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Posts posted by johnny_v

  1. Thank you very much Scot for the information.


    The main purpose of the registration is to obtain contact information.  I do not want to introduce user accounts and profiles.


    Some sites have this functionality where you want to download a whitepaper or trial software and you must provide contact information before you are taken(granted access) to the download page/link.


    Do you have any recommendations?


    Thank you very much.

  2. Hello, I am new and am having a hard time with PHP. 


    Scenario:  There are PDF files on my website that I want users to register before downloading the files.  I do not want them to login but rather provide basic information such as name and email address.  Once the form is submitted, I am not sure if I should be using PHPSESSION to validate the user.  Also, I am not sure where to place the files: either in the webroot (/var/www/) or outside.


    I am new to PHP so please forgive me if I use terminology incorrectly.


    Thank you for reading my question.

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