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  1. Hello I am currently running a program of a server with basically points to a router which its ip is statically set to the problem with my program is that is I run the application from a remote location It will always point to the servers not the Ethernet port of the local machine. I have been informed that in order to do this I require a Java Applet. Could any of you please direct me to an example. any ideas welcomed. regards
  2. would you refresh the actual page or is it not better for the system to stay in a loop until the device is plugged in.
  3. Hello All happy new year I am trying to make a php page that detects if something is plugged in to the ethernet port. This would be complex if not impossible. I however managed to do something similar the device that will be plugged in has a static address so I created a ping that says if the device is up or down. function ping($host, $port, $timeout) { $fP = fSockOpen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); $status; if ($fP) { echo "Device is ready to accept data";} else { echo "Device Down - Retrying connection"; } } What I would like to do is have a script that is constantly checking is the device is plugged or when it is not (so sort of a loop or auto detect). The idea is to have an image with the device up or down. Regards and a happy new year JG
  4. I currently have a web page which the user selects the value from the drop menu. I then want that value to go into another form in the same page inside a hidden field. Which will then be submitted to the processing php. The second option is the user selects the drop menu then the processing php would have to grab the value without a submit button because I am using a save button on the same page in the other form. Any help
  5. I am doing that but I cannot login to the router using telnet via php. However I can using Putty. Any Ideas on the script I should write (note that the router only asks for a password no username) Many thanks for the previous quick response
  6. Hello All. First of all I am new to this forum so. Here is my first question. I would like to create a php script that communicates to my home router. which is a DSL DLink Router. So far I have figured out how to reboot the router by loading the reboot.html file by clicking a button I created which automatically logs into the router and reboots. My issue is trying to enter information from my script to the device. I created a html form and added the username and password for the ISP login. What I would like to do is submit this to the router without entering the routers GUI. I copied the form ACTION which is /Form_1 I changed it in my form to yet the information is not submitted nor is there any action taken by the router. Any information on how to enter information into a router using a automatic script or forms. any ideas would be perfect. If examples can be added that would also be perfect. Many thnaks Happy Holidays.
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