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Posts posted by Dimplistic

  1. This is the section of my form:


    <input type="checkbox" name="whatever[]" value="Book1">

    <input type="checkbox" name="whatever[]" value="Book2">

    <input type="checkbox" name="whatever[]" value="Book3">


    And here is my php so far:


    $pricelist_book = 11.99;
    for ($i=0; $i<count($_POST['whatever']);$i++) {
    	echo "<br />" . $_POST['whatever'][$i] . "<br /><br />". "(". "€". $pricelist_book . " " . "each" . ")"  ."<br /><br />";


    That should (I hope) pick up whatever was selected from the checkboxes (some or all) and display the price after it. (same price for each).


    However, what I would like to see  is for it to display the price of 2 books or 3 books if selected.

  2. If this was a real application, you would display the price on the form, but you would not pass the actual price through the form. You would only perform a calculation using price information that is completely server-side.


    I think I will try removing the hidden fields containing the prices and see if I work it into the php page.

  3. that's what I'm thinkning.  hard code your prices into an array with keys that = radio button values and then use them to work out the prices, something a little like:

    $pricelist_coffe = array('Latte'=> '2.15', 'Mocha'=> '2.25'....);
    $cost = 0;
    foreach($pricelist_coffe as $key => $value){
    if ($key == $_POST['coffe']]){
    $cost = $cost+$value;


    Thanks for that.  I tried using it but it didn't work.  I am sure I am doing it wrong.  :(

  4. Basically, I have a series of radio buttons (wanted checkboxes) were people select either Latte, Mocha or Cappuccino.  I have included a hidden field for a price and using that to bring in the prices and add them up.


       <label for"Latte">Latte <br />&#8364; 2.15</label> <br />
                 <input type="radio" name="coffee" id="Latte" value="Latte">
                 <input name="LattePrice" type="hidden" value="2.15">
             <label>Mocha  <br /> &#8364; 2.25</label>  <br />
                 <input type="radio" name="coffee" id="Mocha" value="Mocha">
                    <input name="MochaPrice" type="hidden" value="2.25">
           <label>Cappucino <br />  &#8364;2.35</label> <br />
                 <input type="radio" name="coffee" id="Cappucino" value="Cappucino"> 
                               <input name="CappPrice" type="hidden" value="2.35">    


    The next section they choose the size they want Small, Medium or Large.


    <p>   <label for="latteSmall">Small </label><img src="images/latte.png" alt="Small Latte" width="36" height="36">
    <input type="radio" name="size" id="LatteSmall" value="Small"> 
    <input name="SizePrice" type="hidden" value="0.00">
    <p>   <label for="LatteMedium">Medium <br /> + &#8364; 0.25 </label> <img src="images/latte.png" alt="Medium Latte" width="42" height="42"> 
    <input type="radio" name="size" id="LatteMedium" value="Medium"> <input name="SizePrice" type="hidden" value="0.25">
    <p>   <label for="latteLarge">Large <br /> + &#8364; 0.45 </label> <img src="images/latte.png" alt="Large Latte" width="49" height="49"> 
    <input type="radio" name="size" id="LatteLarge" value="Large"> 
    <input name="SizePrice" type="hidden" value="0.45">


    I chose radio buttons to limit the users choice to one coffee and one size to make life easier (for myself).  Ideally I wanted to use checkboxes but I could not get the php working.


    So basically,  If Latte is selected echo it and the size. 


    echo "Hi ". $name. ", " . "here is your order:" . "<br /> <br />";
    echo "<strong>" . "Coffee:" . "</strong>" . "<br />" . $size . " " . $coffee . "<br /><br />";


    That works fine but the pricing is coming out wrong as I was using:


    if ($coffee == "Latte")
     $TotalCoffeePrice = $LattePrice + $SizePrice;	
     echo "&#8364; " . $TotalCoffeePrice . "<br /> <br />";
    elseif ($coffee == "Mocha") {
     $TotalCoffeePrice = $MochaPrice + $SizePrice;	
     echo "&#8364; " . $TotalCoffeePrice . "<br /> <br />";
    elseif ($coffee == "Cappucino") {
     $TotalCoffeePrice = $CappPrice + $SizePrice;	
     echo "&#8364; " . $TotalCoffeePrice . "<br /> <br />";


    What is happening here is if you select Latte and then Small it was adding Small, Medium and Large prices to the Latte.  So instead of 2.15 I was getting 2.80 or something like that.  Obviously when I recognised this I tried an array but that just went arseways!!



    Also, at the end of the php I was hoping to total up everything that they chose with:


    $TotalPrice = ($TotalCoffeePrice + $SizePrice + $MuffinPrice + $SamboPrice);
    echo "<strong>" . "Total Price:" . "</strong>" . "<br />" . "&#8364; " .$TotalPrice .  "<br /><br />";


    However, this was giving a total of 9.80 even when nothing was selected!

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