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Everything posted by phppup

  1. I am double checking my code and I have had the correct syntax in place (ie: $startingFolder = $_FILES['upload']; ) yet I am not getting a result unless a switch back to $startingFolder = 'myLocalstorage/'; (at which point everything runs fine. Is there a diagnostic or echo that I can use to confirm a connection to the uploading items. My upload is confirming that the items are selected, but I am not receiving a success message nor am I seeing a result in my destination folder when I upload.
  2. In actuality the quotes are in the correct location. It's the damn software that I am trying to use to create the post that keeps shifting things. $startingFolder = $_FILE['upload']; ['justsinglequotesethere'] But I still am not getting any results. PS: should echo $startingFolder give me the name of the tmp folder or list its contents? What do I need to complete the connection? I HATE AUTOCORRECT. yez, I h@te it soooo much.
  3. Thanks to all, but I am still confused. I have read both Barand's references earlier, and in fact have quotes on my array index. Am I correct in expecting $startingFolder = '$_FILE['upload']; to work as a valid replacement to $startingFolder = 'LocalFolder/' or am I missing something. Isn't the code that effectively loops through the folder's files adequate to loop through the array? Should I be linking to the tmp folder instead?
  4. I have a PHP script that modifies images that are stored in a local folder related to $startingFolder. Essentially, I can use $startingFolder = 'anyFolder/'; $finalFolder = 'endResult/'; To manage the variables and direct the source and destination of the scripts actions from this starting point. I'm trying to extend my capabilities so that I can use the script while uploading images. Rather than UPLOAD several images to $startingFolder and then run the script, I thought it would be more efficient to handle this in one script. However, I am having trouble making the CONNECTION so that this can be accomplished. What is the proper way to 'grab' the files during upload? How can I access the files during the process? I have a working HTML <input type='file' name='upload[]' multiple > And have tried $startingFolder = '$_FILE[upload]'; but I am missing the mark somewhere. Please help.
  5. After a lot of reading and some progress, there are now a whole new set of questions that have emerged. So this thread requires more discussion and opinion for guidance, rather than actual code solutions. I have found different approaches to uploading image files. Some upload directly to a destination folder. Some upload to a database. Some do both. It seems more practical to upload image files to a folder (although I do recognize the bonus of having information about the individual files stored for reference), but is there a benefit to using one instead of the other? For space? Speed? Other implementations?
  6. That's exactly what I was trying to avoid. LoL. Thanks.
  7. So a decent script would include a php file that connects to the server, and validates the file type or 'scrubs it' for security purposes?
  8. Are you saying that even if the JavaScript is on the server, it will not be able to put the image files on the same server?
  9. An obvious answer would be ok. Sometimes the most difficult solutions are in plain sight. I am not doing the images in a database, so I am looking at JS scripting. I want sure if the destination folder is required to be at the top of a script, or file some specific guidelines. I'm sure I'll eventually find the answer, but I was hoping for a clue that might help me save some time.
  10. It always seems so simple.... LOL Hello to my old friends, I have been toying with adding an UPLOAD SCRIPT for moving images from a desktop to a website in order to eliminate the need to log into the server to post images. I've seen a few online scripts of various degrees and some with demos), yet the one blaring question remains: Where is the line that dictates where the files end up? So many of the scripts explain how wonderfully they look and operate, but they do not indicate where to edit in order to control the endpoint. Any insight, as well as guidance to avoid pitfalls with regard to this venture will be appreciated. Happy Halloween, as if coding isn't scary enough (at times). *wink*
  11. The code below is showing "undefined" and "OBJECT" errors What am I doing wrong to build this multi-dimensional array? And why can't I paste it to this page???????????????????????
  12. I initially set up a few VAR items to learn some JS coding. Then it became apparent that altering the group and entering them into an array would be more effective. However, my limited knowledge is confusing the situation. Is there a simple comparison (with proper code and formatting) that someone can provide? Example: student in the school info desired: name, age, hair color, eye color As separate VAR listings I cannot sort by age, so I create an array, but how can I name them student 1, 2, 3 etc. (or do I not want to??).
  13. Thanks for you patience. I was playing around last night and EUREKA! I think I've got it. It's been a while since I worked on my PHP but I certainly managed to get something flowing through my browser. Now the next step, setting up MySQL. I generally view stored data through a "dashboard" that offers options and an Excel-styled view. Does this option exist in WAMP? I have a suspicion that it will only be generated if I create code for it. Is there a way to view the stored data without creating code for a table? Thanks for the help.
  14. There's NO icon on the taskbar, but there is one with the "USB removal" button etc. Tried opening the index page from the WWW folder, but it didn't display properly. It simply showed all the PHP coding, but did NOT translate it into functional end-product. My assumption is that something is missing, but not sure what or where.
  15. Do I need to have an internet connection at that point?
  16. Not everything is included. I found a thread on WAMP that guided me to 4 updates to resolve an MSVCR110.DLL error. Meanwhile, I think I finally got it loaded, but nothing occurs when I hit the WAMP desktop icon (except a message asking if I want to allow the program to make changes to my computer). What should my next steps be to validate the install and utilize the download?
  17. Trying to get WAMP working. Apparently there are some Microsoft updates required. What is the difference between WAMP and XAMPP? Am I right in saying that XAMPP is more advanced? Has more user options? Thanks for the help.
  18. Let me re-phrase: I want to be able to test code and forms on my laptop WITHOUT using an internet connection. No cable. No WiFi. No connectivity. Just me, the laptop, and the code. Is there a simple process so that I can I install PHP and MySQL for this purpose?
  19. I got a new laptop running Windows 7 and wanted to develop some PHP coding for test purposes. I want the data I test to go into MySQL. What do I need to do and where can I get the appropriate downloads to get started with the most basic of set-ups?
  20. Looks like I'd better get some sleep before jumping into this one. But thanks for the help.
  21. Let me start bty saying that I'm not looking for anybody to write the code for me, but I am considering a function and am not sure of the best approach (or whether something exists in either PHP or MySQL that will handle this directly). Note: I have not developed the database for this project yet, so perhaps there are clues or shortcuts at that level. What I am intending is to track orders. The items on these orders (let's say pants, shirts, socks and hats) will be input to a central database under a customer name with associated customer information. The datbase will be used to provide item quantities so that inventory issues can be addressed. Here's the twist. Each item may be handled by a different department. In fact, if someone wants 4 hats it will require 4 'tickets' (one for each) to be processed. What I want to do is include a statement on each ECHOed ticket that would state "This is item number x of y pieces for this order." The ordering of the count can be arbitrary, as long as I can provide an accounting of items beginning with the number 1 for each customer. So, do I use the COUNT function, a formula with an n+1, or should I be thinking in terms of longwritten IF statements (probably the wrong approach/more difficult path -- which explain the reason for this post). Your guidance is greatly appreciated.
  22. phppup

