Mark: section, what Course Mark is suppose to do is total up all the module mark percentages and then divide it by the number of modules. So the calculation will be adding up all the $markGrade and dividing it by count $ModuleID . In examle above it will be 68 (mark percentage for 1st module) + 62 (mark percentage for 2nd module) / 2 (number of modules in the course). So the Course Mark should equal 65. The problem is that all of the calculations are in the foreach loop but where the course details and where the course marks are going to be placed are in the while loop. So the problem is that if the total Course Mark (lets say we call in $totalCourse) is displayed in the while loop it will provide an undifined index as the calculation will be placed with the other calculations in the foreach loop which is outside the while loop, if I do the calculation with in the while loop, it will only choose the 1st module mark percentage and divdie it by the first module only, this is obviously incorrect as it sohuld try and do this for all modules hence why my calculations are in the foreach loop which does this. So how will change the code so that the course details can go from the while loop and be placed in the foreach loop so then I can include the calculation in the foreach loop. Thank You and hopefully you understand it, just read it very carefully to understand it, it is very simple what I want to achieve but I do not know how to do it. [attachment deleted by admin]
  13. Hi, I figured it out cheers
  14. Hi, My results were fine when displaying them on the browser but then want to output student's grades depending on what mark they have got. I have put an if statement for this: if ($markGrade >= 70){ $grade = "A";} But when I put the above if statement in the code then the browser outputs this: Your Search: Student Username: 'u0867587' Notice: Undefined variable: sessionData in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 79 Notice: Undefined variable: moduleID in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 91 Notice: Undefined variable: moduleName in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 91 Notice: Undefined variable: markTotal in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 91 Notice: Undefined variable: markGrade in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 91 Notice: Undefined variable: grade in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 91 Notice: Undefined variable: sessionsHTML in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 93 Why is it not recognisiong any variables? The code is below and in the attached file. <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $query = " SELECT st.CourseId, c.CourseName, st.Year, st.StudentUsername, st.StudentForename, st.StudentSurname, s.ModuleId, m.ModuleName, m.Credits, s.SessionId, s.SessionWeight, gr.Mark, gr.Grade FROM Course c INNER JOIN Student st ON c.CourseId = st.CourseId JOIN Grade_Report gr ON st.StudentId = gr.StudentId JOIN Session s ON gr.SessionId = s.SessionId JOIN Module m ON s.ModuleId = m.ModuleId WHERE (st.StudentUsername = '".mysql_real_escape_string($studentid)."') ORDER BY c.CourseName, st.StudentUsername, m.ModuleName, s.SessionId "; $num = mysql_num_rows($result = mysql_query($query)); mysql_close(); ?> <p> Your Search: </p> <p> <strong>Student Username:</strong> <?php echo "'$studentid'"; ?><br/> </p> <?php if($num ==0){ echo "<p>Sorry, No Records were found from this Search</p>";} else{ function outputModule($moduleID, $moduleName, $sessionData) { if(!count($sessionData)) { return false; } $markTotal = 0; $markGrade = 0; $weightSession = 0; $grade = ""; $sessionsHTML = ''; }; foreach($sessionData as $session) { $sessionsHTML .= "<p><strong>Session:</strong> {$session['SessionId']} {$session['Mark']} {$session['SessionWeight']}%</p>\n"; $markTotal += ($session['Mark'] / 100 * $session['SessionWeight']); $weightSession += ($session['SessionWeight']); $markGrade = ($markTotal / $weightSession * 100); if ($markGrade >= 70){ $grade = "A";} } $moduleHTML = "<p><br><strong>Module:</strong> {$moduleID} - {$moduleName} {$markTotal} {$markGrade} {$grade}</p>\n"; return $moduleHTML . $sessionsHTML; } $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($studentId != $row['StudentUsername']) { //Student has changed $studentId = $row['StudentUsername']; $output .= "<p><strong>Student:</strong> {$row['StudentForename']} {$row['StudentSurname']} ({$row['StudentUsername']})\n"; } if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= "<br><strong>Course:</strong> {$row['CourseId']} - {$row['CourseName']} <br><strong>Year:</strong> {$row['Year']}</p>\n"; } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; } ?> [attachment deleted by admin]
  15. I get parse error unexpected '{' on line 153 (this is last bracket of the code) but all the { brackets are closed. Whats wrong with this code: function outputModule($moduleID, $moduleName, $sessionData) { if(!count($sessionData)) { return false; } $markTotal = 0; $markGrade = 0; $weightSession = 0; $grade = ""; $sessionsHTML = ''; }; if ($markGrade >70) $grade = 'A'; elseif ($markGrade >=60 && $average <=69) $grade = 'B'; elseif ($markGrade >=50 && $average <=59) $grade = 'C'; foreach($sessionData as $session) { $sessionsHTML .= "<p><strong>Session:</strong> {$session['SessionId']} {$session['Mark']} {$session['SessionWeight']}%</p>\n"; $markTotal += ($session['Mark'] / 100 * $session['SessionWeight']); $weightSession += ($session['SessionWeight']); $markGrade = ($markTotal / $weightSession * 100); } $moduleHTML = "<p><br><strong>Module:</strong> {$moduleID} - {$moduleName} {$markTotal} {$markGrade} {$grade}</p>\n"; return $moduleHTML . $sessionsHTML; } $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($studentId != $row['StudentUsername']) { //Student has changed $studentId = $row['StudentUsername']; $output .= "<p><strong>Student:</strong> {$row['StudentForename']} {$row['StudentSurname']} ({$row['StudentUsername']})\n"; } if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= "<br><strong>Course:</strong> {$row['CourseId']} - {$row['CourseName']} <br><strong>Year:</strong> {$row['Year']}</p>\n"; } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; } }
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