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  1. Ya but I do not want to download another plug-in I would rather just use firebug in FF or google chrome , I just want to be able to recall the simple script when ever I need it.
  2. anyone able to confirm or help on this ?
  3. You can solicit help by posting an ad on the Freelance board. TY Gizmo I will try that out.
  4. Ok I am in a tight spot now the person helping me build this skill builder says they can not do this , that it is out of their league , so can anyone here do it ?
  5. When using the google chrome console/firebug is there a way to save a script so I do not have to keep copying and pasting it every time I need to use it. I use this script gp.GameStarter.execGameStart(8,1,1) to multi client my game on this site http://archlord.webzen.com/Default.aspx and get past gameguard that stops me from using multiple clients. (but sometimes it says the client is already running. I want to be able to save it somewhere so all I have to do is just recall it , instead of opening a note pad copying it then pasting it. (looking for something as quick as copy paste but less annoying.) I have tried using google to search for this and only came up with 1 solution that I have yet to try running developer tools on a file:// URL, you can do something like: s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = 'file://path/to/script.js'; document.body.appendChild(s) As a workaround you could also paste in your oft-repeated code snippet into the developer tools also Maybe there is a way to save a profile of all my different accounts and when I go to the page I can pull up the different profiles and automatically sign in and start the next client.
  6. @ john I know what bumping and dbl posting is I am a mod in several forums , and are usually frowned upon in ours. I was just trying to make a case for my instance as my thread was moved and now the title does not really fit the subject. @ PFM (almost wrote PMS I understand where your comming from in that instance and I guess I will just leave this alone now. Now on the other hand where do I go about asking for an edit ? Cause my instance and reason for my post has changed , or should I just make a new thread in the application section. Thnx for the friendly debate and answers.
  7. Edit: also I do not see how it can cause confusion when there is a simple show posts button in a users profile , and the show new replies to your posts at top of page. Making the show your posts option more accessible under the persons name where is says (show unread posts since last visit) (show new replies to your posts) would probably be a lot easier.
  8. Editing posts can be very useful. EG for example when I first posted I just said need help building data base in MYSQL thread which later it was moved to application help. Now I would have loved to have added in (for a mmo skill builder) so people could see right away. Also being able to edit posts stops people from bumping their threads if they have waited to long and there has been no answer in their thread yet. I have run into this a few times. I think Frank P pretty much nailed it in other regards.
  9. I save my spreadsheets in the default format from open office .ods , I don't have excel is this going to be a problem ? I think open office allows you to save in xml format or somehting. @ your second link. Is there no where to get this info for free , as I do not exactly want to spend money for something I am doing for free for a community. This map thing is seeming to be a little to difficult for me the only thing I know is basic html and a few java scripts, which is why I usually get others to help me do things.
  10. I have another few questions. I hope this can be understood correctly. Ok I play a MMO and I am trying to make an information webpage , I have decoded the ini files from the game and put them into a spread sheet in open office. what I want to know is how do I pull certain info from the spread sheet to show on my website. EG in this spreadsheet http://www.mediafire.com/?y75ue9ei4c6mb0t is a list of items in the game , I want to make a query to pull the weapons , armor etc into their own categories on my web page. EG Knights have weapons in several classes an axe a blunt a sword a 2 hand sword and a 2 hand halberd so I would like to pull those into there respected sections in order of lvl. so the menu on the website would look kinda like this. +Weapons +Normal +Rare +Unique -elite +Knight +sword -bastard sword lvl 8 -cruel sword lvl 15 -helsonic lvl 24 +axe +blunt +2 hand sword +2 hand halbred +sorcerer -staff -wand +mage +staff +wand this is how the person at http://archlord.drwx.eu/skills.php did theirs but not organized to this extent , but I know they pulled the info straight from the decoded ini files so if there are any updates to the game all they have to do is decode the new ini copy to a spread sheet and the website is updated automatically. also I am wondering I made this map http://www3.picturepush.com/photo/a/6990271/img/6990271.jpg I want to use google maps like this site did http://www.aldb.info/map.html but I also want to be able to have small tables on a mouse over/mouse click showing where the portals take you and how much gold they cost , as well as when you mouse over the towns and caves the mouse over/mouse click will show the maps of the towns and caves and I want a mouse click option in a legend on the map that will show all the mobs lvls in every area like this map http://h3.abload.de/img/al_moblevel_mapiccy.jpg I want all this on one map preferably though. But I have no idea how the google maps thing works and I think I wont be able to integrate everything I want into the 1 map on google maps I may have to use 2 separate maps. I thought I would have been able to just upload my map into google maps then use the markers like the aldb site to show the mobs ect but it does not look like I can do this. I also want to do this http://www.labnol.org/software/tutorials/extract-data-from-web-pages-into-excel/1979/ but the opposite way, I want to pull info from my spread sheets to show on my web page.
  11. Hey thanks for the reply. some classes like the knight and berserk and the sorcerer and mage and archer and hunter share some skills these are the combat , some buff and some passives. the drwx site now has a skill builder of all classes and races but nothing like the design I was looking for , their builder only allows for lvl 5 skills which is the max at the trainers, Mine I would like to go to lvl 20 because the option of +1 or 2 unique accessories and yellow stats on armor or weapons that give an extra lvl on a certain skill. I am not the one doing the coding or anything I am the one that has the knowledge of the game to make sure things work right. I wish I knew about this stuff so I could help him more. I will try and get him to come in and post maybe that way we could all communicate a bit better. I will send him what you suggested and see what happens.
  12. Hello I am asking something for someone else as the project they are doing is for me and they are fairly new to all this. so here is the post they asked in another forum. (below) Anywho, getting back to this skill builder thing... I'm trying, in vain I now realize, to create a MySQL database for the mountain of data this thing will require. Basically, I'm needing a db like that employed at the following link: http://archlord.drwx.eu/skills.php My thinking was something like this: (MySQL Workbench pic in case anyone was wondering) But I now realize that it's going to be far more complicated than that. Looks like we'll need sub-classes for skills and such too. Anyone with MySQL experience willing to help create a useable database and get a skills table, like that found at the above link, up and running? Also, I'd love to know how they're returning the detailed table data in real time via PHP. FWIW, I know just enough PHP to be dangerous. Me and MySQL don't play nice together right now. I originally thought this would be nothing but arrays and whatnot done completely in PHP. This is looking more and more like it's outside my current scope of knowledge
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