    the ASTERISK

    Not trying to be rude. Just wanted to thank those whose help was informative, and indicate how another response, while well intentioned, really did nothing in the way of guiding me to the solution I was seeking. Jes has aided me in the past, and I appreciate that. But sometimes the answers without explanations are more confusing to US with the questions. Just as questions without info can be frustrating to the more advanced. There is a talent to conveying the lesson, and not everyone who has the answer can adequately teach it. I salute those that can, and do. And express this so that we can rise to a higher level in the forum. No ill intended.
  23. phppup

    the ASTERISK

    When Jesirose said: "Yes, and you've already been told that in this thread, with an explanation of how" a kitten MUSt have died, as it was as effective as posting "it doesn't work." Thanks for the explanation Scootstah. The BOLD typeface was a real eye-opener too! LOL Hope you've been well. Thanks again!
  24. phppup

    the ASTERISK

    See, I always learn something here... even if it's not what I intended. So I get it about the design, BUT what I REALLY meant to say was: Is there a REAL difference between using: select * from mytable .. blah blah blah versus select COLUMN_NAME from mytable .. blah blah blah if I am then going to use something along the lines of: ECHO COLUMN_NAME and essentially get a print out of the data for the single item. I know the result wil be the same, but is there a REAL reason to concern myself or use one method rather than the other?
  25. phppup

    the ASTERISK

    Let's clarify: I have a table with columns that cover items of men's clothing. There's a column for each item, everything from shoes, socks, to hats and turbines. Each item will receive a value from zero to 99,999 when inventoried. So NOW, if I want to quiery the total of t-shirts, and then the total of boxer shorts, etc. will I NOT get the same result whether I use: select * from MYTABLE.... order by pants versus select pants from MYTABLE... order by pants. In either instance I believe I am ultimately filtering the results to a specific item. So am I better off using the asterisk and then filtering down the result, or by simply using the specific column from the start. I assume the latter is best, but wasn't certain if it REALLY makes a difference.
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