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  1. Hi QuickOldCar thank for your inputs and the examples links .. really helped me with my work ..
  2. Hi QuickOldCar thanks for your insights you reply is pretty useful and a few thing you said are right about the styling the new window etc .. I wanted to know if there is any php gallery third party option where in the gallery is picked up from a particular folder/directory on a server thumbnails are created accordingly (doesnt have to be in any particular layout) only thanks again QuickOldCar
  3. Hi guys , newbie on this forum just have a doubt hoping if someone could help me out with it . Requirement : Gallery (with thumbnails ) from images in a directory in a server . Solution i used :Bol gallery http://bolgallery.free.fr/ Problem : When i click on the thumbnail to view a certain image the image pops up in a new window . I want the image to load in the same page not in any other window seperately This is the part of the code for displaying image // Display the thumbnail image and set a popup link to the big one $alt = str_replace("_", " ", substr($referenceImageName, 0, -4)); $HTML .= "\t\t<TD align=\"center\">\n\t\t\t<A href=\"" . $currentImage . "\" onClick=\"bolGalleryPopup(this.href, " . $referenceImageWidth. ", " . $referenceImageHeight . ", '" . $alt . "'); return(false);\" target=\"_blank\">\n"; // target attribute to be tested $HTML .= "\t\t\t\t<IMG src=\"" . $thumbnail . "\" title=\"" . $alt . "\" border=0>\n"; $HTML .= "\t\t\t</A>\n\t\t</TD>\n"; // HTML table next line evaluation $table_i++; if (($table_i % $tableColumnsNb) == 0) { $HTML .= "\t</TR>\n\t<TR valign=\"top\">\n"; } } $HTML .= "\t</TR>\n\t<TR>\n\t\t<TD colspan=" . $tableColumnsNb . ">\n\t\t\t<FONT size=1>Generated by <A href=\"http://bolgallery.free.fr\" target=\"_blank\">bolGallery</A></FONT>\n\t\t</TD>\n\t</TR>\n"; // Thanks not to delete this line $HTML .= "</TABLE>\n<BR>\n<!--End BolGallery-->\n\n"; return $HTML; } Full code (only one page ) is here http://bolgallery.free.fr/download.php Thanks in advance
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